Uses of Package
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by adams.flow.sink Class Description XYSequencePaintlet Interface for paintlets for theXYSequencePanel
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Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by adams.flow.sink.controlchartplot Class Description AbstractXYSequencePaintlet Abstract superclass for paintlets for X-Y sequences.AbstractXYSequencePointHitDetector Ancestor for XY sequence point hit detectors.PaintletWithOptionalPointPreprocessor Interface for XYSequence paintlets that support point preprocessing.XYSequencePaintlet Interface for paintlets for theXYSequencePanel
.XYSequencePaintletWithCustomerContainerManager Interface for XY sequence paintlets that support custom container managers. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter Class Description AbstractXYSequenceMetaDataColorPaintlet Ancestor for paintlets that can make use of the meta-data and extract color information.AbstractXYSequencePaintlet Abstract superclass for paintlets for X-Y sequences.AbstractXYSequencePointHitDetector Ancestor for XY sequence point hit detectors.CirclePaintlet Paintlet for simply painting circles at the specified X-Y position.CrossPaintlet Paintlet for simply painting crosses at the specified X-Y position.DiameterBasedPaintlet Interface for paintlets that support a diameter.MetaDataColorPaintlet Interface for paintlets that can extract their color from meta-data attached to the sequence points.PaintletWithCustomDataSupport Interface for paintlets that support drawing of custom data.PaintletWithOptionalPointPreprocessor Interface for XYSequence paintlets that support point preprocessing.XYSequenceContainer A container class for an XY sequence.XYSequenceContainerManager A handler for the XY sequence containers.XYSequencePaintlet Interface for paintlets for theXYSequencePanel
.XYSequencePaintletWithCustomerContainerManager Interface for XY sequence paintlets that support custom container managers.XYSequencePanel A panel for displaying XY sequences. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by adams.gui.core Class Description XYSequenceContainerManager A handler for the XY sequence containers. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by Class Description XYSequencePanel A panel for displaying XY sequences. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by Class Description XYSequencePaintlet Interface for paintlets for theXYSequencePanel
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Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by Class Description XYSequencePaintlet Interface for paintlets for theXYSequencePanel
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Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by Class Description XYSequencePaintlet Interface for paintlets for theXYSequencePanel
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Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by adams.gui.visualization.sequence Class Description AbstractXYSequenceMetaDataColorPaintlet Ancestor for paintlets that can make use of the meta-data and extract color information.AbstractXYSequencePaintlet Abstract superclass for paintlets for X-Y sequences.AbstractXYSequencePointHitDetector Ancestor for XY sequence point hit detectors.DiameterBasedPaintlet Interface for paintlets that support a diameter.LinePaintlet A paintlet for painting a line plot of a sequence.LinePaintlet.MarkerShape Enum for the marker shape to plot around the data points.MetaDataColorPaintlet Interface for paintlets that can extract their color from meta-data attached to the sequence points.MetaXYSequencePaintlet Interface for paintlets that wrap another paintlet.PaintletWithCustomDataSupport Interface for paintlets that support drawing of custom data.PaintletWithFixedYRange A wrapper for XY-sequence paintlets, in order to use fixed a Y range.PaintletWithOptionalPointPreprocessor Interface for XYSequence paintlets that support point preprocessing.XYSequenceContainer A container class for an XY sequence.XYSequenceContainerList Class encapsulating XY sequence specific classes.XYSequenceContainerManager A handler for the XY sequence containers.XYSequenceContainerModel A model for displaying the currently loaded XY sequences.XYSequenceExportDialog Export dialog for XY sequences.XYSequencePaintlet Interface for paintlets for theXYSequencePanel
.XYSequencePaintletWithCustomerContainerManager Interface for XY sequence paintlets that support custom container managers.XYSequencePanel A panel for displaying XY sequences.XYSequenceTable.Model Abstract table model for sequences. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by adams.gui.visualization.sequence.containerlistpopup Class Description XYSequenceContainer A container class for an XY sequence.XYSequenceContainerManager A handler for the XY sequence containers. -
Classes in adams.gui.visualization.sequence used by adams.gui.visualization.sequence.plotpopup Class Description XYSequenceContainer A container class for an XY sequence.XYSequenceContainerManager A handler for the XY sequence containers.