Updates 2017/03/06

The new year turned out to be extremely busy with loads of projects running parallel. Nonetheless, there are still a number of fixes and improvements happening.


  • The HashSetInit transformer now stores the hashset in storage when initializing from array.

  • The EnterValue source uses BaseString now for the message/initial-value options, which updates variable occurrences correctly.

  • adams-weka: The Data and Instance tab now get correctly updated when an undo occurs.

  • adams-webservice: classes implementing the AlternativeUrlSupporter interface only attempt to instantiate the URL if provided parameter neither null nor empty now.

  • Added auto-detect-data-type flag to the SetReportValue transformers, previously on by default, now turned off.

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • The ColumnSubset row score scheme now uses the correct row-index for applying the base row score algorithm; also uses more efficient views for the subset instead of creating copies.

    • Fixed native use of Object[] in LookUpAdd transformer.

  • adams-rats: The Rat and RatControl standalones now listen to flow state changes, i.e., get notified correctly when pausing/resuming the flow.


  • Added support for gzip-compressed report files (.csv and .report), including display in Preview browser.

  • SelectArraySubet now has an option to allow search the list.

  • Outsourced dynamic class discovery to jclasslocator library.

  • The storage tab in the control panel of the Breakpoint now has a popup menu for the table listing the storage items. It is now possible to display storage items in multiple dialogs.

  • Filters now get the flow context set if they implement the adams.flow.core.FlowContextHandler interface.

  • The HashSetInit standalone now allows initializing with string values.

  • The HashSet boolean condition now allows specifying of value to check rather than just using token.

  • Standalones now force a variable update in the preExecute method if any variables detected.

  • When debugging a flow, the copy of the debugged flow is no longer editable.

  • The Storage can be viewed in real-time in the Flow editor now as well, just like the variables (in the menu: Run -> Storage).

  • Logging messages that appear in the application's Console window (main menu -> Program), are now also logged to the project's home directory, e.g., $HOME/.adams/log/console.log.

  • The SequencePlotter now allows you to change the margins used on the axis as well, not just the ranges.

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • SpreadsSheetExplorer now has an additional plot popup menu item for operating on the containers visible in the current viewport.

    • SpreadSheetMerge transformer now ensures that the specified column with the IDs has only unique IDs, throws an exception otherwise (in strict mode only).

  • adams-spectral-dim:

    • SpectrumExplorer now has an additional plot popup menu item for operating on the containers visible in the current viewport.

  • adams-weka:

    • InstanceExplorer now has an additional plot popup menu item for operating on the containers visible in the current viewport.

    • WekaInstancesMerge transformer now ensures that the specified attribute with the IDs has only unique IDs, throws an exception otherwise (in strict mode only).

    • Filters now get the flow context set if they implement the adams.flow.core.FlowContextHandler interface.

    • Weka Investigator

      • If loading of a serialized model (re-evaluate model in Classify and Cluster tab) fails, the error message displayed on the Start is now more expressive, e.g., stating that the file doesn't actually contain a serialized object.

      • Added Insert as dataset action to the data tab's tables to allow inserting selected rows as a new dataset.

  • adams-imaging:

    • added option to image feature generators for specifying a custom prefix for the feature names, e.g., to avoid duplicate names when using the same feature generator twice but with different parameters.

    • The Histogram feature generators can now group by channel rather than just by bin index.

  • adams-imaging-boofcv: reverted BoofCV back to 0.18 for the time being.

  • adams-imaging-imagej: The Histogram feature generator allows grouping of channels now.

  • adams-ml: ActualVsPredictedPlot now has option to supply a plot name, allowing multiple data lots in the same plot.

  • adams-rats: The RatControl standalone now allows stopping/restarting of individual Rat actors, not just pausing/resuming.


  • Added MergeReport transformer for merging a report with one obtained from storage or a callable source actor.

  • adams-imaging: added new Histogram feature generator that supports Gray, RGB, YUV, YIQ, HSV color models.

  • adams-ml: The ConfusionMatrix transformer generates confusion matrix in spreadsheet format from spreadsheet with actual/predicted labels.

  • adams-spreadsheet: added transformer for sorting spreadsheet columns called SpreadSheetSortColumns

  • adams-weka:

    • Added a file loader for ARFF files (SimpleArffLoader), to avoid file locking issues under Windows with the Weka one. Does not support incremental loading or relational attributes.

    • Added better support for experiments, making use of classes developed for the MultiExperimenter GUI tool (including multi-core support):

      • WekaNewExperiment (source)

      • WekaExperimentFileReader (transformer)

      • WekaExperimentExecution (transformer)

      • WekaExperimentFileWriter (sink)

Have a good week!