Package adams.gui.goe

Class GenericObjectEditorClassTreePopupMenu

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, MenuElement

    public class GenericObjectEditorClassTreePopupMenu
    extends BasePopupMenu
    Creates a popup menu containing a tree that is aware of the screen dimensions.
    Len Trigg (, Xin Xu (, Richard Kirkby (, FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericObjectEditorClassTreePopupMenu

        public GenericObjectEditorClassTreePopupMenu​(ClassTree tree)
        Constructs a new popup menu.
        tree - the tree to put in the menu
    • Method Detail

      • setMinimumChars

        public void setMinimumChars​(int value)
        Sets the minimum number of characters that the user needs to enter before triggering a search event.
        value - the minimum number of characters (>= 1)
      • getMinimumChars

        public int getMinimumChars()
        Returns the minimum number of characters that the user needs to enter before triggering a search event.
        the minimum number of characters (>= 1)
      • setInfoText

        public void setInfoText​(String value)
        Sets the info text to display at the top. Use "_" before the character to use as the mnemonic for jumping into the tree via the keyboard.
        value - the info text, null or empty to remove
      • getInfoText

        public String getInfoText()
        Returns the current info text, if any.
        the text, empty if none displayed
      • show

        public void show​(Component invoker,
                         int x,
                         int y)
        Displays the menu, making sure it will fit on the screen.
        show in class JPopupMenu
        invoker - the component thast invoked the menu
        x - the x location of the popup
        y - the y location of the popup