AbstractDatabaseConnectionPage |
Ancestor for pages that allow the user to enter database connection
AbstractDatabaseConnectionPage.DatabaseConnectionPageCheck |
Ancestor for page checks that check the connection with the current
connection parameters.
AbstractWizardPage |
Ancestor for wizard pages.
AbstractWizardPane |
Ancestor for wizard panes.
BranchSelectionPage |
Page that lets the user select which sub-branch to follow by displaying
the page names of its children as buttons.
DatabaseConnectionPage |
Handles an ADAMS database connection.
DummyPageCheck |
Dummy check that always returns true.
DummyProceedAction |
Dummy action, does nothing.
FinalPage |
Simple start/welcome page.
GenericObjectEditorPage |
Wizard page that use a GenericObjectEditor for displaying
the properties of an object (and allowing user to change the class).
ListPage |
Wizard page that use a BaseList for displaying a list of values.
ParameterPanelPage |
PropertySheetPanelPage |
SelectDirectoryPage |
Wizard page that allows the user to select a directory.
SelectFilePage |
Wizard page that allows the user to select a file.
SelectMultipleDirectoriesPage |
Wizard page that allows the user to select multiple directories.
SelectMultipleFilesPage |
Wizard page that allows the user to select multiple files.
StartPage |
Simple start/welcome page.
TextAreaPage |
Wizard page that use a BaseTextArea for entering free-form text.
WekaPropertySheetPanelPage |
Wizard page that use a PropertySheetPanel for displaying
the properties of an object.
WekaPropertySheetPanelPage.CustomPropertySheetPanel |
Allowing better access to property sheet panel.
WekaSelectDatasetPage |
Wizard page that allows the user to select a Weka dataset.
WekaSelectMultipleDatasetsPage |
Wizard page that allows the user to select multiple datasets.
WizardPane |
WizardPaneWithBranches |