Class WekaDatabaseReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    adams.core.AdditionalInformationHandler, adams.core.CleanUpHandler, adams.core.Destroyable, adams.core.GlobalInfoSupporter, adams.core.logging.LoggingLevelHandler, adams.core.logging.LoggingSupporter, adams.core.option.OptionHandler, adams.core.PasswordSupporter, adams.core.QuickInfoSupporter, adams.core.ShallowCopySupporter<adams.flow.core.Actor>, adams.core.SizeOfHandler, adams.core.Stoppable, adams.core.StoppableWithFeedback, adams.core.VariablesInspectionHandler, adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler, adams.event.VariableChangeListener, adams.flow.core.Actor, adams.flow.core.ErrorHandler, adams.flow.core.OutputProducer, Serializable, Comparable

    public class WekaDatabaseReader
    extends adams.flow.source.AbstractSource
    implements adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
    Executes a query and returns the data either in batch or incremental mode.

    - generates:

    Valid options are:

    -D <int> (property: debugLevel)
        The greater the number the more additional info the scheme may output to
        the console (0 = off).
        default: 0
        minimum: 0
    -name <java.lang.String> (property: name)
        The name of the actor.
        default: WekaDatabaseReader
    -annotation <adams.core.base.BaseText> (property: annotations)
        The annotations to attach to this actor.
    -skip (property: skip)
        If set to true, transformation is skipped and the input token is just forwarded
        as it is.
    -stop-flow-on-error (property: stopFlowOnError)
        If set to true, the flow gets stopped in case this actor encounters an error;
         useful for critical actors.
    -url <java.lang.String> (property: URL)
        The JDBC URL of the database to query.
    -user <java.lang.String> (property: user)
        The user for connecting to the database.
    -password <adams.core.base.BasePassword> (property: password)
        The password for the database user.
    -query <java.lang.String> (property: query)
        The SQL query to execute.
        default: select * from result0
    -keys <java.lang.String> (property: keys)
        The keys to use for identifying a single row (comma-separated list of column
    -incremental (property: incremental)
        If set to true, then single Instance objects are output, otherwise just
        one Instances object.
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected m_CustomPropsFile
      a custom properties file to use instead of default one.
      protected weka.core.Instances m_Data
      the full data.
      protected boolean m_Incremental
      whether to output the data row-by-row.
      protected String m_Keys
      the keys that uniquely identify a single row.
      protected weka.core.Instance m_NextInstance
      the next instance to output.
      protected adams.core.base.BasePassword m_Password
      the password for the user used for connecting.
      protected adams.db.SQLStatement m_Query
      the query to execute.
      protected weka.core.converters.DatabaseLoader m_Source
      the actual loader for loading the data.
      protected boolean m_SparseFormat
      whether to output data in sparse format.
      protected weka.core.Instances m_Structure
      the structure.
      protected String m_URL
      the database URL to query.
      protected String m_User
      the database user to use for connecting.
      • Fields inherited from class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor

        m_Annotations, m_BackupState, m_DetectedObjectVariables, m_DetectedVariables, m_ErrorHandler, m_Executed, m_Executing, m_ExecutionListeningSupporter, m_FullName, m_LoggingPrefix, m_Name, m_Parent, m_ScopeHandler, m_Self, m_Silent, m_Skip, m_StopFlowOnError, m_StopMessage, m_Stopped, m_StorageHandler, m_VariablesUpdated
      • Fields inherited from class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler

      • Fields inherited from class adams.core.logging.LoggingObject

        m_Logger, m_LoggingIsEnabled, m_LoggingLevel
      • Fields inherited from interface adams.flow.core.Actor

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String customPropsFileTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      void defineOptions()
      Adds options to the internal list of options.
      protected String doExecute()
      Executes the flow item.
      Class[] generates()
      Returns the class of objects that it generates. getCustomPropsFile()
      Returns the custom properties file to use for initializing the database setup instead of WEKA's default one.
      boolean getIncremental()
      Returns whether to output single Instance objects or just one Instances object.
      String getKeys()
      Returns the keys to use for identifying a single row (comma-separated list).
      adams.core.base.BasePassword getPassword()
      Returns the database password.
      adams.db.SQLStatement getQuery()
      Returns the query to execute.
      String getQuickInfo()
      Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
      boolean getSparseFormat()
      Returns whether data is output in sparse format.
      String getURL()
      Returns the query to execute.
      String getUser()
      Returns the database user.
      String globalInfo()
      Returns a string describing the object.
      boolean hasPendingOutput()
      Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
      String incrementalTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      String keysTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      adams.flow.core.Token output()
      Returns the generated token.
      String passwordTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      String queryTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      protected void reset()
      Resets the scheme.
      void setCustomPropsFile​( value)
      Sets the custom properties file to use for initializing the database setup instead of WEKA's default one.
      void setIncremental​(boolean value)
      Sets whether to output single Instance objects or just one Instances object.
      void setKeys​(String value)
      Sets the keys to use for identifying a single row (comma-separated list).
      void setPassword​(adams.core.base.BasePassword value)
      Sets the database password.
      void setQuery​(adams.db.SQLStatement value)
      Sets the query to execute.
      void setSparseFormat​(boolean value)
      Sets whether to output the data in sparse format.
      void setURL​(String value)
      Sets the database URL to query.
      void setUser​(String value)
      Sets the database user.
      String sparseFormatTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      String URLTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      String userTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      void wrapUp()
      Cleans up after the execution has finished.
      • Methods inherited from class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor

        annotationsTipText, backupState, canInspectOptions, canPerformSetUpCheck, cleanUp, compareTo, configureLogger, destroy, equals, execute, finalUpdateVariables, findVariables, findVariables, forceVariables, forCommandLine, forName, forName, getAdditionalInformation, getAnnotations, getDefaultName, getDetectedVariables, getErrorHandler, getFlowActors, getFlowExecutionListeningSupporter, getFullName, getName, getNextSibling, getParent, getParentComponent, getPreviousSibling, getRoot, getScopeHandler, getSilent, getSkip, getStopFlowOnError, getStopMessage, getStorageHandler, getVariables, handleError, handleException, hasErrorHandler, hasStopMessage, index, initialize, isBackedUp, isExecuted, isExecuting, isFinished, isHeadless, isStopped, nameTipText, performSetUpChecks, performVariableChecks, postExecute, preExecute, pruneBackup, pruneBackup, restoreState, setAnnotations, setErrorHandler, setName, setParent, setSilent, setSkip, setStopFlowOnError, setUp, setVariables, shallowCopy, shallowCopy, silentTipText, sizeOf, skipTipText, stopExecution, stopExecution, stopFlowOnErrorTipText, updateDetectedVariables, updatePrefix, updateVariables, variableChanged
      • Methods inherited from class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler

        cleanUpOptions, finishInit, getDefaultLoggingLevel, getOptionManager, loggingLevelTipText, newOptionManager, setLoggingLevel, toCommandLine, toString
      • Methods inherited from class adams.core.logging.LoggingObject

        getLogger, getLoggingLevel, initializeLogging, isLoggingEnabled
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.flow.core.Actor

        cleanUp, compareTo, destroy, equals, execute, findVariables, getAnnotations, getDefaultName, getDetectedVariables, getErrorHandler, getFlowExecutionListeningSupporter, getFullName, getName, getNextSibling, getParent, getParentComponent, getPreviousSibling, getRoot, getScopeHandler, getSilent, getSkip, getStopFlowOnError, getStopMessage, getStorageHandler, getVariables, handleError, hasErrorHandler, hasStopMessage, index, isExecuted, isFinished, isHeadless, isStopped, setAnnotations, setErrorHandler, setName, setParent, setSilent, setSkip, setStopFlowOnError, setUp, setVariables, shallowCopy, shallowCopy, sizeOf, stopExecution, stopExecution, toCommandLine, variableChanged
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.AdditionalInformationHandler

      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.logging.LoggingLevelHandler

        getLoggingLevel, setLoggingLevel
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.logging.LoggingSupporter

        getLogger, isLoggingEnabled
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.option.OptionHandler

        cleanUpOptions, getOptionManager
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.VariablesInspectionHandler

    • Field Detail

      • m_URL

        protected String m_URL
        the database URL to query.
      • m_User

        protected String m_User
        the database user to use for connecting.
      • m_Password

        protected adams.core.base.BasePassword m_Password
        the password for the user used for connecting.
      • m_Query

        protected adams.db.SQLStatement m_Query
        the query to execute.
      • m_Keys

        protected String m_Keys
        the keys that uniquely identify a single row.
      • m_Incremental

        protected boolean m_Incremental
        whether to output the data row-by-row.
      • m_SparseFormat

        protected boolean m_SparseFormat
        whether to output data in sparse format.
      • m_CustomPropsFile

        protected m_CustomPropsFile
        a custom properties file to use instead of default one.
      • m_Structure

        protected weka.core.Instances m_Structure
        the structure.
      • m_Source

        protected weka.core.converters.DatabaseLoader m_Source
        the actual loader for loading the data.
      • m_NextInstance

        protected weka.core.Instance m_NextInstance
        the next instance to output.
      • m_Data

        protected weka.core.Instances m_Data
        the full data.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WekaDatabaseReader

        public WekaDatabaseReader()
    • Method Detail

      • globalInfo

        public String globalInfo()
        Returns a string describing the object.
        Specified by:
        globalInfo in interface adams.core.GlobalInfoSupporter
        Specified by:
        globalInfo in class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler
        a description suitable for displaying in the gui
      • defineOptions

        public void defineOptions()
        Adds options to the internal list of options.
        Specified by:
        defineOptions in interface adams.core.option.OptionHandler
        defineOptions in class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor
      • getQuickInfo

        public String getQuickInfo()
        Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
        Specified by:
        getQuickInfo in interface adams.flow.core.Actor
        Specified by:
        getQuickInfo in interface adams.core.QuickInfoSupporter
        getQuickInfo in class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor
        null if no info available, otherwise short string
      • setURL

        public void setURL​(String value)
        Sets the database URL to query.
        Specified by:
        setURL in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        value - the JDBC URL
      • getURL

        public String getURL()
        Returns the query to execute.
        Specified by:
        getURL in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        the query
      • URLTipText

        public String URLTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        Specified by:
        URLTipText in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(String value)
        Sets the database user.
        Specified by:
        setUser in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        value - the user
      • getUser

        public String getUser()
        Returns the database user.
        Specified by:
        getUser in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        the user
      • userTipText

        public String userTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        Specified by:
        userTipText in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(adams.core.base.BasePassword value)
        Sets the database password.
        Specified by:
        setPassword in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        Specified by:
        setPassword in interface adams.core.PasswordSupporter
        value - the password
      • getPassword

        public adams.core.base.BasePassword getPassword()
        Returns the database password.
        Specified by:
        getPassword in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        Specified by:
        getPassword in interface adams.core.PasswordSupporter
        the password
      • passwordTipText

        public String passwordTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        Specified by:
        passwordTipText in interface adams.db.DatabaseConnectionParameterHandler
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(adams.db.SQLStatement value)
        Sets the query to execute.
        value - the query
      • getQuery

        public adams.db.SQLStatement getQuery()
        Returns the query to execute.
        the query
      • queryTipText

        public String queryTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setKeys

        public void setKeys​(String value)
        Sets the keys to use for identifying a single row (comma-separated list).
        value - the keys
      • getKeys

        public String getKeys()
        Returns the keys to use for identifying a single row (comma-separated list).
        the keys
      • keysTipText

        public String keysTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setIncremental

        public void setIncremental​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to output single Instance objects or just one Instances object.
        value - if true then a single Instance objects are output
      • getIncremental

        public boolean getIncremental()
        Returns whether to output single Instance objects or just one Instances object.
        true if single Instance objects are output
      • incrementalTipText

        public String incrementalTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setSparseFormat

        public void setSparseFormat​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to output the data in sparse format.
        value - if true then sparse format is used
      • getSparseFormat

        public boolean getSparseFormat()
        Returns whether data is output in sparse format.
        true if sparse format is used
      • sparseFormatTipText

        public String sparseFormatTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setCustomPropsFile

        public void setCustomPropsFile​( value)
        Sets the custom properties file to use for initializing the database setup instead of WEKA's default one.
        value - the custom props file, ignored if a directory
      • getCustomPropsFile

        public getCustomPropsFile()
        Returns the custom properties file to use for initializing the database setup instead of WEKA's default one.
        the custom props file, ignored if a directory
      • customPropsFileTipText

        public String customPropsFileTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • generates

        public Class[] generates()
        Returns the class of objects that it generates.
        Specified by:
        generates in interface adams.flow.core.OutputProducer
        weka.core.Instance.class, weka.core.Instances.class
      • reset

        protected void reset()
        Resets the scheme.
        reset in class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor
      • doExecute

        protected String doExecute()
        Executes the flow item.
        Specified by:
        doExecute in class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor
        null if everything is fine, otherwise error message
      • output

        public adams.flow.core.Token output()
        Returns the generated token.
        Specified by:
        output in interface adams.flow.core.OutputProducer
        the generated token
      • hasPendingOutput

        public boolean hasPendingOutput()
        Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
        Specified by:
        hasPendingOutput in interface adams.flow.core.OutputProducer
        true if there is pending output
      • wrapUp

        public void wrapUp()
        Cleans up after the execution has finished.
        Specified by:
        wrapUp in interface adams.flow.core.Actor
        wrapUp in class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor