Updates 2018/12/07

A fair amount of work was going on in the Weka-related modules, with a new Compare tab getting introduced to the Weka Investigator and a number of new filters. The content handlers in the Preview browser can be customized now, provided they have customizable options.


  • When swapping SetVariable transformer with standalone (and vice versa), the transfer for variable of variableValue now works. Also added transfer for expandValue, valueType properties.

  • String content on the clipboard is now only parsed in the Flow editor when performing an actual paste. This is to avoid lengthy wait times when switching between flows or generating popup menu when the clipboard content is large.

  • Pasting from clipboard in file or directory chooser panels now updates the history as well.

  • adams-rats: meta ratinput/output schemes now call the base initReception/Transmission methods; the Cron input scheme now installs the cronjob in the initReception method (to avoid race conditions), DeQueue configures queue in initReception, Socket sets up server socket in initReception, Subscribe configures subscription in initReception.

  • Updating a value using a field with a different data type as currently stored in a report didn't update the field itself, the old key was kept instead. Problematic when updating reference data for spectra, attempting to fix the data type of values.

  • adams-spreadsheet: fixed the quick info of the SpreadSheetAddRowID conversion.

  • adams-spectral-2dim-core: the Preview browser now handles simple spectrum files (.spec) again.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • fixed setting of numZeroes in RemoveWithZeroes filter.

    • the WekaFileChooser now lists all loaders/savers again

  • adams-net: fixed generation of output file name in SFTPGet transformer.

  • adams-rats: bulk actions now only get applied to checked ones, not all; checking/unchecking RatControl panel now uncheckings the RatsControl panel.


  • NumericStringCompare, as used by the Sort transformer, now providers better error messages when regexp replacement fails.

  • Content handlers in the Preview browser can be customized now (only some offer cutomizable options)

  • The Flow editor now has an Actors help menu item, which brings up class help just for actors. Additional copy operations got movied into Copy... sub-menu to keep menu cleaner, also added the Copy acto name action to sub-menu.

  • adams-spreadsheet: The spreadsheet table now has menu items in the header popup menu for setting column width/widths manually.

  • adams-spectral-3way-core: added option to the SimpleEEMReader to denormalize the amplitudes using the stored normalization factor.

  • adams-python: PythonEnvironment now allows updating the PYTHONPATH environment variable (append, prepend, replace).

  • adams-imaging:

    • The Grid scheme of the SubImages BufferedImageTransformer algorithm now offers options for overlaps on x and y axis, to avoid cutting through objects of interest.

    • Renamed transformer ImageReader to ImageFileReader and sink ImageWriter to ImageFileWriter to make them consistent with other actors that read/write files.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • added dataset-weights-weka-package 2015.6.16 dependency

    • SimpleArffLoader and SimpleArffSaver now handle instance weights

    • The Weka Investigator now has a popup menu on tabs (right-click) and also allows saving/loading of parameters of individual tabs. Data tab can display extra column with instance weights now. Closing tabs no longer prompts a dialog, as closing can be undone now (via Tab menu).


  • Added InList boolean condition for checking whether incoming string is in list of strings.

  • The CollectionToArray transformar turns any collection (eg java.util.List or java.util.Set) into an array.

  • The StorageCollectionInsert transformer updates a collection object in storage with the object(s) passing through.

  • The Find in files interface allows you to search for files in a directory that contain a certain search string. Search text can be either a simple string or a regular expression.

  • adams-ml: added the CrossValidation scheme to the file-based dataset generation for generating cross-validation folds.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • The WeightsBasedResample filter (package weka.filters.unsupervised.instance) allows you to resample a dataset using its weights.

    • The AccumulatedLWLWeights filter (package weka.filters.unsupervised.instance) generates weights for dataset using LWL-based approach, accumulating them and normalizing them to [0;1].

    • The RemoveWithWeights filter (package weka.filters.unsupervised.instance) removes instances outside the specified range.

    • The new Compare tab in the Weka Investigator allows you to compare two datasets via a common ID attribute (string or nominal): lists common IDs and ones that are only in first or second dataset, visual comparison of internal numeric values in separate tab (mainly aimed at spectral data).

  • adams-imaging: added simple framework for generating negative regions (regions without annotations) using annotated images as input for automating negative region generation: NegativeRegions transformer and class hierarchy of schemes.