AbstractDataBackedIndex<T> |
Ancestor for index classes that can use names as index as well as the
placeholders like 'first' and 'last'.
AbstractDataBackedRange<T> |
Ancestor for range classes that allow additional names in the range string,
just like placeholders for 'first', 'second', etc).
AbstractDataBackedRange.InvertedStringLengthComparator |
Simply compares the length of the strings, with longer strings rating
AbstractDataBackedUnorderedRange<T> |
Ancestor for unordered range classes that allow additional names in the range string,
just like placeholders for 'first', 'second', etc).
AbstractDataBackedUnorderedRange.InvertedStringLengthComparator |
Simply compares the length of the strings, with longer strings rating
AbstractFileBasedHistory<T extends File> |
History for file objects.
AbstractHistory<T> |
Ancestor for classes maintaining a history of objects.
AbstractPersistentHistory<T> |
Ancestor of classes for maintaining a history of objects that are stored
on disk.
ByteFormat |
Formatting class for turning byte amounts into kb, mb, etc.
ByteFormatString |
Wrapper for byte format strings.
ClassCompatibility |
Class that determines compatibility between inputs and outputs.
ClassLister |
Determines the classnames of superclasses that are to be displayed in
the GUI for instance.
ClassListerJson |
Same as ClassLister , but with support for outputting JSON when calling the main method.
CompareUtils |
Utility class for comparisons.
ConfigurableEnumeration<T extends ConfigurableEnumeration.AbstractItem> |
A more flexible way for enumerations.
ConfigurableEnumeration.AbstractItem<E extends ConfigurableEnumeration> |
Represents a single item of an enumeration.
Constants |
Contains some commonly used constants.
DateFormat |
A threadsafe class for date formatting/parsing.
DateTime |
A thin wrapper to distinguish between date and date/time.
DateTimeMsec |
A thin wrapper to distinguish between date/teim and date/time msec.
DateUtils |
A helper class for common Date-related operations.
DefaultCompare |
DiffUtils |
A helper class for generating diffs between two files, lists of strings.
DiffUtils.Filler |
A helper class for the side-by-side diff.
DiffUtils.SideBySideDiff |
Container object for a side-by-side diff.
EnumHelper |
Helper class for enum-related operations.
ExcelHelper |
Helper class for Excel-related stuff.
FileHistory |
History for File objects.
FileNameCompare |
Compares two File objects.
FindClass |
For locating classes on the classpath.
FindClass.Listener |
For collecting URLs.
IEEE754 |
Helper class for dealing with ieee754 encoded floats.
Index |
A simple class that translates human-readable 1-based index strings
(including "first", "second", "third", "last_2", "last_1" and "last")
into integer indices.
ListHelper |
Helper class for lists.
LittleEndian |
Helper class for conversions related to Little-Endian.
LRUCache<K,V> |
An LRU cache, based on LinkedHashMap .
This cache has a fixed maximum number of elements (cacheSize ).
Memory |
A little helper class for Memory management.
MessageCollection |
Container for collecting messages.
MicroSecondFormat |
Formatting class for turning byte amounts into kb, mb, etc.
MicroSecondFormatString |
Wrapper for microsecond format strings.
NamedCounter |
Provides counters that can be referenced by a name.
NamedCounter.CounterComparator |
Comparator for sorting the names based on the counts associated with them.
NewInstance |
For instantiating objects, with or without custom constructor.
NumericStringCompare |
Compares the numeric portion of two String objects by extracting it using
the supplied regexp.
ObjectCopyHelper |
Helper class for copying objects.
ODFHelper |
Helper class for PDF-related stuff.
Performance |
A convenience class for accessing the performance tuning parameters.
PlaceholderDirectoryHistory |
History for PlaceholderDirectory objects.
PlaceholderFileHistory |
History for PlaceholderFile objects.
Placeholders |
A class for accessing the system-wide defined placeholders.
Properties |
Enhanced java.util.Properties class.
PropertiesBasedEnumeration<T extends ConfigurableEnumeration.AbstractItem> |
Enumeration that uses properties as backend.
PropertiesToCode |
Turns a Properties object into Java code.
PublishSubscribeHandler |
Manages publishing of data to subscribed listeners.
QuickInfoHelper |
Helper class for assembling quick info strings returned by classes
implementing QuickInfoSupporter .
Range |
A class for managing a range of 1-based indices, e.g., 1-5, 3,7,9 or 1-7,9
(including "first", "second", "third", "last_2", "last_1" and "last").
Range.SubRange |
Represents a sub-range, either a single number of from-to.
SecondFormat |
Formatting class for turning byte amounts into kb, mb, etc.
SecondFormatString |
Wrapper for microsecond format strings.
SerializableObjectHelper |
Helper class for serializing an object's member variables.
SerializationHelper |
A helper class for determining serialVersionUIDs and checking whether
classes contain one and/or need one.
SerializedObject |
Class for storing an object in serialized form in memory.
Shortening |
Helper class for shortening operations.
SimpleTimer |
Simple class for generating timings.
SizeOf |
StaticClassLister |
Loads class names listed in props files, for cases when dynamic class
discovery is not available (e.g., JUnit tests).
StoppableUtils |
Methods for objects implementing the Stoppable interface.
StoppableUtils.StoppableObserver |
Observer that records all the objects that implement the Stoppable interface.
StringHistory |
History for arbitrary strings.
SystemInfo |
Gathers information about system properties.
TechnicalInformation |
Used for paper references in the Javadoc and for BibTex generation.
Time |
A thin wrapper to distinguish between date and time.
TimeIt |
Helper class for timing code execution.
TimeMsec |
A thin wrapper to distinguish between date and time/msec.
Trie |
A class representing a Trie data structure for strings.
Trie.TrieIterator |
Represents an iterator over a trie
Trie.TrieNode |
Represents a node in the trie.
UniqueIDs |
Class for creating unique IDs.
UnorderedRange |
Like Range , but enforces no ordering on indices.
Utils |
Class implementing some simple utility methods.
VariableName |
Wrapper around the name of a variable (= string).
VariableNameNoUpdate |
Wrapper around the name of a variable (= string).
VariableNameValuePair |
Wrapper for a name/value pair of a variable.
Variables |
A container for storing variables and their values.
VariablesFinder |
Option traverser for locating variables.
WrapperHashSet<E> |
An extended HashSet that wraps its objects in a wrapper object before
storing them in a HashSet.
WrapperHashSet.Wrapper |
The class that wraps.