AbstractCurrentImageFilter |
Ancestor for plugins that filter the current image.
AbstractCurrentImageFilterWithGOE |
AbstractImageViewerPlugin |
Ancestor for plugins for the ImageViewer.
AbstractImageViewerPluginWithGOE |
Ancestor for plugins that require a GOE.
AbstractImageViewerPluginWithRestore |
Ancestor for plugins that allow restore of original state of image.
AbstractSelectedImagesFeatureGenerator |
Ancestor for image feature generator plugins.
AbstractSelectedImagesFilter |
Ancestor for plugins that filter the selected images.
AbstractSelectedImagesFilterWithGOE |
Ancestor for image filters that process the selected images using
a setup from a GenericObjectEditor .
AbstractSelectedImagesViewerPlugin |
Ancestor for plugins that work on selected images.
AbstractSelectedImagesViewerPluginWithGOE |
Ancestor of plugins that use the GenericObjectEditor for the setup
that processes the selected images.
Barcode |
Extracts the barcode from the image.
BoofCVDetectLines |
Allows the user to change the brightness of an image.
BoofCVDetectLineSegments |
Allows the user to change the brightness of an image.
BoofCVFeatureGenerator |
Allows the user to apply a BoofCV feature generator to an image in the ImageViewer.
BoofCVTransformer |
Allows the user to apply a BoofCV transformer to the selected images in the ImageViewer.
Brightness |
Allows the user to change the brightness of an image.
Brightness.BrightnessDialog |
Dialog that allows user to change brightness of image (and preview it).
BufferedImageFeatureGenerator |
Allows the user to apply a BufferedImage feature generator to an image in the ImageViewer.
BufferedImageTransformer |
Allows the user to apply a BufferedImage transformer to the selected images in the ImageViewer.
DisplayObjectLocationsFromReport |
Prompts user to select report with object locations to be overlayed.
Histogram |
Displays the histogram(s) for an image.
ImageFileMetaData |
Loads the image meta-data from disk.
ImageViewerPluginManager |
Manages the plugins for the image viewer.
LocateObjects |
Allows the user to locate objects in the image(s).
MarkLocation |
Highlights the locations entered by the user in the current image.
TesseractOCR |
Allows the user to apply a JAI transformer to an image in the ImageViewer.