AbstractArraySplitter |
Ancestor for array splitters.
AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator |
Ancestor for Meka classifier evaluators that make use of a callable classifier.
AbstractHeatmapTransformer |
Ancestor for transformers that work on heatmaps and also output
heatmaps again.
AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer |
Ancestor for heatmap transformers that allow the processing to
happen in-place, rather than on a copy of the data.
AbstractMekaClassifierEvaluator |
Ancestor for transformers that evaluate Meka classifiers.
AbstractMOAModelReader |
Ancestor for actors that deserialize models.
AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel<T> |
Ancestor for transformers that user models for processing Instance objects,
e.g., classifiers making predictions.
AddAudioAnnotation |
Adds an annotation the audio annotations passing through.
AddTrailBackground |
Adds a step tp the trail passing through.
AddTrailStep |
Adds a step to the trail passing through.
ArrayFolds |
Generates a subset of the array, using folds similar to cross-validation.
ArrayRandomize |
Randomizes an array using a copy.
ArraySubSample |
Generates a subset of the array, using a random sub-sample.
Use '1.1' if you only want to have an array of length one.
AudioAnnotationsFileReader |
Loads a file containing audio annotations from disk with the specified reader and passes it on.
AudioAnnotationsFileWriter |
Saves audio annotations to disk with the specified writer and passes the absolute filename on.
As filename/directory name (depending on the writer) the ID of the trail is used (below the specified output directory).
AudioAnnotationsFilter |
Filters audio annotations using the specified filter.
AudioData |
Reads audio data using the specified reader.
AudioInfo |
Reads audio data using the specified reader.
CoNLLFileReader |
Reads files in CoNLL format.
For more information see:
- accepts:
- generates:
DocumentToSentences |
Splits document strings into sentences using the specified document to sentences splitter.
EditDistance |
Computes the edit distance between the supplied base string and the one passing through, outputting the distance.
If a string array of length two is passing through, the 1st element is considered the base string instead and the distance computed to the 2nd element.
ExtractTrackedObject |
Extracts the tracked object and forwards it as a new image container.
GenerateWordCloud |
Generates a word cloud from the incoming word frequencies.
GetKeyFromKeyPair |
Retrieves the specified key from the key pair.
GetTrailBackground |
Outputs the background of a trail, if available.
HeatmapArrayStatistic |
Generates statistics from a heatmap, interpreting it as an array (row-wise concatenated).
HeatmapFeatureGenerator |
Applies a heatmap feature generator to the incoming heatmap and outputs the generated features.
HeatmapFileReader |
Reads heat map files.
HeatmapFileWriter |
Writes heat map files.
HeatmapFilter |
Filters data using the specified filter.
HeatmapGetValue |
Extracts values from a heatmap.
HeatmapInfo |
Outputs statistics of a heatmap object.
HeatmapLocateObjects |
Locates objects in a heatmap and forwards a sub-heatmap per located object, cropped around the object.
It is also possible to simply annotate the heatmap by storing the locations of the located objects in the report.
HeatmapSetValue |
Sets the value of the specified positions in a heatmap.
HTMLFileReader |
Reads an HTML file and forwards the parsed org.w3c.dom.Document object.
LatexAppendDocument |
Appends the text generated from the specified LaTeX code generator.
LatexCloseDocument |
Closes a LaTeX document by inserting a '\end{document}' statement.
LatexCompile |
Compiles the incoming LaTeX document (file name).
MekaClassifying |
Uses a serialized model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MekaClassSelector |
Determines which attributes to use as class attributes using either a regular expression or an attribute index range.
In case the attribute range is a non-empty string, this will take precedence over the regular expression.
Anything that follows a ':' or ' ' (blank) gets removed from the original relation name in order to create a valid MEKA one.
MekaCrossValidationEvaluator |
Cross-validates a Meka classifier on an incoming dataset.
MekaPrepareData |
Prepares the incoming dataset to be compatible with MEKA classifiers.
Uses information stored in the relation name of the dataset.
MekaResultSummary |
Turns the Meka meka.core.Result object into a string.
MekaResultValues |
Extracts values from a meka.core.Result object and generates a spreadsheet.
MekaTrainClassifier |
Trains a Meka classifier based on the incoming dataset and outputs the built classifier alongside the training header (in a model container).
MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator |
Trains a Meka classifier on an incoming training dataset (from a container) and then evaluates it on the test set (also from a container).
The classifier setup being used in the evaluation is a callable 'Classifier' actor.
MjpegImageSequence |
Streams the individual frames from the MJPEG video file obtained as input.
Images are output as boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32 (FRAME) or java.awt.image.BufferedImage (GUIIMAGE).
In case of output type BOTH, an array of frame (first) and GUI image (second) is output.
MOAClassifierEvaluation |
Evaluates a MOA classifier using prequential evaluation.
MOAClassifying |
Uses a serialized MOA model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOAClustererEvaluation |
Evaluates a MOA clusterer using prequential evaluation.
MOAClustering |
Uses a serialized MOA model to cluster data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOAFilter |
Applies a MOA stream filter to the incoming MOA instances.
MOAInstanceDumper |
Dumps MOA Instance objects into an ARFF file.
MOALearningEvaluation |
Generates a string representation from the measurements obtained from a MOA classifier or clusterer.
MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator |
Generates plot containers from the measurements.
MOAMeasurementsFilter |
Filters the measures based on the measurement name.
MOAModelReader |
Actor for loading a model (classifier or clusterer).
MOARegressing<T extends moa.classifiers.Classifier & moa.classifiers.Regressor> |
Uses a serialized MOA model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOARegressorEvaluation |
Evaluates a MOA regressor using prequential evaluation.
MOATrainClassifier |
Trains a MOA classifier based on the incoming data.
MOATrainClusterer |
Trains a MOA clusterer based on the incoming data.
MOATrainRegressor |
Trains a MOA regressor based on the incoming data.
MovieImageSampler |
Outputs sample images from a movie file generated by the specified sampler algorithm.
MovieImageSequence |
Streams the individual frames from a video file obtained as input.
Images are output as java.awt.image.BufferedImage.
MovieInfo |
Outputs basic information about a video and its audio/video streams.
MultiHeatmapOperation |
Applies the specified operation the incoming heatmap array.
RandomNumberGenerator |
Replaces the incoming token with a random number
- accepts:
- generates:
RedisTransformer |
Executes the specified action to generate output.
RenjinAddContext |
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context.
RenjinFileReader |
Reads .rdata files.
RenjinGetObject |
Forwards the R object identified by the path.
RenjinObjectInfo |
Outputs information on an R object.
RenjinTransformer |
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context and executes the script.
RESTTransformer |
Sends data to a REST webservice and forwards the response.
RTransformer |
Carries out an r command on the token passed in.
SimpleDockerCommand |
Supplies the specified docker command with the incoming additional arguments and forwards the output it generates on execution.
StanfordGrammaticalStructure |
Turns a Stanford parse tree into a grammatical structure.
StanfordLexicalizedParser |
Parses a string (= sentence) or string array (= tokenized sentence) using the Stanford LexicalizedParser.
Stemmer |
Applies the stemmer to the incoming word/words.
Tokenize |
Splits document strings into sentences using the specified document to sentences tokenizer.
TrackObjects |
Tracks objects in images using the provided tracker algorithm.
TrailFileReader |
Loads a file containing a trail from disk with the specified reader and passes it on.
TrailFileWriter |
Saves a trail to disk with the specified writer and passes the absolute filename on.
As filename/directory name (depending on the writer) the ID of the trail is used (below the specified output directory).
TrailFilter |
Filters data using the specified filter.
TransformTrackedObject |
Transforms the tracked object, as specified in the report, using the specified callable transformer.
TweeboParser |
Parses the incoming tweet text with the TweeboParser and forwards the generated CoNLL data.
For more information see:
- accepts:
- generates:
TweetNLPTagger |
Applies the TweetNLP tagger to the incoming string.
WaveFeatureGenerator |
Applies an Wave feature generator to the incoming image and outputs the generated features.
WaveFilter |
WordFrequencyAnalyzer |
Generates a word frequency analyzer from the incoming text.
WSTransformer |
Sends data to a webservice and forwards the response.