AbstractAdvancedScriptEditor |
A PropertyEditor for AbstractAdvancedScript-derived objects.
AbstractAdvancedScriptEditorWithTemplates |
Ancestor for script editors that support text templates.
AbstractBaseDateTypeEditor<B extends BaseObject & DateValueSupporter & GrammarSupplier,P extends DateProvider> |
Ancestor property editors that handle base date types.
AbstractBasicTypePropertyEditor |
A superclass for custom editor for basic Java types.
AbstractDatabaseConnectionAwarePropertyEditorSupport |
Ancestor for GOE editors that are DatabaseConnectionChangeListeners and
need to de-register correctly.
AbstractEditorRegistration |
Ancestor for classes that register GenericObjectEditor editors.
AbstractFloatingPointNumberEditor |
An abstract ancestor for custom editors for floating point numbers, like
floats and doubles.
AbstractGenericObjectEditorHandler |
Ancestor for classes that handle commandline options for various frameworks.
AbstractIntegralNumberEditor |
An abstract ancestor for custom editors for integral numbers, like bytes,
shorts, integers and longs.
AbstractNumberEditor |
An abstract ancestor for custom editors for numbers.
AbstractPropertyEditorSupport |
A superclass for editors with custom editors.
AbstractSimpleScriptEditor |
A PropertyEditor for AbstractScript-derived objects.
AbstractSimpleScriptEditorWithTemplates |
Ancestor for script editors that support text templates.
ActorPathEditor |
A PropertyEditor for ActorPath objects.
AdamsEditorsRegistration |
Registers the ADAMS GenericObjectEditor editors.
AdamsGenericObjectEditorHandler |
Handler for the ADAMS GenericObjectEditor.
BaseAnnotationEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseAnnotation objects.
BaseBooleanEditor |
BaseCharsetEditor |
A PropertyEditor that displays charsets.
BaseClassnameEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseClassname objects.
BaseColorEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseColor objects that lets the user select a color from
the color dialog.
BaseCommandLineEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseCommandLine objects.
BaseDateEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseDate objects.
BaseDateTimeEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseDateTime objects.
BaseDateTimeMsecEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseDateTimeMsec objects.
BaseIntervalEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering intervals pairs.
BaseKeyValuePairEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering key/value pairs.
BaseObjectEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseObject-derived objects.
BasePasswordEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering passwords.
BaseRegExpEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering regular expression.
BaseTextEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseText objects.
BaseTimeEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseTime objects.
BaseTimeMsecEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseTimeMsec objects.
BooleanEditor |
A custom editor for Booleans.
ByteEditor |
A custom editor for Bytes.
CallableActorReferenceEditor |
A PropertyEditor for CallableActorReference objects.
ColorEditor |
A PropertyEditor for Color objects that lets the user select a color from
the color dialog.
ConfigurableEnumerationItemEditor |
CronScheduleEditor |
A PropertyEditor for CronSchedule objects.
DefaultGenericObjectEditorHandler |
Dummy handler.
DoubleEditor |
A custom editor for Doubles.
EditorHelper |
Helper class for GOE editors.
Editors |
Registers all the editors for the GenericObjectEditor/GenericArrayEditor.
EmailAddressEditor |
A PropertyEditor for EmailAddress objects.
EnumEditor |
A PropertyEditor that displays Enums.
EventReferenceEditor |
A PropertyEditor for EventReference objects.
Favorites |
A helper class for managing the GOE favorites.
Favorites.Favorite |
Container class for a favorite setup.
Favorites.FavoriteSelectionEvent |
Event that gets sent when a favorite gets selected.
FieldEditor |
A PropertyEditor for Field objects that lets the user select a field.
FileEditor |
A PropertyEditor for File objects that lets the user select a file.
FloatEditor |
A custom editor for Floats.
FlowFileEditor |
A PropertyEditor for FlowFile objects that lets the user select a file.
FlowHelper |
A helper class for flow-related queries.
FontEditor |
A PropertyEditor for Font objects that lets the user select a font from
the font dialog.
GenericArrayEditor |
A PropertyEditor for arrays of objects that themselves have
property editors.
GenericArrayEditorDialog |
Displays a GenericArrayEditor.
GenericArrayEditorPanel |
A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the array
and a button for bringing up the GenericArrayEditor.
GenericObjectEditor |
A PropertyEditor for objects.
GenericObjectEditorClassTreePanel |
Creates a panel with a class tree.
GenericObjectEditorClassTreePopupMenu |
Creates a popup menu containing a tree that is aware
of the screen dimensions.
GenericObjectEditorDialog |
Displays a GenericObjectEditor.
GenericObjectEditorPanel |
A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object
and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor.
GenericObjectEditorPopupMenu |
Generic GOE popup menu, for copy/paste, etc.
GlobalInfoCache |
For caching the global info of classes.
GroovyScriptEditor |
Editor for groovy scripts.
IndexEditor |
A PropertyEditor for Index objects.
InlineEditor |
Support for inline editing of editors that support this, in order to reduce
number of clicks/dialogs required to enter a value.
IntegerEditor |
A custom editor for integers.
JdbcUrlEditor |
A PropertyEditor for JdbcUrl objects.
LocaleEditor |
A PropertyEditor that displays locales.
LongEditor |
A custom editor for Longs.
MavenArtifactEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering Maven artifacts.
MavenArtifactExclusionEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering Maven artifact exclusions.
MavenRepositoryEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering Maven repositories.
MultiLineValueDialog |
Dialog for entering multiple values (one per line) for MultiSelectionEditor
editors that can parse objects from text.
PdfFontEditor |
A PropertyEditor for iText Font objects that lets the user select a font from
the font dialog.
PersistentObjectHistory |
A helper class for maintaining a history of objects selected in the GOE.
PlaceholderDirectoryEditor |
A PropertyEditor for PlaceholderDirectory objects that lets the user select
a directory.
PlaceholderFileEditor |
A PropertyEditor for FlowFile objects that lets the user select a file.
PrefixFieldEditor |
A PropertyEditor for PrefixField objects that lets the user select a field.
PropertyPanel |
Support for drawing a property value in a component.
PropertySheetPanel |
Displays a property sheet where (supported) properties of the target
object may be edited.
PropertyText |
Support for a PropertyEditor that uses text.
PropertyValueSelector |
Support for any PropertyEditor that uses tags.
RangeEditor |
A PropertyEditor for Range objects.
SheetIndexEditor |
SheetRangeEditor |
ShortEditor |
A custom editor for Shorts.
SpreadSheetColumnIndexEditor |
SpreadSheetColumnRangeEditor |
SpreadSheetRowIndexEditor |
SpreadSheetRowRangeEditor |
SpreadSheetUnorderedColumnRangeEditor |
SpreadSheetUnorderedRowRangeEditor |
StringEditor |
A custom editor for strings.
SuffixFieldEditor |
A PropertyEditor for SuffixField objects that lets the user select a field.
TimeZoneEditor |
A PropertyEditor that displays time zones.
TriggerableEventReferenceEditor |
A PropertyEditor for TriggerableEventReference objects.
TriStateEditor |
A custom editor for TriState enums.
UnorderedRangeEditor |
A PropertyEditor for Range objects.
VariableNameStorageNamePairEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering variable name/storage name pairs.
VariableNameValuePairEditor |
Editor specifically designed for entering variable name/value pairs.
VariableSupport |
Helper class for managing variables in the GOE.
WekaAttributeIndexEditor |
WekaAttributeRangeEditor |
WekaEditorsRegistration |
Registers first the WEKA GenericObjectEditor editors and the ADAMS ones.
WekaEditorsRegistration.AccessibleGenericObjectEditor |
Subclass of GenericObjectEditor to get access to the
class hierarchies.
WekaEditorsRegistration.AccessiblePluginManager |
For getting access to protected members in the package manager.
WekaExperimentFileEditor |
A PropertyEditor for WekaExperimentFile objects that lets the user select a file.
WekaExperimentFileEditor.SimpleSetupDialog |
A dialog for displaying the simple setup of an experiment.
WekaGenericArrayEditorDialog |
Displays a GenericArrayEditor.
WekaGenericArrayEditorPanel |
A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the array
and a button for bringing up the GenericArrayEditor.
WekaGenericObjectEditorDialog |
Displays a GenericObjectEditor.
WekaGenericObjectEditorHandler |
Handler for the WEKA GenericObjectEditor.
WekaGenericObjectEditorPanel |
A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object
and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor.
WekaGenericObjectEditorPopupMenu |
Generic GOE popup menu, for copy/paste, etc.
WekaLabelIndexEditor |
WekaLabelRangeEditor |
WekaUnorderedAttributeRangeEditor |
XSLTScriptEditor |
Editor for XSLT stylesheets.