Uses of Package
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by adams.flow.sink Class Description CellRenderingCustomizer Interface for classes that customize the rendering of a cell.ProcessSelectedRows Interface for plugins that processes selected rows. -
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by adams.gui.core Class Description CellRenderingCustomizer Interface for classes that customize the rendering of a cell. -
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable Class Description AbstractCellRenderingCustomizer Ancestor for cell rendering customizers.AbstractColoredCellRenderingCustomizer Ancestor for cell rendering customizers with predefined foreground/background colors.AbstractProcessCell Ancestor for plugins that process a cell.AbstractProcessColumn Ancestor for plugins that process a column.AbstractProcessRow Ancestor for plugins that process a row.AbstractProcessSelectedRows Ancestor for plugins that process a row.CellRenderingCustomizer Interface for classes that customize the rendering of a cell.PlotColumn Interface for plugins that plot a column.PlotRow Interface for plugins that plot a row.PlotSelectedRows Interface for plugins that plot selected rows.ProcessCell Interface for plugins that process a cell.ProcessColumn Interface for plugins that process a column.ProcessRow Interface for plugins that process a row.ProcessSelectedRows Interface for plugins that processes selected rows.SpreadSheetTablePopupMenuItem Ancestor for menu items of popups for the SpreadSheetTable.SpreadSheetTablePopupMenuItemHelper.TableState Container object for the table state used by the popup menu items.TableRowRangeCheck Interface for classes that check whether they can handle the row range of the table state. -
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by adams.gui.dialog Class Description CellRenderingCustomizer Interface for classes that customize the rendering of a cell. -
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by Class Description CellRenderingCustomizer Interface for classes that customize the rendering of a cell. -
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by Class Description CellRenderingCustomizer Interface for classes that customize the rendering of a cell. -
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by Class Description SpreadSheetTablePopupMenuItemHelper.TableState Container object for the table state used by the popup menu items. -
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by Class Description CellRenderingCustomizer Interface for classes that customize the rendering of a cell. -
Classes in adams.gui.core.spreadsheettable used by adams.gui.visualization.instances.instancestable Class Description TableRowRangeCheck Interface for classes that check whether they can handle the row range of the table state.