AbstractAdamsExperimentReader |
Ancestor for readers for ADAMS Experiments.
AbstractCompressedTextReader |
Ancestor for text readers of compressed files.
AbstractCustomPNGAnnotationImageSegmentationReader |
Ancestor for readers that read the annotations from a single PNG file and allow the reader to be specified.
AbstractDataContainerReader<T extends DataContainer> |
Abstract ancestor for readers that read files in various formats and
turn them into data containers.
AbstractEmailFileReader |
Ancestor of email readers that read emails from files.
AbstractEmailReader |
Ancestor for classes that read emails.
AbstractExcelSpreadSheetReader<T extends Range> |
Ancestor for special Excel readers.
AbstractFlowReader |
Ancestor for classes that can read flows.
AbstractImageReader<T extends AbstractImageContainer> |
Ancestor for image readers.
AbstractImageSegmentationAnnotationReader |
Ancestor for readers for image segmentation annotations.
AbstractIndexedSplitsRunsReader |
Ancestor for readers that load files containing IndexedSplitsRuns.
AbstractMultiSheetSpreadSheetReader<T extends Range> |
Ancestor for spreadsheet readers that can read multiple sheets from a
document in one go.
AbstractMultiSheetSpreadSheetReaderWithMissingValueSupport<T extends Range> |
Ancestor for spreadsheet readers that allow the specification of a custom
missing value string.
AbstractNestedFlowReader |
Ancestor for flow readers that support the nested format as well.
AbstractObjectReader |
Ancestor for object readers.
AbstractParameterMapReader |
Ancestor for classes that read parameter maps.
AbstractPNGAnnotationImageSegmentationReader |
Ancestor for readers that read the annotations from a single PNG file.
AbstractReportReader<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for readers that read files in various formats and
creates a reports.
AbstractSimpleCSVReportReader<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for reports to be written in CSV format.
AbstractSimpleJsonReportReader<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for reports to be written in CSV format.
AbstractSimpleReportReader<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for reports to be written in properties format.
AbstractSpreadSheetReader |
Ancestor for classes that can read spreadsheets.
AbstractSpreadSheetReaderWithMissingValueSupport |
Ancestor for spreadsheet readers that allow the specification of a custom
missing value string.
AbstractTextReader<T> |
Ancestor for readers for text streams.
AbstractTextReaderWithEncoding<T> |
Ancestor for text readers that support file encodings.
AbstractTimeseriesReader |
Ancestor for timeseries readers.
AbstractWekaSpreadSheetReader |
Ancestor for WEKA file format readers.
AccessSpreadSheetReader |
Allows the reading of MS Access databases.
AccessSpreadSheetReader.ChunkReader |
Reads data from the table in chunks.
ApacheCommonsImageReader |
Apache Commons image reader for: bmp, gif, ico, pbm, pgm, png, pnm, ppm, psd, tif, tiff
ArffSpreadSheetReader |
Reads WEKA datasets in ARFF format and turns them into spreadsheets.
AutoWidthTabularSpreadSheetReader |
Reads simple tabular text files, using column widths as defined by the header row.
BlueChannelImageSegmentationReader |
The layers are stored in the blue channel, with 0 being the background.
BoofCVImageReader |
BoofCV image reader for: bmp, gif, jpeg, jpg, pgm, png, ppm, wbmp
For more information see:
Bzip2TextFileReader |
Reads content from bzip2 compressed text files.
CocoAnnotationsReportReader |
Loads COCO annotations from the JSON file, with one report per image.
Handles only segmentations with polygons (not RLE) and only one polygon per annotation.
CommandlineReader |
Loads objects using the commandline store in the file.
CsvSpreadSheetReader |
Reads CSV files.
It is possible to force columns to be text.
CsvSpreadSheetReader.ChunkReader |
Reads CSV files chunk by chunk.
DeepLabCutCSVReader |
Reads point annotations into multiple reports from DeepLabCut's CSV format.
DefaultFlowReader |
Reads flows in the default format (nested).
DefaultSimpleCSVReportReader |
Default implementation of a report reader of the simple CSV format.
DefaultSimpleJsonReportReader |
Default implementation of a report reader of the simple Json format.
DefaultSimpleReportReader |
Default implementation of a report reader of the simple format.
DetectronAnnotationsReportReader |
Interprets rectangle annotations present in Detectron annotations JSON file.
EmlEmailFileReader |
Reads emails stored in EML files.
ExcelSpreadSheetReader |
Reads MS Excel files (using DOM).
ExcelStreamingSpreadSheetReader |
Reads large MS Excel XML files (using streaming via SAX).
Increasing the debug level to more than 1 results in outputting detailed information on cells.
ExcelStreamingSpreadSheetReader.SheetHandler |
For reading a sheet from XML.
FastCsvSpreadSheetReader |
Simplified CSV spreadsheet reader for loading large files.
FastCsvSpreadSheetReader.ChunkReader |
Reads CSV files chunk by chunk.
FixedTabularSpreadSheetReader |
Reads simple tabular text files with fixed column widths, as used by dot matrix printers in days gone by.
GnumericSpreadSheetReader |
Reads Gnumeric workbook files (GZIP compressed or uncompressed XML), version 1.10.13.
GrayscaleImageSegmentationReader |
The layers are stored as grayscale values, with 0 being the background.
GzippedTextFileReader |
Reads content from gzipped text files.
ImageClassificationGridSpreadSheetReader |
Turns grid cells in the spreadsheet with labels ('label=score') into object locations.
Spreadsheet format:
ImageClassificationJsonReportReader |
Retrieves the label with the highest score from the JSON file and stores them in a report.
JSON file format: { LABEL1: SCORE1; LABEL2: SCORE2; }
ImageClassificationSpreadSheetReportReader |
Retrieves the label with the highest score from the spreadsheet and stores them in a report.
IndexedPNGImageSegmentationReader |
The layers are stored in the blue channel, with 0 being the background.
IndividualImageSegmentationLayerReader |
Uses a JPG as base image and indexed PNG files for the individual layers (0 = background, 1 = annotation).
InstanceReader |
Reads WEKA datasets in various formats.
JAIImageReader |
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) image reader for: jpg, bmp, gif, png, jpeg, wbmp
JsonAdamsExperimentReader |
Reads ADAMS Experiments in JSON format.
JsonFlowReader |
Reads flows in JSON format.
JsonIndexedSplitsRunsReader |
Reads runs of indexed splits from JSON.
JsonParameterMapReader |
Reads parameters in JSON format.
JSONSpreadSheetReader |
Reads WEKA datasets in JSON format and turns them into spreadsheets.
LibSVMSpreadSheetReader |
Reads WEKA datasets in LibSVM format and turns them into spreadsheets.
LineArrayTextReader |
Reads the text in as array of strings (each line is an array element).
For large files, the data can be 'chunked' (ie outputting it in blocks).
LineByLineTextReader |
Reads the text data, line by line.
LzfTextFileReader |
Reads content from LZF compressed text files.
LzmaTextFileReader |
Reads content from LZMA compressed text files.
Mat5SpreadSheetReader |
Reads Matlab .mat files (format 5)
MatlabSpreadSheetReader |
Reads WEKA datasets in ARFF format and turns them into spreadsheets.
NestedAdamsExperimentReader |
Reads ADAMS Experiments in nested format.
NestedCommandlineReader |
Loads objects using the commandline store in the file (nested format).
ObjectLocationsSpreadSheetReader |
Reads object locations from a spreadsheet into a report.
Top/left column is required.
Either right/bottom or width/height need to be supplied.
In addition, polygon coordinates (X and Y coordinates as comma-separated lists in two separate columns) can be read as well.
If the coordinates/dimensions represent normalized ones (ie 0-1), then specify the width/height of the image to relate them back to actual pixel-based sizes.
ODFSpreadSheetReader |
Reads ODF (Open Document Format) spreadsheet files.
If a row contains only empty cells, this is interpreted as the end of the sheet.
OpenCVImageReader |
Reads images using OpenCV.
OpexObjectLocationsReader |
Reads object locations from JSON generated by the opex library.
See more:
PascalVOCObjectLocationsReader |
Reads object locations in Pascal VOC format.
See more:
PNGImageReader |
Reads images in PNG format.
PNGSpreadSheetReader |
Reads PNGs as spreadsheet, e.g., for reading indexed PNGs.
PropertiesEmailFileReader |
Reads emails stored in properties files.
PropertiesIndexedSplitsRunsReader |
Reads runs of indexed splits from .props files.
PropertiesSpreadSheetReader |
Turns Java properties files into spreadsheets with two columns: Key and Value.
SerializableObjectReader |
SerializedAdamsExperimentReader |
Reads serialized ADAMS Experiments.
SerializedObjectReader |
Loads objects using Java serialization.
SerializedParameterMapReader |
Reads a parameter map from a serialized file.
SimpleArffSpreadSheetReader |
Simple reader for Weka ARFF files, only supports NUMERIC, NOMINAL, STRING and DATE attributes.
SimpleCsvSpreadSheetReader |
Reads CSV files.
It is possible to force columns to be text.
SimpleStreamSpreadSheetReader |
Reads file in simple stream format:
- one spreadsheet row per line in the output
- cells are separated by TAB
- cell format: '<1-based index>:<content-type ID>:<content>'
NB: tabs, new lines etc in the content get backquoted.
SimpleTimeseriesReader |
Reader for the simple timeseries data format, CSV-like with preceding comments.
SingleStringTextReader |
Reads all text data into a single string and returns that
SpreadSheetTimeseriesReader |
Reads timeseries containers from columns of a spreadsheet.
A new container is started, whenever the value of the ID column changes (hence you need to ensure that the data is ordered on this column).
However, it is not required to have an ID column present.
SqlDumpSpreadSheetReader |
Reads in SQL dump files.
SqlDumpSpreadSheetReader.ChunkReader |
Reads CSV files chunk by chunk.
SVMLightSpreadSheetReader |
Reads WEKA datasets in ARFF format and turns them into spreadsheets.
TsvSpreadSheetReader |
Reads TSV (tab-separated values) files.
It is possible to force columns to be text.
VggXmlAnnotationReportReader |
Reads XML image annotation files, like used in the pets dataset:
ViaAnnotationsReportReader |
Interprets polygon annotations generated by VGG Image Annotator.
For more information, see:
XrffSpreadSheetReader |
Reads WEKA datasets in ARFF format and turns them into spreadsheets.
XStreamReader |
Loads objects using XStream.
XzTextFileReader |
Reads content from XZ compressed text files.
YamlParameterMapReader |
Stores the parameters in YAML format.
YoloAnnotationsReportReader |
Reads text files with YOLO object annotations, one object definition per line:
BBox format:
- format: <object-class> <x> <y> <width> <height>
- object-class: 0-based index
- x/y: normalized center of annotation
- width/height: normalized width/height
- Normalization uses image width/height
Polygon format:
- format: <object-class> <x0> <y0> <x1> <y1>...
- object-class: 0-based index
- x/y: normalized polygon point
ZstdTextFileReader |
Reads content from ZStd compressed text files.