Class MOAClassifying

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    adams.core.AdditionalInformationHandler, adams.core.CleanUpHandler, adams.core.Destroyable, adams.core.GlobalInfoSupporter,, adams.core.logging.LoggingLevelHandler, adams.core.logging.LoggingSupporter, adams.core.option.OptionHandler, adams.core.QuickInfoSupporter, adams.core.ShallowCopySupporter<adams.flow.core.Actor>, adams.core.SizeOfHandler, adams.core.Stoppable, adams.core.StoppableWithFeedback, adams.core.VariablesInspectionHandler, adams.event.VariableChangeListener, adams.flow.core.Actor, adams.flow.core.DynamicInitializer, adams.flow.core.DynamicModelLoaderSupporter, adams.flow.core.ErrorHandler, adams.flow.core.InputConsumer, adams.flow.core.ModelLoaderSupporter, adams.flow.core.OutputProducer, Serializable, Comparable

    public class MOAClassifying
    extends AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel<moa.classifiers.Classifier>
    Uses a serialized MOA model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
    The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
    1. model file present?
    2. source actor present?
    3. storage item present?
    Optionally, the model can be updated with data being passed through.

    - accepts:
    - generates:

    Container information:
    - adams.flow.container.WekaPredictionContainer: Instance, Classification, Classification label, Distribution, Range check, Abstention classification, Abstention classification label, Abstention distribution

    -logging-level <OFF|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST> (property: loggingLevel)
        The logging level for outputting errors and debugging output.
        default: WARNING
    -name <java.lang.String> (property: name)
        The name of the actor.
        default: MOAClassifying
    -annotation <adams.core.base.BaseAnnotation> (property: annotations)
        The annotations to attach to this actor.
    -skip <boolean> (property: skip)
        If set to true, transformation is skipped and the input token is just forwarded
        as it is.
        default: false
    -stop-flow-on-error <boolean> (property: stopFlowOnError)
        If set to true, the flow execution at this level gets stopped in case this
        actor encounters an error; the error gets propagated; useful for critical
        default: false
    -silent <boolean> (property: silent)
        If enabled, then no errors are output in the console; Note: the enclosing
        actor handler must have this enabled as well.
        default: false
    -model-loading-type <AUTO|FILE|SOURCE_ACTOR|STORAGE> (property: modelLoadingType)
        Determines how to load the model, in case of AUTO, first the model file
        is checked, then the callable actor and then the storage.
        default: AUTO
    -model <> (property: modelFile)
        The file to load the model from, ignored if pointing to a directory.
        default: ${CWD}
    -model-actor <adams.flow.core.CallableActorReference> (property: modelActor)
        The callable actor (source) to obtain the model from, ignored if not present.
    -model-storage <adams.flow.control.StorageName> (property: modelStorage)
        The storage item to obtain the model from, ignored if not present.
        default: storage
    -on-the-fly <boolean> (property: onTheFly)
        If set to true, the model file is not required to be present at set up time
        (eg if built on the fly), only at execution time.
        default: false
    -use-model-reset-variable <boolean> (property: useModelResetVariable)
        If enabled, chnages to the specified variable are monitored in order to
        reset the model, eg when a storage model changed.
        default: false
    -model-reset-variable <adams.core.VariableName> (property: modelResetVariable)
        The variable to monitor for changes in order to reset the model, eg when
        a storage model changed.
        default: variable
    -output-instance <boolean> (property: outputInstance)
        Whether to output weka.core.Instance objects or PredictionContainer objects.
        default: false
    -update-model <boolean> (property: updateModel)
        Whether to update the model with the Instance (in case its class value isn't
        missing) after making the prediction.
        default: false
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected boolean m_OutputInstance
      whether to output weka.core.Instance objects or PredictionContainers.
      protected boolean m_UpdateModel
      whether to update the model after making the prediction.
      • Fields inherited from class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractTransformer

        BACKUP_INPUT, BACKUP_OUTPUT, m_InputToken, m_OutputToken
      • Fields inherited from class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor

        m_Annotations, m_BackupState, m_DetectedObjectVariables, m_DetectedVariables, m_ErrorHandler, m_Executed, m_Executing, m_ExecutionListeningSupporter, m_FullName, m_LoggingPrefix, m_Name, m_Parent, m_ScopeHandler, m_Self, m_Silent, m_Skip, m_StopFlowOnError, m_StopMessage, m_Stopped, m_StorageHandler, m_VariablesUpdated
      • Fields inherited from class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler

      • Fields inherited from class adams.core.logging.LoggingObject

        m_Logger, m_LoggingIsEnabled, m_LoggingLevel
      • Fields inherited from interface adams.flow.core.Actor

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void defineOptions()
      Adds options to the internal list of options.
      Class[] generates()
      Returns the class of objects that it generates.
      boolean getOutputInstance()
      Returns whether Instance objects are output instead of PredictionContainer ones.
      boolean getUpdateModel()
      Returns whether update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
      String globalInfo()
      Returns a string describing the object.
      protected adams.flow.core.AbstractModelLoader newModelLoader()
      Instantiates the model loader to use.
      String outputInstanceTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      protected adams.flow.core.Token processInstance​( inst)
      Processes the instance and generates the output token.
      void setOutputInstance​(boolean value)
      Sets whether to output Instance objects instead of PredictionContainer ones.
      void setUpdateModel​(boolean value)
      Sets whether to update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
      String updateModelTipText()
      Returns the tip text for this property.
      • Methods inherited from class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractTransformer

        currentInput, execute, hasInput, hasPendingOutput, input, output, postExecute
      • Methods inherited from class adams.flow.core.AbstractActor

        annotationsTipText, canInspectOptions, canPerformSetUpCheck, cleanUp, compareTo, configureLogger, destroy, equals, finalUpdateVariables, findVariables, findVariables, forceVariables, forCommandLine, forName, forName, getAdditionalInformation, getAnnotations, getDefaultName, getDetectedVariables, getErrorHandler, getFlowActors, getFlowExecutionListeningSupporter, getFullName, getName, getNextSibling, getParent, getParentComponent, getPreviousSibling, getRoot, getScopeHandler, getSilent, getSkip, getStopFlowOnError, getStopMessage, getStorageHandler, getVariables, handleError, handleException, hasErrorHandler, hasStopMessage, index, isBackedUp, isExecuted, isExecuting, isFinished, isHeadless, isStopped, nameTipText, performSetUpChecks, performVariableChecks, preExecute, pruneBackup, setAnnotations, setErrorHandler, setName, setParent, setSilent, setSkip, setStopFlowOnError, setVariables, shallowCopy, shallowCopy, silentTipText, sizeOf, skipTipText, stopExecution, stopExecution, stopFlowOnErrorTipText, updateDetectedVariables, updatePrefix, updateVariables
      • Methods inherited from class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler

        cleanUpOptions, finishInit, getDefaultLoggingLevel, getOptionManager, loggingLevelTipText, newOptionManager, toCommandLine, toString
      • Methods inherited from class adams.core.logging.LoggingObject

        getLogger, getLoggingLevel, initializeLogging, isLoggingEnabled
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.flow.core.Actor

        cleanUp, compareTo, destroy, equals, execute, findVariables, getAnnotations, getDefaultName, getDetectedVariables, getErrorHandler, getFlowExecutionListeningSupporter, getFullName, getName, getNextSibling, getParent, getParentComponent, getPreviousSibling, getRoot, getScopeHandler, getSilent, getSkip, getStopFlowOnError, getStopMessage, getStorageHandler, getVariables, handleError, hasErrorHandler, hasStopMessage, index, isExecuted, isFinished, isHeadless, isStopped, setAnnotations, setErrorHandler, setName, setParent, setSilent, setSkip, setStopFlowOnError, setVariables, shallowCopy, shallowCopy, sizeOf, stopExecution, stopExecution, toCommandLine
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.AdditionalInformationHandler

      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.logging.LoggingLevelHandler

      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.logging.LoggingSupporter

        getLogger, isLoggingEnabled
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.option.OptionHandler

        cleanUpOptions, getOptionManager
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.VariablesInspectionHandler

    • Field Detail

      • m_OutputInstance

        protected boolean m_OutputInstance
        whether to output weka.core.Instance objects or PredictionContainers.
      • m_UpdateModel

        protected boolean m_UpdateModel
        whether to update the model after making the prediction.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MOAClassifying

        public MOAClassifying()
    • Method Detail

      • globalInfo

        public String globalInfo()
        Returns a string describing the object.
        Specified by:
        globalInfo in interface adams.core.GlobalInfoSupporter
        Specified by:
        globalInfo in class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler
        a description suitable for displaying in the gui
      • defineOptions

        public void defineOptions()
        Adds options to the internal list of options.
        Specified by:
        defineOptions in interface adams.core.option.OptionHandler
        defineOptions in class AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel<moa.classifiers.Classifier>
      • newModelLoader

        protected adams.flow.core.AbstractModelLoader newModelLoader()
        Instantiates the model loader to use.
        Specified by:
        newModelLoader in class AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel<moa.classifiers.Classifier>
        the model loader to use
      • setOutputInstance

        public void setOutputInstance​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to output Instance objects instead of PredictionContainer ones.
        value - if true then Instance objects are output
      • getOutputInstance

        public boolean getOutputInstance()
        Returns whether Instance objects are output instead of PredictionContainer ones.
        true if Instance objects are output
      • outputInstanceTipText

        public String outputInstanceTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setUpdateModel

        public void setUpdateModel​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
        value - if true then update model
      • getUpdateModel

        public boolean getUpdateModel()
        Returns whether update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
        true if model gets updated
      • updateModelTipText

        public String updateModelTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • generates

        public Class[] generates()
        Returns the class of objects that it generates.
        Specified by:
        generates in interface adams.flow.core.OutputProducer
        Specified by:
        generates in class AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel<moa.classifiers.Classifier>
        adams.flow.container.WekaPredictionContainer.class, weka.core.Instance.class
      • processInstance

        protected adams.flow.core.Token processInstance​( inst)
                                                 throws Exception
        Processes the instance and generates the output token.
        Specified by:
        processInstance in class AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel<moa.classifiers.Classifier>
        inst - the instance to process
        the generated output token (e.g., container)
        Exception - if processing fails