Package adams.gui.visualization.sequence.metadatacolor
Class Summary Class Description AbstractMetaDataColor<T extends XYSequencePoint> Ancestor for schemes extracting the color from a sequence point's meta-data.ColorPerLabel Maintains an internal mapping between labels obtained from the meta-data (using the specified key) and colors obtained from the color provider.
Makes use of color providers that implement the adams.gui.visualization.core.ColorProviderWithNameSupport interface, supplying it with the label obtained from the meta-data.ColorPerRegExpGroup Maintains an internal mapping between groups obtained from the meta-data via the regular expression extraction (using the specified key) and colors obtained from the color provider.
Makes use of color providers that implement the adams.gui.visualization.core.ColorProviderWithNameSupport interface, supplying it with the label obtained from the meta-data.Dummy Just outputs the default color.