AbstractColumnFinderApplier |
Ancestor for filters that apply ColumnFinder schemes to the data.
AndrewsCurves |
Generates Andrews Curves from array data.
César Ignacio García Osorio, Colin Fyfe (2003).
AnyToString |
Turns the selected range of attributes into string ones.
AttributeSummaryTransferFilter |
Filter which trains another filter to summarise a sub-set of the data's attributes.
CorrelationMatrix |
Computes a matrix with the correlation coefficients between attributes.
DatasetCleaner |
Removes all columns from the data data that have been indentified.
Detrend |
Performs Detrend, using the specified correction scheme.
DownSample |
A simple filter that retains only every nth attribute.
EquiDistance |
A filter for interpolating the numeric attributes.Using the same number of points as are currently present in the input will have no effect.
FastWavelet |
A filter for wavelet transformation using the JSci library's fast wavelet transform (FWT) algorithms.
For more information see:
A filter that transforms the data with Fast Fourier Transform.
Pads with zeroes.
For more information see:
Mark Hale (2009).
InputSmearing |
InterquartileRangeSamp |
A sampling filter for detecting outliers and extreme values based on interquartile ranges.
InterquartileRangeSamp.IQRs |
Container class for the IQR values.
JoinAttributes |
A simple filter that joins several attributes into a single STRING one, with a user defined string acting as 'glue'.
LogTransform |
Transforms all numeric attributes in the specified range using a log-transform.
The class attribute is omitted.
If a value less or equal to zero is encountered, a missing value is output.
MergeManyAttributes |
Merges two or more attributes, offers various strategies if values differ or not present.
Uses the common subsequence (either from start or end) of the attributes as name of the merged attribute, otherwise the concatenation of them (separated by '-').
MergeTwoAttributes |
Merges two attributes, offers various strategies if values differ or not present.
Uses the common subsequence (either from start or end) of the two attributes as name of the merged attribute, otherwise the concatenation of the both (separated by '-').
MetaPartitionedMultiFilter |
With each specified filter, a regular expression is associated that defines the range of attributes to apply the filter to.
MultiplicativeScatterCorrection |
Performs Multiplicative Scatter Correction, using the specified correction scheme.
NominalToNumeric |
Converts a nominal attribute into a numeric one.
NormalizeAdaptive |
Normalizes all numeric values in the given dataset (apart from the class attribute, if set).
OuterProductAnalysis |
Performs Outer Product Analysis (OPA).
For more information, see:
Fabricio S.Terra, Raphael A.Viscarra Rossel, Jose A.M.Dematte (2019).
Valid options are:
PartitionedMultiFilter2 |
A filter that applies filters on subsets of
attributes and assembles the output into a new dataset.
PrincipalComponentsJ |
* Performs a principal components analysis and transformation of the data.
* Dimensionality reduction is accomplished by choosing enough eigenvectors to account for some percentage of the variance in the original data -- default 0.95 (95%).
* Based on code of the attribute selection scheme 'PrincipalComponents' by Mark Hall and Gabi Schmidberger.
PublicPrincipalComponents |
Class that is identical to the Principal components class except it contains a public method to get the coefficients
from the principal components model
ReplaceMissingValuesWithZero |
Replaces all missing values for nominal and numeric attributes in a dataset with the modes and means from the training data.
RowSum |
Sums up all numeric values in a row and replaces them with it.
SavitzkyGolay |
A filter that applies Savitzky-Golay smoothing.
If a class attribute is present this will not be touched and moved to the end.
For more information see:
SavitzkyGolay2 |
A filter that applies Savitzky-Golay smoothing.
If a class attribute is present this will not be touched and moved to the end.
For more information see:
A simple filter that retains only every nth attribute.
SetMissingValue |
Attribute values in the given range are set to missing values.
NB: The class attribute is not excluded from this process.
SimpleDetrend |
Performs Detrend, using the specified correction scheme.
SpellChecker |
A simple filter that merges misspelled labels into a single correct one.
StringToDate |
Parses the selected range of string attributes using the specified format and turns them into date ones.