Class SimpleErrorPaintlet

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleErrorPaintlet

        public SimpleErrorPaintlet()
    • Method Detail

      • plotTypeTipText

        public String plotTypeTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setMarkerLength

        public void setMarkerLength​(int value)
        Sets the length of the markers in case of SimpleErrorPaintlet.PlotType.BAR.
        value - the length in pixels
      • markerLengthTipText

        public String markerLengthTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • drawErrorLine

        protected void drawErrorLine​(Graphics g,
                                     AxisPanel axisX,
                                     AxisPanel axisY,
                                     SequencePlotPoint point)
        Draws a simple line representing the errors.
        g - the graphics context
        axisX - the X axis
        axisY - the Y axis
        point - the point to draw
      • drawErrorBar

        protected void drawErrorBar​(Graphics g,
                                    AxisPanel axisX,
                                    AxisPanel axisY,
                                    SequencePlotPoint point)
        Draws a bars representing the errors.
        g - the graphics context
        axisX - the X axis
        axisY - the Y axis
        point - the point to draw
      • drawErrorBox

        protected void drawErrorBox​(Graphics g,
                                    AxisPanel axisX,
                                    AxisPanel axisY,
                                    SequencePlotPoint point)
        Draws a box representing the errors.
        g - the graphics context
        axisX - the X axis
        axisY - the Y axis
        point - the point to draw