About |
Displays the infamous about box.
AbstractClassifierBasedGeneticAlgorithmWizard |
Ancestor for optimizing datasets (attribute selection) using a genetic algorithm.
AbstractClassifierBasedGeneticAlgorithmWizard.PerformancePlot |
For plotting the performance of the genetic algorithm.
AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition |
Ancestor for menu items that require a JDK present.
AbstractParameterHandlingMenuItemDefinition |
Abstract menu item definition for definitions that handle parameters.
AbstractParameterHandlingWekaMenuItemDefinition |
Abstract menu item definition for Weka elements that also handle additional
AbstractSequenceViewer |
Opens the sequence viewer.
AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition |
Ancestor for menu item definitions that open a URL in a browser.
AbstractWekaMenuItemDefinition |
Abstract menu item menu item definitions for Weka elements.
ActorUsage |
Scans a user-selected directory for flows and analyzes/displays the actor
AdamsHomeDir |
Opens the ADAMS home directory in the file browser.
AntiAliasing |
Global switch for anti-aliasing.
AppendDatasets |
For appending datasets into single dataset.
ArffViewer |
Opens the ARFF viewer.
BatchFilterDatasets |
For batch filtering datasets using a single filter setup (files get output
into a different directory).
BayesNetEditor |
Opens the BayesNet Editor.
BoundaryVisualizer |
Displays data in the boundary visualizer.
ClassHelp |
Displays help for any selected class.
ConfigureOptionHandler |
ConnectToDatabases |
Connects to the database.
ConsoleOutputAnalyzer |
Opens the Console output analyzer.
ConsoleWindow |
Shows the global console window.
ContainerNesting |
Displays the ContainerNesting dialog.
CostCurve |
Displays Cost curve data.
DarkLord |
For optimizing datasets (attribute selection) using genetic algorithm.
DatasetCompatibility |
For checking compatibility of datasets.
DateTest |
Only for testing the date parsing/formatting.
Diff |
Opens the "Diff" dialog, for comparing two files.
Documentation |
Displays all available PDF documents in the documentation directories.
EmailAddressBook |
Opens the email addressbook.
Experimenter |
Opens the WEKA Experimenter.
Explorer |
Opens the WEKA Explorer.
FavoritesManagement |
Opens the Favorites management.
FileChooserBookmarksManagement |
Opens the Filechooser bookmarks management.
FileCommander |
Opens the File commander.
FileMonitor |
Monitors a file, outputting any data that is being appended.
FindClass |
For locating a class on the classpath and the associated classpath
FindInFiles |
Simple tool for finding files that contain certain text.
FlowControlCenter |
Opens the Flow Control Center.
FlowEditor |
Opens the Flow Editor.
FlowRunner |
Opens the Flow Runner.
GarbageCollector |
Runs the garbage collector.
GraphVisualizer |
Displays data in the graph visualizer.
GroovyConsole |
Launches the Groovy Console.
HeapDump |
Generates a heapdump.
Hermione |
For optimizing datasets (parameter selection) using genetic algorithm.
Homepage |
Opens the project homepage.
ImageProcessor |
Starts the Image Processor.
ImageViewer |
For displaying images.
InstanceCompare |
For comparing two datasets visually.
InstanceExplorer |
For displaying and filtering instances.
InstancesPlot |
Displays plot of Instances.
JConsole |
Starts up jconsole.
JDeps |
Runs jdeps and displays the result.
JMap |
Runs jmap and displays the result.
LogEntryDatabaseViewer |
A viewer for log entries stored in the database (generated in the flow).
MakeCompatibleDatasets |
For making compatible ARFF datasets.
MarginCurve |
Displays a margin curve.
MemoryMonitor |
Displays the infamous about box.
MergeDatasets |
For merging datasets (side-by-side) into single dataset.
MultiExplorer |
Opens the (multi-version of the) WEKA Explorer.
NestedFormatViewer |
Displays the NestedFormatViewer dialog.
OptionsConversion |
Displays the OptionsConversion dialog.
OptionTree |
Displays the OptionTree dialog.
PackageManager |
Opens the WEKA PackageManager.
PDFViewer |
Opens the PDF viewer.
PlaceholderManagement |
Opens the Placeholder management.
PlotAttributeVsAttribute |
Allows the user to select a dataset and plot attribute vs attribute (selected by user).
PlotPanelTest |
Only for testing the PlotPanel component.
Preferences |
For managing the system-wide preferences.
PrettyPrintJSON |
Dialog for pretty printing JSON.
PrettyPrintXML |
Dialog for pretty printing XML.
PreviewBrowser |
Opens the preview browser.
ProgramExit |
Exits the application.
ProgramLookAndFeel |
Allows the user to switch the look and feel.
ProgramRestart |
Restarts the application.
ProgramRestartWithMoreHeap |
Restarts the application with 50% more heap.
ProgramUserMode |
Allows the user to switch the user-mode from the GUI.
PropertiesViewer |
Opens the properties viewer.
RegExpTest |
Only for testing the regular expressions.
RemoteCommands |
Provides submenu for starting/stopping of remote command scripting.
Displays ROC curve data.
RunTool |
Opens the "Run Tool" dialog.
ScriptingLog |
Shows the global scripting log.
SendErrorReport |
Sends an error report to the specified error report email address.
SpreadSheetExplorer |
For visualizing spreadsheets.
SpreadSheetFileViewer |
Opens the SpreadSheet file viewer.
SpreadSheetProcessor |
Opens the SpreadSheet Processor.
SqlViewer |
Opens the SQL viewer.
SqlWorkbench |
Opens the SQL Workbench.
Opens the ssh application.
StringConversion |
Displays the StringConversion dialog.
SystemInfo |
Displays system parameters (Java, etc.).
SystemPerformance |
Tests the System performance.
TakeScreenshot |
Takes a screenshot of the desktop.
Terminal |
Launches a terminal.
TextEditor |
Opens a simple text editor.
TimeseriesExplorer |
Displays the Timeseries Explorer.
TreeVisualizer |
Displays data in the tree visualizer.
WekaCommandToCode |
For turning Weka commandline strings into code.
WekaInvestigator |
Opens the WEKA Investigator.
WekaMultiExperimenter |
Opens the WEKA Multi-Experimenter.
WekaSimpleCLI |
Opens the WEKA SimpleCLI.
Workbench |
Opens the WEKA Workbench.
Dialog for applying XSLT to XML.