Class RecentFilesWithEncodingHandler<M>

    • Field Detail


        public static final String RECENTFILES_COUNT
        the property for storing the number of recent files.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String RECENTFILES_PREFIX
        the property prefix for a recent file.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_MinNumParentDirs

        protected int m_MinNumParentDirs
        the minimum number of parent directories to use.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RecentFilesWithEncodingHandler

        public RecentFilesWithEncodingHandler​(String propsFile,
                                              M menu)
        Initializes the handler with a maximum of 5 items.
        propsFile - the props file to store the files in
        menu - the menu to add the recent files as subitems to
      • RecentFilesWithEncodingHandler

        public RecentFilesWithEncodingHandler​(String propsFile,
                                              int maxCount,
                                              M menu)
        Initializes the handler.
        propsFile - the props file to store the files in
        maxCount - the maximum number of files to keep in menu
        menu - the menu to add the recent files as subitems to
      • RecentFilesWithEncodingHandler

        public RecentFilesWithEncodingHandler​(String propsFile,
                                              String propPrefix,
                                              int maxCount,
                                              M menu)
        Initializes the handler.
        propsFile - the props file to store the files in
        propPrefix - the properties prefix, use null to ignore
        maxCount - the maximum number of files to keep in menu
        menu - the menu to add the recent files as subitems to
    • Method Detail

      • check

        protected boolean check​(String item)
        Checks the item after obtaining from the props file.

        File must exist.
        check in class AbstractRecentItemsHandler<M,​String>
        item - the item to check
        true if checks passed
      • determineMinimumNumberOfParentDirs

        protected int determineMinimumNumberOfParentDirs()
        Determines the minimum number of parent directories that need to be included in the filename to make the filenames in the menu distinguishable.
        the minimum number of parent directories, -1 means full path
      • getFile

        public static File getFile​(String item)
        Returns the file part of the item.
        item - the item to get the file from
        the file
      • getEncoding

        public static String getEncoding​(String item)
        Returns the file encoding part of the item.
        item - the item to get the encoding from
        the encoding