Package adams.core
Class ClassLister
- java.lang.Object
- adams.core.ClassLister
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public class ClassLister extends
Determines the classnames of superclasses that are to be displayed in the GUI for instance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to reentrant threads, thegetSingleton()
method is not allowed to be called fromstatic {...}
blocks in classes that are managed by the ClassLister class (and therefore the ClassLocator class). Since the ClassLocator class loads classes into the JVM, thestatic {...}
block of these classes gets executed and the ClassLister gets initialized once again. In this case, the previous singleton will most likely get overwritten.
Calling the main method of this class allows listing of classes for all or a specific superclass. Examples:- List all: adams.core.ClassLister -allow-empty - List all actors: adams.core.ClassLister -super adams.flow.core.Actor - List only transformers: adams.core.ClassLister -super adams.flow.core.Actor -match ".*\.transformer\..*" - List only actors from the adams-compress module: adams.core.ClassLister -super adams.flow.core.Actor -filter-by-module adams-compress"
- Author:
- fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
- See Also:
, Serialized Form
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static String
the name of the props file.static String
for statically listed classes (superclass -> comma-separated classnames).static String
for statically listed packages (superclass -> comma-separated packages).static String
the name of the classpath blacklist props file.static String
the name of the props file.protected static ClassLister
the singleton.protected boolean
whether static or dynamic discovery is used.
Constructor Summary
Constructors Modifier Constructor Description protected
Initializes the classlister.
Method Summary
All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description Class[]
filterByModule(Class[] classes, String module)
Filters the classes using the ADAMS module name, returning only ones that are from this module.List<String>
getAllClassnames(boolean managed)
For returning a list of all classes.List<String>
getAllClassnames(boolean managed, Class[] filters)
For returning a list of all classes.Class[]
getClasses(Class superclass, Class restriction)
Returns all the classes of the specified superclass (abstract class or interface), but restricts it further to the specified class.Class[]
getClasses(Class superclass, Class[] restriction)
Returns all the classes of the specified superclass (abstract class or interface), but restricts it further to the specified classes.static ClassLister
Returns the singleton instance of the class lister.boolean
Returns whether static or dynamic discivery is being used.static void
main(String[] args)
Outputs a list of available conversions.protected boolean
matches(Class cls, Class[] filters)
Matches the class against the filters (interfaces, superclasses).protected boolean
matches(String cls, Class[] filters)
Matches the class against the filters (interfaces, superclasses).-
Methods inherited from class
addHierarchy, addHierarchy, extractPackage, getClasses, getClasses, getClassLocator, getClassnames, getClassTraversal, getLogger, getManagedClasses, getManagedClassnames, getPackages, getPackages, getPackages, getSingleton, getSuperclasses, getSuperclasses, getSuperclasses, initialize, isLoggingEnabled, isManaged, isManaged, isOnlyDefaultConstructor, isOnlySerializable, load, load, setBlacklist, setOnlyDefaultConstructor, setOnlySerializable, setPackages, toPackages, toProperties, toString, updateCaches, updateCaches, updateClasses, updateClasses, updateClassnames, updateClassnames
Field Detail
public static final String FILENAME
the name of the props file.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
public static final String BLACKLIST
the name of the props file.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
public static final String CLASSPATH_BLACKLIST
the name of the classpath blacklist props file.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
public static final String CLASSLISTER_CLASSES
for statically listed classes (superclass -> comma-separated classnames).- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
public static final String CLASSLISTER_PACKAGES
for statically listed packages (superclass -> comma-separated packages).- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
protected static ClassLister m_Singleton
the singleton.
protected boolean m_Static
whether static or dynamic discovery is used.
Method Detail
public boolean isStatic()
Returns whether static or dynamic discivery is being used.- Returns:
- true if static
public Class[] getClasses(Class superclass, Class restriction)
Returns all the classes of the specified superclass (abstract class or interface), but restricts it further to the specified class.- Parameters:
- abstract class or interface to get classes forrestriction
- the interface that the classes must implement- Returns:
- the class subset
public Class[] getClasses(Class superclass, Class[] restriction)
Returns all the classes of the specified superclass (abstract class or interface), but restricts it further to the specified classes.- Parameters:
- abstract class or interface to get classes forrestriction
- the interfaces that the classes must implement- Returns:
- the class subset
public List<String> getAllClassnames(boolean managed)
For returning a list of all classes.- Parameters:
- whether to restrict to managed classes- Returns:
- the list of class names
protected boolean matches(String cls, Class[] filters)
Matches the class against the filters (interfaces, superclasses).- Parameters:
- the class to matchfilters
- the interfaces/superclasses to match, null if no filtering- Returns:
- true if a match
protected boolean matches(Class cls, Class[] filters)
Matches the class against the filters (interfaces, superclasses).- Parameters:
- the class to matchfilters
- the interfaces/superclasses to match, null if no filtering- Returns:
- true if a match
public List<String> getAllClassnames(boolean managed, Class[] filters)
For returning a list of all classes.- Parameters:
- whether to restrict to managed classesfilters
- for filtering the classes (interfaces/superclasses to match again), null to ignore- Returns:
- the list of class names
public Class[] filterByModule(Class[] classes, String module)
Filters the classes using the ADAMS module name, returning only ones that are from this module.- Parameters:
- the classes to filtermodule
- the name of the ADAMS module- Returns:
- the filtered classes
public static ClassLister getSingleton()
Returns the singleton instance of the class lister.- Returns:
- the singleton