AbstractPlotColumn |
Ancestor for plugins that plot a column.
AbstractPlotRow |
Ancestor for plugins that plot a row.
AbstractPlotSelectedRows |
Ancestor for plugins that plot rows.
AbstractProcessCell |
Ancestor for plugins that process a cell.
AbstractProcessColumn |
Ancestor for plugins that process a column.
AbstractProcessRow |
Ancestor for plugins that process a row.
AbstractProcessSelectedRows |
Ancestor for plugins that process a row.
ArrayStatistic |
Allows the calculation of row statistics.
AttributeStatistics |
Displays statistics for the selected attribute.
Binning |
Allows to perform binning of the values from a column or row.
ChangeAttributeWeight |
Allows the user to change the weight of the selected attribute.
ChangeInstanceWeights |
Allows the user to change the weight of the selected attribute.
ColumnStatistic |
Allows the calculation of column statistics.
DataSort |
Allows sorting the data using multiple columns.
Histogram |
Allows to generate a histogram from a column or row.
InstancesSortDefinitionPanel |
Represents a single sorting definition.
InstancesSortPanel |
Panel that allows users to sort instances over an arbitrary number
of columns.
InstancesTablePopupMenuItemHelper |
Helper class for constructing popup menus for the InstancesTable.
InstancesTablePopupMenuItemHelper.TableState |
Container object for the table state used by the popup menu items.
InvestigatorAsNewDataset |
Allows the user to add the selected rows as new dataset in the Investigator.
JFreeChart |
Allows to perform a simple plot of a column or row.
RowStatistic |
Allows the calculation of row statistics.
SimplePlot |
Allows to perform a simple plot of a column or row.
ViewCell |
For viewing the cell content.