final roundup before next release

It's been a busy week with a lot of little changes before the upcoming release.


  • The GPD classifier (package weka.classifiers.functions) now uses the GaussianProcesses classifier as fallback, in case it cannot build a model (avoids predicting only NaNs)

  • The internal model used by WekaForecasting (adams-timeseries) gets correctly reset now

  • Adding actors after the SequenceSource is no longer broken


  • The PropertySheetPanelPage and WekaPropertySheetPanelPage wizard pages now have an optional button panel, for loading/saving the current properties

  • The wizard framework now uses the logging infrastructure as well

  • The ParameterPanelPage now offers the REGEXP option, which allows the entering of regular expressions

  • The Listeners menu item got removed from the Flow editor tree popup menu

  • The main menu of ADAMS has been rearranged, with the Machine learning menu getting decluttered, moving stuff into Visualization and Tools

  • The Flow editor's menu got consolidated as well, with the Debug and Execution menu getting merged into the new Run menu

  • The toolbar of the Flow editor is now configurable as well (eg through its preferences)

  • The introduction of the BaseClassname wrapper for class names, make it easier in the GUI to give feedback on an incorrectly entered classname - affects the following actors: Cast, ArrayProcess, ArrayGenerate, SelectObjects, WekaSelectObjects

  • The default class for the Cast control actor is now Unknown, which makes the actor now always show up in the actor tree


  • The Dark Lord, an attribute selection algorithm using a genetic algorithm, has been added to the main menu

  • Actor processors added for listing the usage of callable actors, variables and storage items

  • Find usages is a new menu item in the popup menu Flow editor tree, which allows you to list occurrences of variables, storage and callable actors throughout the flow - and allows you to jump to them (you may need to remove your $HOME/.adams/FlowEditor.props or %USERPROFILE%/_adams/FlowEditor.props file to make this appear)

  • The SelectDirectoryPage and SelectMultipleDirectoriesPage pages got added to the wizard

  • The ListTables source (adams-core) allows you to list tables from a database, e.g., when you want to iterate over them and extract some information

  • With the DatabaseMetaData source (adams-spreadsheet), you can output various types of meta-data information about a database connection/tables/columns.

  • The SourceReset source actor allows you to reset all sub-actors whenever a monitored variable changes (like the TransformerReset and SinkReset actors)

  • The Flow editor now sports a New from clipboard menu item, which allows you to paste the current actor on the clipboard straight into a new tab

  • Main menu items Margin curve and Cost curve got added (adams-weka)

  • That's it for now. At the moment, I'm in the process of updating the screenshots in the manual(s). Sometime in the next few days, I'll be making a new release.