AbstractXYSequenceMetaDataColorPaintlet |
Ancestor for paintlets that can make use of the meta-data and extract color
AbstractXYSequencePaintlet |
Abstract superclass for paintlets for X-Y sequences.
AbstractXYSequencePointHitDetector |
Ancestor for XY sequence point hit detectors.
BarHitDetector |
Detects selections of sequence points in the sequence panel.
BarPaintlet |
Paintlet for painting a bar plot for a sequence.
ByNamePaintlet |
A wrapper for XY-sequence paintlets, plots only sequences if the ID matches
the regular expression.
CircleHitDetector |
Detects selections of sequence points in the sequence panel.
CirclePaintlet |
Paintlet for simply painting circles at the specified X-Y position.
CrossHitDetector |
Detects selections of crosses.
CrossPaintlet |
Paintlet for simply painting crosses at the specified X-Y position.
DiagonalOverlayPaintlet |
Draws a diagonal (bottom-left to top-right).
DotHitDetector |
Detects selections of dots.
DotPaintlet |
Paintlet for simply painting dots at the specified X-Y position.
HorizontalIndicator |
Paints a horizontal indicator (ie a line).
IncrementalSumPaintlet |
A paintlet for painting a line plot of a sequence.
KendallTheilOverlayPaintlet |
Draws a straight line, using slope and intercept determined by Theil-Sen estimator using all the data points in the plot(s).
For more information, see:
LinearRegressionOverlayPaintlet |
Draws a straight line, using slope and intercept determine by linear regression using all the data points in the plot(s).
LineHitDetector |
Detects selections of lines.
LinePaintlet |
A paintlet for painting a line plot of a sequence.
LOWESSOverlayPaintlet |
Overlay that applies LOWESS smoothing over all the data points in the plot(s).
For more information see:
MathExpressionOverlayPaintlet |
Calculates data points using the provided mathematical expression and paints them using the specified paintlet.
If the expression generates a NaN ('not a number') the x/y pair gets ignored.
MeanOverlayPaintlet |
Draws the mean as straight line.
MedianOverlayPaintlet |
Draws the median as straight line.
MetaDataValuePaintlet |
Paintlet for painting a meta-data value as text, centered at the specified X-Y position.
MultiPaintlet |
Paintlet that combines multiple XYSequence paintlets.
NullPaintlet |
Dummy paintlet that performs nor painting at all.
PaintletWithFixedXRange |
A wrapper for XY-sequence paintlets, in order to use fixed a X range.
PaintletWithFixedXYRange |
A wrapper for XY-sequence paintlets, in order to use fixed X and Y ranges.
PaintletWithFixedYRange |
A wrapper for XY-sequence paintlets, in order to use fixed a Y range.
PercentileOverlayPaintlet |
Draws the specified percentile as straight line.
SquarePaintlet |
StdDevOverlayPaintlet |
Draws the standard deviation as straight line.
StickHitDetector |
Detects selections of sticks.
StickPaintlet |
Paintlet for painting a stick plot for a sequence.
StraightLineOverlayPaintlet |
Draws a straight line.
TextOverlayPaintlet |
Outputs the supplied text at the specified location.
TrianglePaintlet |
Paintlet for simply painting triangles at the specified X-Y position.
XYSequenceContainer |
A container class for an XY sequence.
XYSequenceContainerDisplayIDGenerator |
Class for generating display IDs for XY sequences.
XYSequenceContainerList |
Class encapsulating XY sequence specific classes.
XYSequenceContainerManager |
A handler for the XY sequence containers.
XYSequenceContainerModel |
A model for displaying the currently loaded XY sequences.
XYSequenceExportDialog |
Export dialog for XY sequences.
XYSequencePanel |
A panel for displaying XY sequences.
XYSequenceTable |
A Table and Model class for XYSequence objects.
XYSequenceTable.Model |
Abstract table model for sequences.
XYSequenceTableColumnNameGenerator |
Abstract class for generating the column names of a table.