AbstractScatterPlot |
Abstract class for displaying a single scatterplotpanel on a paintable panel.
AbstractScatterPlotOverlay |
Abstract superclass for overlays on the scatterplot graph.
Coordinates |
Display a diagonal line overlay
Diagonal |
Display a diagonal line overlay
Valid options are:
Lowess |
Display a lowess curve as an overlay.
Matrix |
Displays a grid of scatter plots with each attribute plotted against
each of the other attributes, also can choose overlays etc.
PolygonSelection |
Displays the polygon that the user is selecting.
ScatterPlot |
create a paintable panel displaying a scatter plot
panel as well as combo boxes for choosing attributes.
ScatterPlotPanel |
Panel for displaying scatter plot data.
ScatterPlotSimple |
Class for displaying a single scatterplotpanel only, used in the matrix.