Uses of Package
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.instance used by adams.flow.sink Class Description AbstractInstancePaintlet Ancestor for Instance paintlets.AbstractInstancePanelUpdater Ancestor for classes that determine when to update the instance panel, i.e., repaint all of it.InstancePanel A panel for displaying instances. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.instance used by adams.gui Class Description InstanceComparePanel A tool for comparing two datasets visually. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.instance used by Class Description InstancePanel A panel for displaying instances. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.instance used by adams.gui.visualization.instance Class Description AbstractInstancePaintlet Ancestor for Instance paintlets.AbstractInstancePanelUpdater Ancestor for classes that determine when to update the instance panel, i.e., repaint all of it.HistogramFactory.Dialog Dialog for displaying histograms generated from instances.HistogramFactory.Panel A panel for displaying a histogram based on the GC data of a instance.HistogramFactory.SetupDialog A dialog that queries the user about parameters for displaying histograms.InstanceComparePanel.DatasetIndexer Helper class for indexing the rows of a dataset.InstanceComparePanel.DatasetPanel Specialized panel for loading dataset and setting various parameters.InstanceContainer A container class for a weka.core.Instance wrapped in a weka.core.Instance.InstanceContainerList A panel that lists Instances in a JTable.InstanceContainerManager A handler for the Instance containers.InstanceContainerModel A model for displaying the currently loaded Instance objects.InstanceLinePaintlet Paintlet for generating a line plot for Instance objects.InstanceLinePaintlet.MarkerShape Enum for the marker shape to plot around the data points.InstancePanel A panel for displaying instances.InstancePointHitDetector Detects selections of instance points in the instance panel.InstanceReportFactory.Panel A specialized panel that displays reports.InstanceReportFactory.Table A specialized table for displaying a Report.InstanceTable A specialized table for displaying an Instances object.InstanceZoomOverviewPaintlet Highlights the current zoom in the instance panel.InstanceZoomOverviewPanel Panel that shows the zoom in the TIC panel as overlay.LoadDatasetDialog A dialog for loading datasets from disk. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.instance used by adams.gui.visualization.instance.containerlistpopup Class Description InstanceContainer A container class for a weka.core.Instance wrapped in a weka.core.Instance.InstanceContainerManager A handler for the Instance containers. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.instance used by adams.gui.visualization.instance.plotpopup Class Description InstanceContainer A container class for a weka.core.Instance wrapped in a weka.core.Instance.InstanceContainerManager A handler for the Instance containers. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.instance used by adams.gui.visualization.timeseries.plotpopup Class Description InstanceContainer A container class for a weka.core.Instance wrapped in a weka.core.Instance.InstanceContainerManager A handler for the Instance containers.