AbstractRemoteCommandAction |
Ancestor for remote command actions.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionResponseHandler<T extends AbstractRemoteCommandAction> |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from remote command actions.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI |
Ancestor for actions that display a GUI.
AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction |
Ancestor for actions that work on remote flows.
AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction.FlowListResponseHandler |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from a remote command
operating on remote flows.
Rats |
For managing Rats.
Rats.RatStatusPanel |
Panel for a single Rat.
Rats.RatStatusResponseHandler |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from the ListFlows
remote command.
RemoteFlowCommands |
For executing actions on remote flows.
RemoteLogging |
Allows remote logging.
RemoteLogging.LoggingResponseHandler |
Updates the buttons accordingly and displays error messages.
RemoteLogging.RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog |
Runnable that outputs the log records to a log.
StartListening |
Starts a remote engine.
StopListening |
Stops the remote engine.