Class JFreeChart

    • Constructor Detail

      • JFreeChart

        public JFreeChart()
    • Method Detail

      • globalInfo

        public String globalInfo()
        Returns a string describing the object.
        Specified by:
        globalInfo in interface adams.core.GlobalInfoSupporter
        Specified by:
        globalInfo in class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler
        a description suitable for displaying in the gui
      • handlesRowRange

        public boolean handlesRowRange​(adams.gui.core.TableRowRange range)
        Checks whether the row range can be handled.
        Specified by:
        handlesRowRange in interface adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable.TableRowRangeCheck
        range - the range to check
        true if handled
      • promptParameters

        protected adams.core.Properties promptParameters​(InstancesTablePopupMenuItemHelper.TableState state,
                                                         boolean isColumn)
        Prompts the user to configure the parameters.
        state - the table state
        isColumn - whether column or row(s)
        the parameters, null if cancelled
      • createPlot

        protected void createPlot​(InstancesTable table,
                                  boolean isColumn,
                                  String title,
                                  int[] spRows)
        Plots the data.
        table - the table this is for
        isColumn - whether this is for a column or for row(s)
        data - the data to plot
        title - the title of the plot
        spRows - the spreadsheet rows, can be null
      • plot

        protected void plot​(InstancesTablePopupMenuItemHelper.TableState state,
                            boolean isColumn,
                            int index,
                            int[] indices)
        Allows the user to generate a plot from either a row or a column.
        state - the table state
        isColumn - whether the to use column or row
        index - the index of the row/column
        indices - the row indices, ignored if null
      • minNumRows

        public int minNumRows()
        Returns the minimum number of rows that the plugin requires.
        Specified by:
        minNumRows in interface PlotSelectedRows
        the minimum
      • maxNumRows

        public int maxNumRows()
        Returns the maximum number of rows that the plugin requires.
        Specified by:
        maxNumRows in interface PlotSelectedRows
        the maximum, -1 for none