Updates 2018/01/12

I hope everyone had a great start to the new year. It's been a busy start here as there were some major changes in terms of Weka support within ADAMS.

The patched versions of Weka that ADAMS uses, are now available as separate branches from the following github repository:


The adams-weka module has been cloned into adams-weka-stable, which will continue to use our patched version of Weka 3.9.0. adams-weka will use more up-to-date versions of the developer version of Weka from now on, starting with a patched version of 3.9.2.

The reason for this split was to be able to offer a stable Weka version to our commercial clients (not much fun if your serialized models are not compatible with a newer version and you have to rebuild all your models), but regular ADAMS users can still enjoy using the latest version of Weka. The spectral frameworks will continue to use the 3.9.0 version.

Another change happened, affecting the start up scripts for ADAMS. To avoid collisions with user's local installations of Weka and their respective packages, the Launcher class used by the start up scripts now sets a custom WEKA_HOME environment variable, pointing to a directory below the project's home directory ($HOME/.adams or %USERPROFILE%_adams), taking the Weka version into account. Once again, this avoids problems with conflicting Weka packages between different versions of Weka, when using different versions of ADAMS. This approach of separating Weka is something that I have used for my weka-virtualenv tool as well.


  • adams-weka:

    • Fixed making predictions with the PLS1 instances analysis algorithm, used by the PLS supervised filter.


  • Added support for LONG to IncVariable and IncStorageValue transformers.

  • It is now possible to define a dialog width for the EnterManyValues source actor.

  • adams-weka:

    • Upgraded multisearch-weka-package to 2017.10.1

    • Upgraded partialLeastSquares dependency to 1.0.5

  • adams-groovy: removed Weka (and related) dependencies.

  • adams-jython: removed Weka (and related) dependencies.

  • adams-rsync: upgraded rsync4j to 3.1.2-7


  • Added better support for collections with the NewCollection source and CollectionInsert transformer.

  • Created copy of adams-weka as adams-weka-stable, with adams-weka now using Weka 3.9.2.

  • Created copy of adams-cntk-weka as adams-cntk-weka-stable, using adams-weka-stable dependencies.