class |
AbstractArrayProvider |
Ancestor for transformer actors that can output items one by one or as a single
class |
AbstractDataContainerFileReader<T extends DataContainer> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that read data containers from disk.
class |
AbstractDbArrayProvider |
Ancestor for array providers that use the database.
class |
AbstractReportFileReader<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for report file reader transformers.
class |
AccessDatabaseInfo |
Outputs information on a MS Access database.
class |
ArrayHistogramRanges |
Outputs the ranges generated by using the incoming double array or matrix.
In case of an array, the data-type and location are ignored.
class |
BinaryFileReader |
Reads a binary file and forwards the content byte by byte or as byte array.
class |
BoofCVMultiImageOperation |
Applies a BoofCV multi-image operation to the incoming image(s) and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
BoofCVTransformer |
Applies a BoofCV transformation to the incoming image and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
BufferedImageMultiImageOperation |
Applies a BufferedImage multi-image operation to the incoming image(s) and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
BufferedImageTransformer |
Applies a BufferedImage transformation to the incoming image and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
ControlChart |
Applies a control chart algorithm to the data.
class |
EmailFileReader |
Reads email(s) from a file.
class |
GetImageObjectIndices |
Uses the specified object finder to locate objects and forwards the indices.
class |
GetImageObjects |
Uses the specified object finder to locate objects and forwards the objects.
class |
GetJsonKeys |
Outputs all the keys of the JSON Object passing through.
class |
GetJsonValue |
Obtains the value associated with the specified key from the JSON object passing through.
Null values are only forwarded if requested.
class |
GetMapKeys |
Forwards all the sorted (string) keys of the map.
class |
GetMapKeyValuePairs |
class |
GetProperties |
Outputs the names of all Java Bean properties of the incoming object.
class |
GetPropertyNames |
Outputs all the keys of the properties object passing through.
class |
GetPropertyValue |
Obtains the value(s) associated with the keys that match the specified regular expression from the Properties object passing through.
Null values are only forwarded if requested.
class |
GroupByRegExp |
Groups the incoming strings into sub-groups.
class |
LocateObjects |
Locates objects in an image and forwards an image per located object, cropped around the object.
class |
Mat5ArrayInfo |
Provides information on a Matlab5 array.
class |
Mat5FileInfo |
Provides information from a .mat file.
class |
Mat5StructInfo |
Provides information from a Matlab struct object.
class |
MatchReportFields |
Outputs all fields that match the regular expression.
class |
MultiMat5MatrixOperation |
Applies a multi-matrix operation to the incoming matrix(s) and outputs the generated matrix(s).
class |
OpenCVMultiImageOperation |
Applies a BoofCV multi-image operation to the incoming image(s) and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
OpenCVTransformer |
Applies a OpenCV transformation to the incoming image and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
PDFInfo |
Outputs information on a PDF file.
class |
PrepareFileBasedDataset |
Processes the incoming files and generates a dataset container.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.FileBasedDatasetContainer: Train, Test, Validation, Negative
class |
ReportField |
Returns all the fields in a report or the report from a report handling object that match the provided regular expression.
class |
ReportFileReader |
Loads a file containing a report from disk with a specified reader and passes it on.
class |
SpreadSheetCellFinder |
Outputs the cell locations that the cell finder located.
class |
SpreadSheetColumnIterator |
Iterates through all columns of a spreadsheet and outputs the names.
The columns can be limited with the range parameter and furthermore with the regular expression applied to the names.
Instead of outputting the names, it is also possible to output the 1-based indices.
class |
SpreadSheetExtractArray |
Extracts a column or row of data from a SpreadSheet object.
class |
SpreadSheetFileReader |
Reads a spreadsheet file and forwards the content.
class |
SpreadSheetGetCell |
Extracts one or more values from a spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetHistogramRanges |
Outputs the ranges generated by using the incoming object.
If cells aren't numeric or missing, a default value of zero is used.
class |
SpreadSheetInfo |
Outputs statistics of a SpreadSheet object.
class |
SpreadSheetPlotGenerator |
Outputs plot containers generated from a spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetRowToTimeseries |
Turns a spreadsheet row into a timeseries.
Columns for timestamps and values are extracted using the regular expressions, the timestamp columns are optional.
class |
SpreadSheetToTimeseries |
Extracts one or more timeseries from a spreadsheet.
It uses one column ('ID') to identify all the rows that belong to a single timeseries.
class |
StringArraySplit |
Uses a regular expression to identify the string that triggers one or more splits in a string array, resulting in smaller arrays being output.
What is done with the string triggering the split, is defined in the split handling option, e.g., discard it.
Useful actor for splitting a log file into individual entry chunks.
class |
StringJoin |
Creates a single string out of an array of strings.
class |
TimeseriesFileReader |
Loads a file/directory containing spectrums from disk with a specified reader and passes them on.
class |
TimeseriesSplit |
Splits the incoming timeseries into sub-series using the specified splitter algorithm.
class |
ViaAnnotationsToReports |
Converts the JSON object passing through to Reports.
class |
WekaAttributeIterator |
Iterates through all attributes of a dataset and outputs the names.
The attributes can be limited with the range parameter and furthermore with the regular expression applied to the names.
Instead of outputting the names, it is also possible to output the 1-based indices.
class |
WekaEvaluationPostProcessor |
Applies the specified post-processor to the incoming Evaluation data.
class |
WekaGeneticAlgorithm |
Applies the genetic algorithm to the incoming dataset.
Forwards the best setup(s) after the algorithm finishes.
A callable sink can be specified for receiving intermediate performance results.
class |
WekaInstanceFileReader |
Loads a WEKA dataset from disk with a specified reader and passes on the adams.core.instance.Instance objects.
class |
WekaInstancesHistogramRanges |
Outputs the ranges generated by using the incoming weka.core.Instances object.
The actor just uses the internal format (double array) and does not check whether the attributes are actually numeric.
class |
WekaInstancesInfo |
Outputs statistics of a weka.core.Instances object.
FULL_ATTRIBUTE and FULL_CLASS output a spreadsheet with detailed attribute statistics.
class |
WekaRandomSplit |
Splits a dataset into a training and test set according to a specified split percentage.
class |
WekaSplitGenerator |