AbstractArrayProvider |
Ancestor for transformer actors that can output items one by one or as a single
AbstractCallableWekaClassifierEvaluator |
Ancestor for classifier evaluators that make use of a callable classifier.
AbstractCallableWekaClustererEvaluator |
Ancestor for clusterer evaluators that make use of a callable clusterer.
AbstractContainerValueExtractor |
Ancestor for transformers that extract values from a container.
AbstractDataContainerAdd |
Ancestor for transformers that superimpose the incoming data container on
one available from storage (or if not available, put the current one in
storage) and forward the combined data container.
AbstractDataContainerAppend |
Ancestor for transformers that append the incoming data container to
one available from storage (or if not available, put the current one in
storage) and forward the combined data container.
AbstractDataContainerFileReader |
Abstract ancestor for actors that read data containers from disk.
AbstractDataContainerFileWriter |
Abstract ancestor for transformer actors that write data containers
to disk.
AbstractDataContainerFileWriter.FileNameGeneration |
AbstractDataContainerTransformer |
Ancestor for actors that transform data containers.
AbstractDataProcessor |
Abstract ancestor for classes that process data on disk.
AbstractDbDataProcessor |
Abstract ancestor for data processors that use a database.
AbstractDbTransformer |
Abstract ancestor for transformers that query a database.
AbstractDeleteReportValue |
Ancestor for transformers that delete values from a report.
AbstractDeleteReportValue.MatchType |
How to select fields.
AbstractDeleteReportValueByExpression |
Ancestor for transformers that delete field/value from a report if the
boolean expression evaluates to true.
AbstractFilter |
Ancestor for domain-specific filter transformers.
AbstractGetReportValue |
Ancestor for transformers that retrieve a value from a report.
AbstractInPlaceSpreadSheetTransformer |
Ancestor for spreadsheet transformers that allow the processing to
happen in-place, rather than on a copy of the data.
AbstractInteractiveTransformer |
Ancestor for transformers that interact with the user.
AbstractInteractiveTransformerDialog |
Ancestor for graphical actors that are interactive.
AbstractMultiCompress |
Abstract ancestor for compression algorithms that allow the compression
of multiple files (incl directory structure).
AbstractMultiDecompress |
Ancestor for compression schemes that manage archives with multiple files
(incl directory structure) like zip archives.
AbstractProcessWekaInstanceWithModel |
Ancestor for transformers that user models for processing Instance objects,
e.g., classifiers making predictions.
AbstractReportDbUpdater |
AbstractReportDbUpdater.QueryType |
Enumeration for the supported types of queries.
AbstractReportDbWriter |
Abstract ancestor for actors that write reports to the database.
AbstractReportFileReader |
Abstract ancestor for report file reader transformers.
AbstractReportFileWriter |
Abstract ancestor for actors that write reports to disk.
AbstractSetReportValue |
Ancestor for transformers that update the value of field in a report.
AbstractSingleCompress |
Ancestor for compression algorithms that only take a single file, like
AbstractSingleDecompress |
Ancestor for decompression algorithms that only work with archives
that consists of a single file, like gunzip.
AbstractSpreadSheetTransformer |
Ancestor for transformers that work on spreadsheets and also output
spreadsheets again.
AbstractStringOperation |
Ancestor for transformers that perform operations on strings.
AbstractTransformer |
Ancestor for all flow items that process an input token and generate an
output token.
AbstractTransformerWithPropertiesUpdating |
Ancestor for transformers that allow changing the object's properties
using variables.
AbstractWekaClassifierEvaluator |
Ancestor for transformers that evaluate classifiers.
AbstractWekaModelReader |
Ancestor for actors that deserialize models.
AbstractWekaPredictionsTransformer |
Ancestor for transformers that convert the predictions stored in an
Evaluation object into a different format.
AccessDatabaseInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
ArrayCombinations.SubsetsType |
Defines whether to do combinations or permutations.
ArrayStatisticDataType |
Defines what data to retrieve from the double matrix.
ConfusionMatrix.MatrixValues |
Defines what values to show.
ConvertFeatures.OutputType |
Defines what to output.
Copy.CopyType |
The type of copy to perform.
DataContainerDbReader |
Interface for actors that read containers from the database.
DataContainerDbWriter |
Interface for actors that import data containers into the database.
DeleteOverlappingImageObjects.RemovalStrategy |
Determines which object of the overlapping ones to remove.
DeleteStorageValue.MatchingType |
Determines how to locate the variable.
DeleteVariable.MatchingType |
Determines how to locate the variable.
Diff.DiffType |
The type of diff string to generate.
FeatureGenerator |
General interface for feature generating actors.
FileInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
FileTailer |
Monitors a text file for data being appended, e.g., log files.
ImageInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to retrieve.
ImageObjectInfo.InfoType |
The type of info to provide.
ImageObjectOverlapMatrix.MatrixOutput |
What to output in the matrix.
IncStorageValue.IncrementType |
The type of increment to perform.
IncVariable.IncrementType |
The type of increment to perform.
IndexedSplitsRunsEvaluation.SourceType |
the source of the indexed splits.
IndexedSplitsRunsPredictions.SourceType |
the source of the indexed splits.
Mat5ArrayInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
Mat5FileInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
Mat5StructInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
MergeObjectLocations.NoOverlapAction |
Determines what to do when an object has no overlaps.
MergeObjectLocations.OverlapAction |
Determines what to do when two objects overlap.
MergeReport.MergeType |
the type of merge operation to perform.
MergeReport.SourceType |
the source of the other report.
MergeReportFromMap.MergeType |
the type of merge operation to perform.
NegativeRegions.NegativeRegionTransferType |
Determines how to add the regions to the image.
PDFAppendDocument.DataType |
Determines whether to load the data from a file or from storage.
PDFInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
PDFMetaData.OutputType |
How to output the meta-data
PredictionEccentricity.Morphology |
Enumeration of morphology cycles.
ProgrammaticTokenListener.TokenListener |
Interface for listeners that need to "listen on the wire" of data being processed.
SetArrayElement.Origin |
whether to use the provided value or a storage item.
SetJsonValue.SourceType |
the source of the other report.
SetMapValue.SourceType |
the source of the other report.
SetVariable.UpdateType |
How to update the variable value.
SpreadSheetAggregate.Aggregate |
The types of aggregates to generate.
SpreadSheetCellSelector.Table |
Custom table for allowing user to select cells.
SpreadSheetCellSelector.TableModel |
Custom model that stores whether a cell has been selected or not.
SpreadSheetExtractArray.ExtractionType |
The type of extraction to perform.
SpreadSheetInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
SpreadSheetInsertRow.ValueType |
how to parse the value.
SpreadSheetMergeActor |
Indicator interface for actors that merge spreadsheets.
SpreadSheetReplaceCellValue.Scope |
Defines the scope of the replace.
SpreadSheetRowBuffer.Operation |
Defines how the buffer actor operates.
SpreadSheetSortColumns.SortContainer |
For sorting columns.
SpreadSheetStatisticDataType |
Defines what data to retrieve from an Instances object.
StringArraySplit.RemainderHandling |
Determines how to handle any remainder of input data.
StringArraySplit.SplitHandling |
Determines how to handle the string that triggered the split.
StringCut.CutType |
How to cut the string.
StringRangeCut.Type |
Enumeration for whether to use character positions of delimited fields.
StringReplace.ReplaceType |
The type of replace to use.
StringSplit.Delimiter |
Defines the action what to do with the delimiter.
TimeseriesInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
WekaAccumulatedError.SortablePrediction |
Container for a classifier prediction, used for sorting.
WekaBootstrapping.ErrorCalculation |
how to calculate the error.
WekaClassifierInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
WekaClassifierRanker.Measure |
The performance measure to use.
WekaClustererInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
WekaEvaluationInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to output.
WekaExtractArray.ExtractionType |
The type of extraction to perform.
WekaExtractPLSMatrix.MatrixType |
The type of PLS matrix to extract (either PLS1 or SIMPLS ones will
be available).
WekaFileReader.OutputType |
Defines how to output the data.
WekaInstanceBuffer.Operation |
Defines how the buffer actor operates.
WekaInstanceDumper.OutputFormat |
The format to output the data in.
WekaInstancesInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
WekaInstancesStatisticDataType |
Defines what data to retrieve from an Instances object.
WekaMergeInstancesActor |
Interface for transformers that merge Weka Instances.
YamlFileReader.DataStructureType |
How to read the YAML file.