Updates 2023/04/17

Never seem to get around posting all the changes that are happening... Most notably, there is now a default new theme in ADAMS using the FlatLAF look and feel, a modern theme for Java Swing. A lot of work went into the imaging modules again, now with more flexibility in terms of how to annotate (polygons: tracing or clicking) and support for custom tools. The new adams-imaging-ext module incorporates deep-learning based tools that aid the user in annotating images (eg using pretrained models or DEXTR).


  • added support for anti-aliased text in GOE editors and text overlays for improved readability.

  • adams-core:

    • updated simple-directory-chooser to 0.0.3 to fix problem with clicking on bookmarks not properly open directory tree.

    • The notification area in the Flow editor no longer splits the error output on ":" but on the top-level actor name, to avoid incorrect splits when colons are part of the actor name.

    • The storage panel of the Breakpoint control panel now updates correctly when the data changes.

    • The Go to menu item in the tree popup menu of the Flow editor now works as expected when there are more than two actor handlers present (going up in the tree).

    • In the Flow editor, a copied single actor (with potential subtree) can now be pasted in the GOE again (the internal representation gets converted to a commandline on demand, which the GOE can parse).

    • The SetTextRenderer for turning Java Set-like data structures into text now starts the numbering at 1 rather than at 2.

    • Validating a flow in the Flow editor now captures more variables.

    • Fixed several NullPointerExceptions relating to property change notifications when using the FlatLAF look and feel.

    • The Parameters tab in the Flow editor no longer shows options that are of type Actor.

    • Added a renderer for Set objects, e.g., used when inspecting storage objects.

  • adams-meta: The getActors(Class) method of the AbstractStandaloneGroup class now returns all actors of that class, not just the first one.

  • adams-rats-core: The stopExecution method of the Cron input Rat is now synchronized to avoid race conditions in stopping the scheduler.

  • adams-redis: The RedisConnection standalone now uses the specified host/port rather than just the default ones.


  • adams-addons-all: added adams-docker as dependency

  • adams-annotator: added adams-docker as dependency

  • adams-compress: upgraded zip4j to 2.11.3

  • adams-core:

    • The ImageHandler in the Preview browser now allows the image reader to be selected by the user.

    • The Preview browser now accepts setups from other content handlers in its options dialog when pasting a setup. It also has menu items for adjusting the window to half (of the screen) width/height.

    • The object inspection tree in the breakpoint view of the Flow editor now uses lazy expansion to speed up display of large (and deeply nested) objects.

    • The GenericObjectEditor now displays log messages in the user interface as well, e.g., when pasting of a setup via the "∨" button (top right corner) goes wrong.

    • upgraded debian-maven-plugin to 1.0.22

    • The ProgressBar sink now has the ability for displaying a button that stops flow.

    • DirectoryValueDefinition and FileValueDefinition now can output absolute paths via the useAbsolutePath option.

    • The Flow editor now has menu items in the window menu for half (of the screen) width/height

    • What options are being displayed in the GenericObjectEditor depends on the current user-mode (Program -> User mode) and what minimum user mode has been defined for an option. E.g., the logging level is only displayed in EXPERT mode now. This allows hiding of options that are not relevant for most users.

    • The DisplayPanelManager sink now allows specifying the location of the divider between entry names and the displayed entry.

    • Upgraded to FlatLAF 3.0 and tweaked JTree parameters to improve appearance.

    • using FlatLAFLight as default look'n'feel now.

    • Submenus in the popup menu of the Flow editor actor tree no longer require a custom class, instead a different definition in the FlowEditor.props file can be used (property: Tree.PopupMenu).

  • adams-imaging:

    • The Preview browser handlers ObjectAnnotationsHandler, ObjectCentersFromReport, ObjectLocationsFromReport and ObjectLocationsFromSpreadSheet now allow the user to specify the image reader to use; also use a table rather than a list for displaying the located objects and now offer a search panel; the object panel can be detached into a separate frame as well.

    • The ObjectLocationsHandler in the Preview browser now supports a panel with the object locations.

    • The YoloAnnotationsReportReader and YoloAnnotationsReportWriter now support annotations in polygon format as well (index plus normalized x/y polygon coordinates).

    • The Draw transformer now accepts plain BufferedImage objects as well.

    • The Image plugin for the Draw transformer now allows specifying an alpha value for transparency as well.

    • The OpexObjectLocationsReader/Writer now support per object meta-data as well.

    • Added support for tools in the ImageObjectAnnotator transformer interface. The Annotator tool lets you switch how you annotate objects (eg from bbox to polygon) while annotating. With Edit existing annotations can be modified (resizing bboxes, moving/adding vertices) and with Move annotations can be moved (dragged with mouse or moved via arrow keys).

  • adams-json: The JsonObjectToMap conversion can turn JSON arrays into lists now as well (via option).

  • adams-matlab: The Mat5StructToMap now handles structs with more elements than 1x1 correctly and allows the user to specify the index of a specific element to retrieve.

  • adams-ml-app: added adams-docker as dependency

  • adams-moa: excluding slf4j-log4j12 from moa dependency now, to avoid duplicate logger class.

  • adams-nlp: excluding the outdated commons-lang3 dependency from com.kennycason:kumo-core and using version 3.7 instead explicitly.

  • adams-redis: added support for authentication and experimental SSL parameters (useSSL, StartTLS, SSLVerifyMode) to the RedisConnection standalone.

  • adams-rsync: upgraded rsync4j to 3.2.7-1.

  • adams-spectral-3way-core: excluding log4j-slf4j-impl transitive dependency from multiway-algorithms now to avoid duplicate logger class.

  • adams-spreadsheet: The Spreadsheet viewer now has a Window menu, offering to open a new viewer window or adjusting the current one to half width/height.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • The operations Merge, Randomize and RandomSubset that are available in the table listing the datasets now keep their last settings.

    • The Investigator now has a Window menu, offering to open a new Investigator window or adjusting the current one to half (of the screen) width/height.

  • adams-yaml: upgraded snakeyaml to 1.33

  • adams-xml: upgraded xstream to 1.4.20 to address CVE-2022-40151 and CVE-2022-41966.


  • adams-audio: The SpeechPlaybackHandler allows playback of WAV/MP3 files and displays the content of the associated .txt file.

  • adams-core:

    • The ObjectViewer sink allows the user to inspect any object with ADAMS' built-in inspection capabilities.

    • The Flow editor now has the Parse error item in the Run menu which allows to the user to paste an error output (which contains actor names) from the console. This error then gets parsed and the user can navigate to the actors (if possible).

    • The LastLineMatches file use scheme simply checks whether the last line in a text file matches the specified regular expression (useful under Linux).

    • SelectDirectory/SelectFile/EnterValue actor can be "swapped" in the Flow editor with a EnterManyValues instance now.

  • adams-docker: basic support for executing docker commands. Linux/Mac only or WSL2, as it relies on the docker command-line client for execution.

  • adams-imaging:

    • The ObjectAnnotationsHandler now has an OverlapRemoval cleaner, e.g., for only keeping predictions with the highest score.

    • The ImageClassificationHandler overlays label (and optional score) onto an image that was read with the specified report reader.

    • The ImageClassificationSpreadSheetReportReader loads spreadsheets with image classification predictions and stores the highest label and its score in the report.

    • The SimpleOverlay image segmentation container operation turns base image and layers into a combined image that can be used in reports or saved to disk; CompareAnnotationWithPrediction generates images from annotation vs prediction, highlighting the overlappoing, missed and additional pixels.

    • The ImageSegmentationViewer allows the viewing of ImageSegmentationContainer tokens, making it easy to toggle layers for better inspection.

    • The AnyImageToByteArray and BufferedImageToByteArray conversions turn an image into a byte array of a certain format (e.g., JPG or PNG).

    • The ByteArrayToBufferedImage generates an image container from the incoming byte array representing an image (e.g., JPG or PNG).

    • The PolygonPointAnnotator allows the user to annotate polygons by left-clicking on each vertex (ENTER accepts, ESCAPE discards).

    • The PolygonFill tool allows you to define a polygon in the ImageSegmentationAnnotator transformer that then gets filled with either foreground or background color. The polygon gets defined by left-clicking on the individual vertices.

    • Added meta-plotters for annotation outlines, labels and shapes that apply the sub-plotters subsequently.

    • Added vertex outline plotters for object annotations (bbox and polygon).

  • adams-imaging-ext:

    • A new module with imaging tools that rely on external tools, like deep learning frameworks that run in docker containers.

    • DEXTR (Deep Extreme Cut) can aid the human annotator in annotating shapes for image segmentation (via transformer ImageSegmentationAnnotator).

    • OPEX can obtain object detection predictions from an OPEX-emitting docker container (via transformer ImageObjectAnnotator).

  • adams-json:

    • With ImageClassificationJsonReportReader it is possible to read JSON files that contain label/score pairs generated as predictions by image classification frameworks.

    • The JsonArrayToList conversion turns a JSON array into a Java list.

    • The ListToJsonArray conversion turns a Java list into a JSON array.

  • adams-matlab:

    • The DoubleMatrixToMat5Array conversion turns a double matrix into a 2-dimensional Matlab array.

    • The MapToMat5Struct conversion turns a Java map (nested maps, spreadsheets, Matlab arrays) into a Matlab struct object.

    • The Mat5ArrayToString conversion generates a human-readable string from a Matlab matrix.

    • The StringToMat5Array conversion parses a string like [1, 2; 3, 4] into a Matlab matrix.

    • The MultiMatrixOperation transformer applies a matrix operation to the matrices passing through and outputs the results.

    • The Mat5CharToString conversion turns a Char object into a string.

  • adams-spreadsheet: The AutoWidthTabularSpreadSheetReader/Writer pair allows parsing/outputting of tabular text files with dynamic column widths. For reading, the column width is being determined based on the header row. For writing, the column width is adjusted to fit all content in the output.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: