class |
ConsoleOutputAnalyzer |
Opens the Console output analyzer.
class |
DatasetCompatibility |
For checking compatibility of datasets.
class |
Diff |
Opens the "Diff" dialog, for comparing two files.
class |
FileCommander |
Opens the File commander.
class |
FileMonitor |
Monitors a file, outputting any data that is being appended.
class |
FlowControlCenter |
Opens the Flow Control Center.
class |
FlowEditor |
Opens the Flow Editor.
class |
FlowRunner |
Opens the Flow Runner.
class |
ImageViewer |
For displaying images.
class |
PDFViewer |
Opens the PDF viewer.
class |
SpreadSheetExplorer |
For visualizing spreadsheets.
class |
SpreadSheetFileViewer |
Opens the SpreadSheet file viewer.
class |
TextEditor |
Opens a simple text editor.
class |
WekaInvestigator |
Opens the WEKA Investigator.