Class AbstractWizardPage

    • Field Detail

      • m_PageName

        protected String m_PageName
        the name of the page.
      • m_TextDescription

        protected BaseTextPane m_TextDescription
        the description of the page.
      • m_ScrollPaneDescription

        protected BaseScrollPane m_ScrollPaneDescription
        the scroll pane for the description.
      • m_PageCheck

        protected PageCheck m_PageCheck
        the page check to perform.
      • m_ProceedAction

        protected ProceedAction m_ProceedAction
        the action to perform when proceeding.
      • m_PanelButtons

        protected JPanel m_PanelButtons
        the panel for the buttons.
      • m_ButtonLoad

        protected BaseButton m_ButtonLoad
        the load props button.
      • m_ButtonSave

        protected BaseButton m_ButtonSave
        the save props button.
      • m_FileChooser

        protected BaseFileChooser m_FileChooser
        the filechooser for loading/saving properties.
      • m_Valid

        protected boolean m_Valid
        whether the page has valid input or not.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractWizardPage

        public AbstractWizardPage()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
        Initializes the members.
        initialize in class BasePanel
      • initGUI

        protected void initGUI()
        Initializes the widgets.
        initGUI in class BasePanel
      • setOwner

        public void setOwner​(AbstractWizardPane value)
        Sets the wizard this page belongs to.
        value - the owner
      • getOwner

        public AbstractWizardPane getOwner()
        Returns the wizard this page belongs to.
        the owner, null if none set
      • setPageName

        public void setPageName​(String value)
        Sets the page name.
        value - the name
      • getPageName

        public String getPageName()
        Returns the page name.
        the name
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String value)
        Sets the description of the page. Checks for "html" tag to determine whether the content is HTML or plain-text.
        value - the description (plain-text or html)
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String value,
                                   boolean isHtml)
        Sets the description of the page.
        value - the description
        isHtml - if true then text is interpreted as HTML 3
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Returns the description of the page.
        the description (may be html)
      • setDescriptionHeight

        public void setDescriptionHeight​(int value)
        Sets the preferred height of the description box.
        value - the new height in pixel
      • getDescriptionHeight

        public int getDescriptionHeight()
        Returns the preferred height of the description box.
        the height in pixel
      • setPageCheck

        public void setPageCheck​(PageCheck value)
        Sets the page check instance to use.
        value - the check to use
      • getPageCheck

        public PageCheck getPageCheck()
        Returns the page check instance in use.
        the check in use
      • setProceedAction

        public void setProceedAction​(ProceedAction value)
        Sets the proceed action instance to use.
        value - the action to use
      • getProceedAction

        public ProceedAction getProceedAction()
        Returns the proceed action instance in use.
        the action in use
      • canProceed

        public boolean canProceed()
        Returns whether we can proceed with the next page.
        true if we can proceed
        See Also:
      • updateButtons

        public void updateButtons()
        Updates the wizard's buttons.
      • setButtonPanelVisible

        public void setButtonPanelVisible​(boolean value)
        Sets the visibility state of the buttons panel (load/save).
        value - true if to show buttons
      • isButtonPanelVisible

        public boolean isButtonPanelVisible()
        Returns the visibility state of the buttons panel (load/save).
        true if buttons displayed
      • getFileChooser

        protected BaseFileChooser getFileChooser()
        Returns the file chooser to use for loading/saving of props files.
        the file chooser
      • loadProperties

        protected void loadProperties()
        Loads properties from a file, prompts the user to select props file.
      • saveProperties

        protected void saveProperties()
        Saves properties to a file, prompts the user to select props file.
      • setProperties

        public abstract void setProperties​(Properties value)
        Sets the content of the page (ie parameters) as properties.
        value - the parameters as properties
      • getProperties

        public abstract Properties getProperties()
        Returns the content of the page (ie parameters) as properties.
        the parameters as properties
      • update

        public void update()
        Updates the page.
        Default implementation does nothing.