AbstractWekaSetupGenerator<T> |
Abstract ancestor for setup generator sources.
WekaAssociatorSetup |
Outputs an instance of the specified associator.
WekaClassifierGenerator |
Generates multiple classifier setups.
WekaClassifierSetup |
Outputs an instance of the specified classifier.
WekaClustererGenerator |
Generates multiple clusterer setups.
WekaClustererSetup |
Outputs an instance of the specified clusterer.
WekaDatabaseReader |
Executes a query and returns the data either in batch or incremental mode.
WekaDataGenerator |
Generates artificial data using a Weka data generator.
WekaFilterGenerator |
Generates multiple filter setups.
WekaNewExperiment |
Generates a new ADAMS experiment setup.
WekaNewInstances |
Generates an empty dataset, based on the attribute types and names specified.
Nominal attributes are generated with an empty set of labels.
WekaPackageManagerAction |
Executes the specified action and forwards the generated output.
WekaSelectDataset |
Pops up a file chooser dialog, prompting the user to select one or more datasets.
WekaSelectObjects |
Allows the user to select an arbitrary number of Weka objects from the specified class hierarchy using the GenericObjectArray.