Uses of Package
Packages that use adams.gui.wizard Package Description adams.gui.visualization.timeseries adams.gui.wizard -
Classes in adams.gui.wizard used by Class Description StartPage Simple start/welcome page. -
Classes in adams.gui.wizard used by Class Description WizardPane Similar to aBaseTabbedPane
, but with the names of the pages listed in aBaseList
on the left-hand side. -
Classes in adams.gui.wizard used by adams.gui.visualization.timeseries Class Description DatabaseConnectionPage Handles an ADAMS database connection.ListPage Wizard page that use aBaseList
for displaying a list of values.ParameterPanelPage Wizard page that use aPropertiesParameterPanel
for displaying the parameters.WizardPane Similar to aBaseTabbedPane
, but with the names of the pages listed in aBaseList
on the left-hand side. -
Classes in adams.gui.wizard used by adams.gui.wizard Class Description AbstractDatabaseConnectionPage Ancestor for pages that allow the user to enter database connection parameters.AbstractWizardPage Ancestor for wizard pages.AbstractWizardPane Ancestor for wizard panes.PageCheck Interface for classes that check whether a page has been completed.ParameterPanelPage Wizard page that use aPropertiesParameterPanel
for displaying the parameters.ProceedAction Interface for action classes that get called when a user proceeds to the next page.WekaPropertySheetPanelPage.CustomPropertySheetPanel Allowing better access to property sheet panel.