Package adams.gui.goe

Class EventReferenceEditor

    • Field Detail

      • m_TextValue

        protected BaseTextField m_TextValue
        The text field with the value.
      • m_Tree

        protected EventsTree m_Tree
        The tree displaying all the events.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EventReferenceEditor

        public EventReferenceEditor()
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        protected EventReference parse​(String s)
        Parses the given string and returns the generated object. The string has to be a valid one, i.e., the isValid(String) check has been performed already and succeeded.
        s - the string to parse
        the generated object, or null in case of an error
      • updateValue

        protected boolean updateValue​(TreePath path)
        Updates the value of the text field if possble, using the last component on the given tree path.
        path - the path to use for updating the value
        true if the text field got updated
      • isValid

        protected boolean isValid​(String s)
        Checks whether the string is valid.
        s - the string to check
        true if the string is valid
      • isUnchanged

        protected boolean isUnchanged​(String s)
        Checks whether the string is the same as the currently used one.
        s - the string to check
        true if the strings are the same
      • acceptInput

        protected void acceptInput()
        Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
      • discardInput

        protected void discardInput()
        Discards the input and closes the dialog.
      • isValidNode

        protected boolean isValidNode​(Node node)
        Checks whether the node is valid and can be added to the tree.

        Default implementation returns always true.
        node - the node to check
        true if valid
      • findEvents

        protected List<String> findEvents()
        Locates all the events for the node.
        the located events (including Events nodes)