Package weka.core

Class AbstractHashableInstance

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, weka.core.Copyable, weka.core.Instance
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    HashableInstanceUsingString, HashableInstanceUsingSum

    public abstract class AbstractHashableInstance
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, weka.core.Instance
    Ancestor for instance classes that wraps around any WEKA Instance and allow them to be used in data structures that make use of on object's hash, like maps or hashtables.
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected weka.core.Instance m_Data
      the wrapped instance.
      protected boolean m_ExcludeClass
      whether to exclude the class from the hashcode.
      protected boolean m_ExcludeWeight
      whether to exclude the weight from the hashcode.
      protected Integer m_HashCode
      the current hashcode.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected AbstractHashableInstance​(weka.core.Instance data)
      Initializes the wrapper.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void assign​(AbstractHashableInstance inst)
      Assigns all the data, apart from wrapped instance, that the provided hashable instance provides.
      weka.core.Attribute attribute​(int index)
      Returns the attribute with the given index.
      weka.core.Attribute attributeSparse​(int indexOfIndex)
      Returns the attribute with the given index in the sparse representation.
      weka.core.Attribute classAttribute()
      Returns class attribute.
      int classIndex()
      Returns the class attribute's index.
      boolean classIsMissing()
      Tests if an instance's class is missing.
      double classValue()
      Returns an instance's class value as a floating-point number.
      protected abstract int computeHashCode()
      Computes the hashcode.
      Object copy()
      This method produces a shallow copy of an object.
      weka.core.Instance copy​(double[] values)
      Copies the instance but fills up its values based on the given array of doubles.
      weka.core.Instances dataset()
      Returns the dataset this instance has access to.
      void deleteAttributeAt​(int position)
      Deletes an attribute at the given position (0 to numAttributes() - 1).
      Enumeration enumerateAttributes()
      Returns an enumeration of all the attributes.
      boolean equalHeaders​(weka.core.Instance inst)
      Tests if the headers of two instances are equivalent.
      String equalHeadersMsg​(weka.core.Instance inst)
      Checks if the headers of two instances are equivalent.
      boolean equals​(Object obj)
      Returns only true if the same class and the same hashcode.
      boolean getExcludeClass()
      Returns whether the class is excluded from the hashcode computation.
      boolean getExcludeWeight()
      Returns whether the weight is excluded from the hashcode computation.
      int hashCode()
      Returns the hashcode of this Instance, computes it if neccessary.
      boolean hasMissingValue()
      Tests whether an instance has a missing value.
      int index​(int position)
      Returns the index of the attribute stored at the given position in the sparse representation.
      void insertAttributeAt​(int position)
      Inserts an attribute at the given position (0 to numAttributes()).
      protected void invalidateHashCode()
      Invalidates the hash code.
      boolean isMissing​(int attIndex)
      Tests if a specific value is "missing".
      boolean isMissing​(weka.core.Attribute att)
      Tests if a specific value is "missing".
      boolean isMissingSparse​(int indexOfIndex)
      Tests if a specific value is "missing" in the sparse representation.
      weka.core.Instance mergeInstance​(weka.core.Instance inst)
      Merges this instance with the given instance and returns the result.
      int numAttributes()
      Returns the number of attributes.
      int numClasses()
      Returns the number of class labels.
      int numValues()
      Returns the number of values present in a sparse representation.
      weka.core.Instances relationalValue​(int attIndex)
      Returns the relational value of a relational attribute.
      weka.core.Instances relationalValue​(weka.core.Attribute att)
      Returns the relational value of a relational attribute.
      void replaceMissingValues​(double[] array)
      Replaces all missing values in the instance with the values contained in the given array.
      void setClassMissing()
      Sets the class value of an instance to be "missing".
      void setClassValue​(double value)
      Sets the class value of an instance to the given value (internal floating-point format).
      void setClassValue​(String value)
      Sets the class value of an instance to the given value.
      void setDataset​(weka.core.Instances instances)
      Sets the reference to the dataset.
      void setExcludeClass​(boolean value)
      Sets whether to exclude the class from the hashcode computation.
      void setExcludeWeight​(boolean value)
      Sets whether to exclude the weight from the hashcode computation.
      void setMissing​(int attIndex)
      Sets a specific value to be "missing".
      void setMissing​(weka.core.Attribute att)
      Sets a specific value to be "missing".
      void setValue​(int attIndex, double value)
      Sets a specific value in the instance to the given value (internal floating-point format).
      void setValue​(int attIndex, String value)
      Sets a value of a nominal or string attribute to the given value.
      void setValue​(weka.core.Attribute att, double value)
      Sets a specific value in the instance to the given value (internal floating-point format).
      void setValue​(weka.core.Attribute att, String value)
      Sets a value of an nominal or string attribute to the given value.
      void setValueSparse​(int indexOfIndex, double value)
      Sets a specific value in the instance to the given value (internal floating-point format), given an index into the sparse representation.
      void setWeight​(double weight)
      Sets the weight of an instance.
      String stringValue​(int attIndex)
      Returns the value of a nominal, string, date, or relational attribute for the instance as a string.
      String stringValue​(weka.core.Attribute att)
      Returns the value of a nominal, string, date, or relational attribute for the instance as a string.
      double[] toDoubleArray()
      Returns the values of each attribute as an array of doubles.
      String toString()
      Returns the value of the Instance's toString() method.
      String toString​(int attIndex)
      Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string.
      String toString​(int attIndex, int afterDecimalPoint)
      Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string.
      String toString​(weka.core.Attribute att)
      Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string.
      String toString​(weka.core.Attribute att, int afterDecimalPoint)
      Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string.
      String toStringMaxDecimalDigits​(int afterDecimalPoint)
      Returns the description of one instance with any numeric values printed at the supplied maximum number of decimal places.
      String toStringNoWeight()
      Returns the description of one instance (without weight appended).
      String toStringNoWeight​(int afterDecimalPoint)
      Returns the description of one instance (without weight appended).
      double value​(int attIndex)
      Returns an instance's attribute value in internal format.
      double value​(weka.core.Attribute att)
      Returns an instance's attribute value in internal format.
      double valueSparse​(int indexOfIndex)
      Returns an instance's attribute value in internal format, given an index in the sparse representation.
      double weight()
      Returns the instance's weight.
    • Field Detail

      • m_HashCode

        protected Integer m_HashCode
        the current hashcode.
      • m_Data

        protected weka.core.Instance m_Data
        the wrapped instance.
      • m_ExcludeClass

        protected boolean m_ExcludeClass
        whether to exclude the class from the hashcode.
      • m_ExcludeWeight

        protected boolean m_ExcludeWeight
        whether to exclude the weight from the hashcode.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractHashableInstance

        protected AbstractHashableInstance​(weka.core.Instance data)
        Initializes the wrapper. Class and weight are included in hashcode by default.
        data - the instance to wrap
    • Method Detail

      • copy

        public Object copy()
        This method produces a shallow copy of an object. It does the same as the clone() method in Object, which also produces a shallow copy.
        Specified by:
        copy in interface weka.core.Copyable
        the copy
      • copy

        public weka.core.Instance copy​(double[] values)
        Copies the instance but fills up its values based on the given array of doubles. The copy has access to the same dataset.
        Specified by:
        copy in interface weka.core.Instance
        values - the array with new values
        the new instance
      • assign

        protected void assign​(AbstractHashableInstance inst)
        Assigns all the data, apart from wrapped instance, that the provided hashable instance provides.
        inst - the hashable instance to get the data from
      • attribute

        public weka.core.Attribute attribute​(int index)
        Returns the attribute with the given index.
        Specified by:
        attribute in interface weka.core.Instance
        index - the attribute's index
        the attribute at the given position
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • attributeSparse

        public weka.core.Attribute attributeSparse​(int indexOfIndex)
        Returns the attribute with the given index in the sparse representation. Same as attribute(int) for a DenseInstance.
        Specified by:
        attributeSparse in interface weka.core.Instance
        indexOfIndex - the index of the attribute's index
        the attribute at the given position
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • classAttribute

        public weka.core.Attribute classAttribute()
        Returns class attribute.
        Specified by:
        classAttribute in interface weka.core.Instance
        the class attribute
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the class is not set or the instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • classIndex

        public int classIndex()
        Returns the class attribute's index.
        Specified by:
        classIndex in interface weka.core.Instance
        the class index as an integer
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • classIsMissing

        public boolean classIsMissing()
        Tests if an instance's class is missing.
        Specified by:
        classIsMissing in interface weka.core.Instance
        true if the instance's class is missing
        weka.core.UnassignedClassException - if the class is not set or the instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • classValue

        public double classValue()
        Returns an instance's class value as a floating-point number.
        Specified by:
        classValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        the corresponding value as a double (If the corresponding attribute is nominal (or a string) then it returns the value's index as a double).
        weka.core.UnassignedClassException - if the class is not set or the instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • dataset

        public weka.core.Instances dataset()
        Returns the dataset this instance has access to. (ie. obtains information about attribute types from) Null if the instance doesn't have access to a dataset.
        Specified by:
        dataset in interface weka.core.Instance
        the dataset the instance has accesss to
      • deleteAttributeAt

        public void deleteAttributeAt​(int position)
        Deletes an attribute at the given position (0 to numAttributes() - 1). Only succeeds if the instance does not have access to any dataset because otherwise inconsistencies could be introduced.
        Specified by:
        deleteAttributeAt in interface weka.core.Instance
        position - the attribute's position
        RuntimeException - if the instance has access to a dataset
      • enumerateAttributes

        public Enumeration enumerateAttributes()
        Returns an enumeration of all the attributes.
        Specified by:
        enumerateAttributes in interface weka.core.Instance
        enumeration of all the attributes
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • equalHeaders

        public boolean equalHeaders​(weka.core.Instance inst)
        Tests if the headers of two instances are equivalent.
        Specified by:
        equalHeaders in interface weka.core.Instance
        inst - another instance
        true if the header of the given instance is equivalent to this instance's header
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if instance doesn't have access to any dataset
      • equalHeadersMsg

        public String equalHeadersMsg​(weka.core.Instance inst)
        Checks if the headers of two instances are equivalent. If not, then returns a message why they differ.
        Specified by:
        equalHeadersMsg in interface weka.core.Instance
        dataset - another instance
        null if the header of the given instance is equivalent to this instance's header, otherwise a message with details on why they differ
      • hasMissingValue

        public boolean hasMissingValue()
        Tests whether an instance has a missing value. Skips the class attribute if set.
        Specified by:
        hasMissingValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        true if instance has a missing value.
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if instance doesn't have access to any dataset
      • index

        public int index​(int position)
        Returns the index of the attribute stored at the given position in the sparse representation. Identify function for an instance of type DenseInstance.
        Specified by:
        index in interface weka.core.Instance
        position - the position
        the index of the attribute stored at the given position
      • insertAttributeAt

        public void insertAttributeAt​(int position)
        Inserts an attribute at the given position (0 to numAttributes()). Only succeeds if the instance does not have access to any dataset because otherwise inconsistencies could be introduced.
        Specified by:
        insertAttributeAt in interface weka.core.Instance
        position - the attribute's position
        RuntimeException - if the instance has accesss to a dataset
        IllegalArgumentException - if the position is out of range
      • isMissing

        public boolean isMissing​(int attIndex)
        Tests if a specific value is "missing".
        Specified by:
        isMissing in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
        true if the value is "missing"
      • isMissing

        public boolean isMissing​(weka.core.Attribute att)
        Tests if a specific value is "missing". The given attribute has to belong to a dataset.
        Specified by:
        isMissing in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
        true if the value is "missing"
      • isMissingSparse

        public boolean isMissingSparse​(int indexOfIndex)
        Tests if a specific value is "missing" in the sparse representation. Samse as isMissing(int) for a DenseInstance.
        Specified by:
        isMissingSparse in interface weka.core.Instance
        indexOfIndex - the index of the attribute's index
        true if the value is "missing"
      • mergeInstance

        public weka.core.Instance mergeInstance​(weka.core.Instance inst)
        Merges this instance with the given instance and returns the result. Dataset is set to null. The returned instance is of the same type as this instance.
        Specified by:
        mergeInstance in interface weka.core.Instance
        inst - the instance to be merged with this one
        the merged instances
      • numAttributes

        public int numAttributes()
        Returns the number of attributes.
        Specified by:
        numAttributes in interface weka.core.Instance
        the number of attributes as an integer
      • numClasses

        public int numClasses()
        Returns the number of class labels.
        Specified by:
        numClasses in interface weka.core.Instance
        the number of class labels as an integer if the class attribute is nominal, 1 otherwise.
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if instance doesn't have access to any dataset
      • numValues

        public int numValues()
        Returns the number of values present in a sparse representation.
        Specified by:
        numValues in interface weka.core.Instance
        the number of values
      • relationalValue

        public weka.core.Instances relationalValue​(int attIndex)
        Returns the relational value of a relational attribute.
        Specified by:
        relationalValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
        the corresponding relation as an Instances object
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not a relation-valued attribute
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the instance doesn't belong to a dataset.
      • relationalValue

        public weka.core.Instances relationalValue​(weka.core.Attribute att)
        Returns the relational value of a relational attribute.
        Specified by:
        relationalValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
        the corresponding relation as an Instances object
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not a relation-valued attribute
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the instance doesn't belong to a dataset.
      • replaceMissingValues

        public void replaceMissingValues​(double[] array)
        Replaces all missing values in the instance with the values contained in the given array. A deep copy of the vector of attribute values is performed before the values are replaced.
        Specified by:
        replaceMissingValues in interface weka.core.Instance
        array - containing the means and modes
        IllegalArgumentException - if numbers of attributes are unequal
      • setClassMissing

        public void setClassMissing()
        Sets the class value of an instance to be "missing". A deep copy of the vector of attribute values is performed before the value is set to be missing.
        Specified by:
        setClassMissing in interface weka.core.Instance
        weka.core.UnassignedClassException - if the class is not set
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • setClassValue

        public void setClassValue​(double value)
        Sets the class value of an instance to the given value (internal floating-point format). A deep copy of the vector of attribute values is performed before the value is set.
        Specified by:
        setClassValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        value - the new attribute value (If the corresponding attribute is nominal (or a string) then this is the new value's index as a double).
        weka.core.UnassignedClassException - if the class is not set
        UnaddignedDatasetException - if the instance doesn't have access to a dataset
      • setClassValue

        public void setClassValue​(String value)
        Sets the class value of an instance to the given value. A deep copy of the vector of attribute values is performed before the value is set.
        Specified by:
        setClassValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        value - the new class value (If the class is a string attribute and the value can't be found, the value is added to the attribute).
        weka.core.UnassignedClassException - if the class is not set
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the dataset is not set
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not nominal or a string, or the value couldn't be found for a nominal attribute
      • setDataset

        public void setDataset​(weka.core.Instances instances)
        Sets the reference to the dataset. Does not check if the instance is compatible with the dataset. Note: the dataset does not know about this instance. If the structure of the dataset's header gets changed, this instance will not be adjusted automatically.
        Specified by:
        setDataset in interface weka.core.Instance
        instances - the reference to the dataset
      • setMissing

        public void setMissing​(int attIndex)
        Sets a specific value to be "missing". Performs a deep copy of the vector of attribute values before the value is set to be missing.
        Specified by:
        setMissing in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
      • setMissing

        public void setMissing​(weka.core.Attribute att)
        Sets a specific value to be "missing". Performs a deep copy of the vector of attribute values before the value is set to be missing. The given attribute has to belong to a dataset.
        Specified by:
        setMissing in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(int attIndex,
                             double value)
        Sets a specific value in the instance to the given value (internal floating-point format). Performs a deep copy of the vector of attribute values before the value is set.
        Specified by:
        setValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
        value - the new attribute value (If the corresponding attribute is nominal (or a string) then this is the new value's index as a double).
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(int attIndex,
                             String value)
        Sets a value of a nominal or string attribute to the given value. Performs a deep copy of the vector of attribute values before the value is set.
        Specified by:
        setValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
        value - the new attribute value (If the attribute is a string attribute and the value can't be found, the value is added to the attribute).
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the dataset is not set
        IllegalArgumentException - if the selected attribute is not nominal or a string, or the supplied value couldn't be found for a nominal attribute
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(weka.core.Attribute att,
                             double value)
        Sets a specific value in the instance to the given value (internal floating-point format). Performs a deep copy of the vector of attribute values before the value is set, so if you are planning on calling setValue many times it may be faster to create a new instance using toDoubleArray. The given attribute has to belong to a dataset.
        Specified by:
        setValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
        value - the new attribute value (If the corresponding attribute is nominal (or a string) then this is the new value's index as a double).
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(weka.core.Attribute att,
                             String value)
        Sets a value of an nominal or string attribute to the given value. Performs a deep copy of the vector of attribute values before the value is set, so if you are planning on calling setValue many times it may be faster to create a new instance using toDoubleArray. The given attribute has to belong to a dataset.
        Specified by:
        setValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
        value - the new attribute value (If the attribute is a string attribute and the value can't be found, the value is added to the attribute).
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not nominal or a string, or the value couldn't be found for a nominal attribute
      • setValueSparse

        public void setValueSparse​(int indexOfIndex,
                                   double value)
        Sets a specific value in the instance to the given value (internal floating-point format), given an index into the sparse representation. Performs a deep copy of the vector of attribute values before the value is set. Same as setValue(int, double) for a DenseInstance.
        Specified by:
        setValueSparse in interface weka.core.Instance
        indexOfIndex - the index of the attribute's index
        value - the new attribute value (If the corresponding attribute is nominal (or a string) then this is the new value's index as a double).
      • setWeight

        public void setWeight​(double weight)
        Sets the weight of an instance.
        Specified by:
        setWeight in interface weka.core.Instance
        weight - the weight
      • stringValue

        public String stringValue​(int attIndex)
        Returns the value of a nominal, string, date, or relational attribute for the instance as a string.
        Specified by:
        stringValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
        the value as a string
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not a nominal, string, date, or relation-valued attribute.
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the instance doesn't belong to a dataset.
      • stringValue

        public String stringValue​(weka.core.Attribute att)
        Returns the value of a nominal, string, date, or relational attribute for the instance as a string.
        Specified by:
        stringValue in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
        the value as a string
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not a nominal, string, date, or relation-valued attribute.
        weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException - if the instance doesn't belong to a dataset.
      • toDoubleArray

        public double[] toDoubleArray()
        Returns the values of each attribute as an array of doubles.
        Specified by:
        toDoubleArray in interface weka.core.Instance
        an array containing all the instance attribute values
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the value of the Instance's toString() method.
        toString in class Object
        the instance as a string
      • toString

        public String toString​(int attIndex)
        Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string. If the instance doesn't have access to a dataset, it returns the internal floating-point value. Quotes string values that contain whitespace characters, or if they are a question mark.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
        the value's description as a string
      • toString

        public String toString​(weka.core.Attribute att)
        Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string. If the instance doesn't have access to a dataset it returns the internal floating-point value. Quotes string values that contain whitespace characters, or if they are a question mark. The given attribute has to belong to a dataset.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
        the value's description as a string
      • toString

        public String toString​(int attIndex,
                               int afterDecimalPoint)
        Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string. If the instance doesn't have access to a dataset, it returns the internal floating-point value. Quotes string values that contain whitespace characters, or if they are a question mark.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
        afterDecimalPoint - the maximum number of digits permitted after the decimal point for numeric values
        the value's description as a string
      • toString

        public String toString​(weka.core.Attribute att,
                               int afterDecimalPoint)
        Returns the description of one value of the instance as a string. If the instance doesn't have access to a dataset it returns the internal floating-point value. Quotes string values that contain whitespace characters, or if they are a question mark. The given attribute has to belong to a dataset.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
        afterDecimalPoint - the maximum number of decimal places to print
        the value's description as a string
      • toStringMaxDecimalDigits

        public String toStringMaxDecimalDigits​(int afterDecimalPoint)
        Returns the description of one instance with any numeric values printed at the supplied maximum number of decimal places. If the instance doesn't have access to a dataset, it returns the internal floating-point values. Quotes string values that contain whitespace characters.
        Specified by:
        toStringMaxDecimalDigits in interface weka.core.Instance
        afterDecimalPoint - the maximum number of digits permitted after the decimal point for a numeric value
        the instance's description as a string
      • toStringNoWeight

        public String toStringNoWeight()
        Returns the description of one instance (without weight appended). If the instance doesn't have access to a dataset, it returns the internal floating-point values. Quotes string values that contain whitespace characters. This method is used by getRandomNumberGenerator() in in order to maintain backwards compatibility with weka 3.4.
        Specified by:
        toStringNoWeight in interface weka.core.Instance
        the instance's description as a string
      • toStringNoWeight

        public String toStringNoWeight​(int afterDecimalPoint)
        Returns the description of one instance (without weight appended). If the instance doesn't have access to a dataset, it returns the internal floating-point values. Quotes string values that contain whitespace characters. This method is used by getRandomNumberGenerator() in in order to maintain backwards compatibility with weka 3.4.
        Specified by:
        toStringNoWeight in interface weka.core.Instance
        afterDecimalPoint - maximum number of digits after the decimal point for numeric values
        the instance's description as a string
      • value

        public double value​(int attIndex)
        Returns an instance's attribute value in internal format.
        Specified by:
        value in interface weka.core.Instance
        attIndex - the attribute's index
        the specified value as a double (If the corresponding attribute is nominal (or a string) then it returns the value's index as a double).
      • value

        public double value​(weka.core.Attribute att)
        Returns an instance's attribute value in internal format. The given attribute has to belong to a dataset.
        Specified by:
        value in interface weka.core.Instance
        att - the attribute
        the specified value as a double (If the corresponding attribute is nominal (or a string) then it returns the value's index as a double).
      • valueSparse

        public double valueSparse​(int indexOfIndex)
        Returns an instance's attribute value in internal format, given an index in the sparse representation. Same as value(int) for a DenseInstance.
        Specified by:
        valueSparse in interface weka.core.Instance
        indexOfIndex - the index of the attribute's index
        the specified value as a double (If the corresponding attribute is nominal (or a string) then it returns the value's index as a double).
      • weight

        public double weight()
        Returns the instance's weight.
        Specified by:
        weight in interface weka.core.Instance
        the instance's weight as a double
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Returns only true if the same class and the same hashcode.
        equals in class Object
        true if same class and hashcode
      • setExcludeClass

        public void setExcludeClass​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to exclude the class from the hashcode computation.
        value - if true the class value gets excluded
      • getExcludeClass

        public boolean getExcludeClass()
        Returns whether the class is excluded from the hashcode computation.
        true if the class is excluded
      • setExcludeWeight

        public void setExcludeWeight​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to exclude the weight from the hashcode computation.
        value - if true the weight value gets excluded
      • getExcludeWeight

        public boolean getExcludeWeight()
        Returns whether the weight is excluded from the hashcode computation.
        true if the weight is excluded
      • invalidateHashCode

        protected void invalidateHashCode()
        Invalidates the hash code.
      • computeHashCode

        protected abstract int computeHashCode()
        Computes the hashcode.
        the hash code
        See Also:
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hashcode of this Instance, computes it if neccessary.
        hashCode in class Object
        the hashcode
        See Also: