Updates 2019/12/20

Last update before the Xmas break. Unfortunately, other projects got in the way and I didn't quite get around to making a release. Oh well, this will happen in the new year. :-)


  • adams-imaging: The CallableActorScreenshot control actor now works properly again when just outputting a BufferedImageContainer.

  • adams-rats: Rat can have variables again that get set at runtime.

  • adams-spreadsheet: The SpreadSheetReorderColumns transformer now leaves the cell types intact.

  • adams-spectral-2dim-core: the exportVisibleSpectra method of the SpectrumPanel is now more robust (accessible through the Export visible spectra popup menu item).

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • static class listing now works with the Weka class hierarchies as well.

    • the Copy cell of the InstancesTable (as used in the Data tab of the Weka Investigator) now copies the correct content.


  • Renderers in the object tree view of the debug panel in the Flow editor now cache their view whenever possible, to keep views more consistent between tokens.

  • adams-spreadsheet: The renderer for spreadsheets in the Flow debugger now only displays a maximum of 100 rows by default, with a button to display the rest if there are more. This avoids very large spreadsheets to bring the system to its knees.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • The renderer for Instances in the Flow debugger now only displays a maximum of 100 rows by default, with a button to display the rest if there are more. Speeds up rendering and with that debugging.

    • The random split action available from the data table of the Weka Investigator now remembers the last entered values and also allows the user to select the type of splitter to use.


  • Added a class hierarchy for text renderers for specific object types (adams.data.textrenderer.TextRenderer). These renderers can be used in the flow with the TextRenderer transformer. The tokens in the flow now uses these to render their payloads as well, to avoid very large text outputs in the flow debugger.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • added the WekaSplitGenerator for applying any available split generator, not limited to splitters for random or cross-validation splits.

    • added the MultiLevelSplitGenerator for splitting datasets on multiple string/nominal attributes subsequently.