Package adams.gui.goe

Class InlineEditor

    • Field Detail

      • m_TextField

        protected BaseTextField m_TextField
        the text field.
      • m_ButtonEditor

        protected BaseButton m_ButtonEditor
        the button for bringing up the custom editor.
      • m_PropertySheetPanel

        protected PropertySheetPanel m_PropertySheetPanel
        whether the editor is located in a PropertySheetPanel.
      • m_DefaultBackground

        protected Color m_DefaultBackground
        the default background color of the panel.
      • m_UpdateTextAfterDisplay

        protected boolean m_UpdateTextAfterDisplay
        whether to update the text after the actual editor was displayed.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InlineEditor

        public InlineEditor​(PropertyEditor pe)
        Sets up the editing component with the supplied editor.
        pe - the PropertyEditor
      • InlineEditor

        public InlineEditor​(PropertyEditor pe,
                            PropertySheetPanel panel)
        Sets up the editing component with the supplied editor.
        pe - the PropertyEditor
        panel - the ProperySheetPanel
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
        Initializes the members.
        initialize in class BasePanel
      • initGUI

        protected void initGUI()
        Initializes the widgets.
        initGUI in class BasePanel
      • getEditor

        public PropertyEditor getEditor()
        Returns the editor in use.
        the editor
      • getInlineEditor

        public InlineEditorSupport getInlineEditor()
        Returns the inline editor.
        the editor
      • showEditor

        protected void showEditor()
        Displays ther actual editor.
      • isValid

        protected boolean isValid​(String s)
        Checks whether the string is valid.
        s - the string to check
        true if valid
      • updateText

        protected boolean updateText​(String s)
        Sets the string in the text field only if valid, otherwise the current inline value is used to up the text field.
        s - the string to attempt to set
        true if successfully set
      • indicateValidity

        protected void indicateValidity()
        Updates the color of the border, indicating with RED if the input is invalid.
      • setTextColumns

        public void setTextColumns​(int value)
        Sets the number of columns for the text field.
        value - the number of columns (>0)
      • getTextColumns

        public int getTextColumns()
        Returns the number of columns of the text field.
        the number of columns (>0)
      • updatePreferredSize

        protected void updatePreferredSize()
        Updates the preferred size of the panel.
      • update

        public void update()
        Updates the text field with the current value of the editor.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(Object value)
        Set (or change) the object that is to be edited. Primitive types such as "int" must be wrapped as the corresponding object type such as "java.lang.Integer".
        Specified by:
        setValue in interface PropertyEditor
        value - The new target object to be edited. Note that this object should not be modified by the PropertyEditor, rather the PropertyEditor should create a new object to hold any modified value.
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Gets the property value.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface PropertyEditor
        The value of the property. Primitive types such as "int" will be wrapped as the corresponding object type such as "java.lang.Integer".
      • isPaintable

        public boolean isPaintable()
        Determines whether this property editor is paintable.
        Specified by:
        isPaintable in interface PropertyEditor
        True if the class will honor the paintValue method.
      • paintValue

        public void paintValue​(Graphics gfx,
                               Rectangle box)
        Paint a representation of the value into a given area of screen real estate. Note that the propertyEditor is responsible for doing its own clipping so that it fits into the given rectangle.

        If the PropertyEditor doesn't honor paint requests (see isPaintable) this method should be a silent noop.

        The given Graphics object will have the default font, color, etc of the parent container. The PropertyEditor may change graphics attributes such as font and color and doesn't need to restore the old values.

        Specified by:
        paintValue in interface PropertyEditor
        gfx - Graphics object to paint into.
        box - Rectangle within graphics object into which we should paint.
      • getJavaInitializationString

        public String getJavaInitializationString()
        Returns a fragment of Java code that can be used to set a property to match the editors current state. This method is intended for use when generating Java code to reflect changes made through the property editor.

        The code fragment should be context free and must be a legal Java expression as specified by the JLS.

        Specifically, if the expression represents a computation then all classes and static members should be fully qualified. This rule applies to constructors, static methods and non primitive arguments.

        Caution should be used when evaluating the expression as it may throw exceptions. In particular, code generators must ensure that generated code will compile in the presence of an expression that can throw checked exceptions.

        Example results are:

        • Primitive expresssion: 2
        • Class constructor: new java.awt.Color(127,127,34)
        • Static field:
        • Static method: javax.swing.Box.createRigidArea(new java.awt.Dimension(0, 5))
        Specified by:
        getJavaInitializationString in interface PropertyEditor
        a fragment of Java code representing an initializer for the current value. It should not contain a semi-colon (';') to end the expression.
      • getAsText

        public String getAsText()
        Gets the property value as text.
        Specified by:
        getAsText in interface PropertyEditor
        The property value as a human editable string.

        Returns null if the value can't be expressed as an editable string.

        If a non-null value is returned, then the PropertyEditor should be prepared to parse that string back in setAsText().

      • setAsText

        public void setAsText​(String text)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Set the property value by parsing a given String. May raise java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if either the String is badly formatted or if this kind of property can't be expressed as text.
        Specified by:
        setAsText in interface PropertyEditor
        text - The string to be parsed.
      • getTags

        public String[] getTags()
        If the property value must be one of a set of known tagged values, then this method should return an array of the tags. This can be used to represent (for example) enum values. If a PropertyEditor supports tags, then it should support the use of setAsText with a tag value as a way of setting the value and the use of getAsText to identify the current value.
        Specified by:
        getTags in interface PropertyEditor
        The tag values for this property. May be null if this property cannot be represented as a tagged value.
      • getCustomEditor

        public Component getCustomEditor()
        A PropertyEditor may choose to make available a full custom Component that edits its property value. It is the responsibility of the PropertyEditor to hook itself up to its editor Component itself and to report property value changes by firing a PropertyChange event.

        The higher-level code that calls getCustomEditor may either embed the Component in some larger property sheet, or it may put it in its own individual dialog, or ...

        Specified by:
        getCustomEditor in interface PropertyEditor
        A java.awt.Component that will allow a human to directly edit the current property value. May be null if this is not supported.
      • supportsCustomEditor

        public boolean supportsCustomEditor()
        Determines whether this property editor supports a custom editor.
        Specified by:
        supportsCustomEditor in interface PropertyEditor
        True if the propertyEditor can provide a custom editor.
      • addPropertyChangeListener

        public void addPropertyChangeListener​(PropertyChangeListener listener)
        Register a listener for the PropertyChange event. When a PropertyEditor changes its value it should fire a PropertyChange event on all registered PropertyChangeListeners, specifying the null value for the property name and itself as the source.
        Specified by:
        addPropertyChangeListener in interface PropertyEditor
        addPropertyChangeListener in class Container
        listener - An object to be invoked when a PropertyChange event is fired.
      • notifyPropertyChangeListeners

        protected void notifyPropertyChangeListeners()
        Notifies the listeners.
      • propertyChange

        public void propertyChange​(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
        This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
        Specified by:
        propertyChange in interface PropertyChangeListener
        evt - A PropertyChangeEvent object describing the event source and the property that has changed.
      • setToolTipText

        public void setToolTipText​(String value)
        Registers the text to display in a tool tip of the text field as well.
        setToolTipText in class JComponent
        value - the string to display; if the text is null, the tool tip is turned off for this component