Updates 2018/10/19

Quite a bit of work underneath the hood has happened, UI improvements relating to the Flow editor, improved previewing for spectral data types and lots of little changes and fixes.


  • The ListStructureModifyingActors actor processor now skips disabled actors (used when debugging).

  • GOE editors that handle actor references like callable actors now skip any actors that are disabled.

  • Rearranged the Flow editor tree popup menu a bit to streamline usage: combined external actor operations; moved less commonly used operations down.

  • Added support for Flow editor tree popup menu extensions, ie menu items that get inserted after/before an existing menu item (Tree.PopupMenuExtensions in FlowEditor.props settings file).

  • The FileInfoHandler of the Preview Browser switched to using java.nio.file.Files.XXX methods (due to bug in java.io.File.XXX methods, see https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6203387); added owner, posix permissions, regular file, symbolic link to the output.

  • Recent refactoring of the generic plot panel and its axes, resulted in invalid formattters getting assigned. This resulted in the Memory monitor x axis showing the HH:mm plus the Java Epoch.

  • BOMs (byte order marks; used by UTF variants) are now handled properly by the CsvSpreadSheetReader, the generic loading of text files and the various TextFileReader schemes.

  • adams-imaging:

    • Annotating objects is no longer generating negative heights or widths when not starting selection rectangle in top-right corner.

    • The Objects sub-image algorithm now ensures that the sub-image dimensions do not exceed the original image.

  • adams-ml: The ConfusionMatrix transformer now handles unclassified predictions (aka missing values).

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • SpreadSheetDisplay now adheres to the useOptimalColumnWidth flag.

    • Spreadsheet file viewer: now hides rows with missing values when applying filters; Copy column now copies only the visible cell values instead of all.

    • The SpreadSheetMerge transformer now removes duplicate unique columns correctly (failed to remove correct ones if no prefix/ID was used), when using the keepOnlySingleUniqueID flag.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • WekaPredictionsToSpreadSheet (also used in generating the confusion matrix view in the Investigator) now ensures that labels are treated as strings now, to avoid numeric conversions for labels like '00' or '07'.

    • WekaPredictionsToSpreadSheet, WekaPredictionsToInstances and the Investigator now correctly align the original instances with the predictions of cross-validation when using a grouped split generator.

  • adams-spectral-2dim-core: The OpusSpectrumReaderExt now applies the scaling factor for Y defined in the file when reading the amplitudes.


  • Switched from Swing widgets to ADAMS ones: JButton, JCheckBox, JComboBox, JTextArea, JTextField, JTextPane. This makes it easier to introduce additional functionality in the top-level class.

  • The Command and Exec sources and the Exec sink now support setting of custom environment variables.

  • Added option for conversion to be applied to values, to have better control over types for hashset-handlers: HashSetInit (standalone/transformer), HashSetAdd (transformer), HashSet (boolean condition).

  • The parsers for BooleanExpression, MathematicalExpression and StringExpression now allow expression variables (not to be confused with flow variables) to be strings consisting of alphanumeric chars and "_" (but must start with uppercase letter to distinguish them from built-in functions), as well as enclosing via single quotes instead of just "[]".

  • Report tables are now using a case-insensitive sort on the field names.

  • The NewReport source now uses BaseClassname instead of String for the report classname.

  • BaseClassname now has its own GOE editor, which allows you to search for classes.

  • The GenericArrayEditor now allows the sorting (asc/desc) of the elements.

  • The SetContainerValue control actor now allows storage of non-standard, additional meta-data via the force flag.

  • adams-rats: The Exec input and output now support setting of custom environment variables.

  • adams-spreadsheet: The LookUpUpdate parser now allows enclosing of expression variables in "[]" as well, aligning it with the other parsers.

  • adams-spectral-3way-core: upgraded multiway-algorithms dependency to 0.0.7.

  • adams-spectral-2dim-core:

    • Added -lenient flag to the InstanceGenerator transformer to only log errors instead of returning them (and possibly stopping the flow).

    • The spectrum preview in the Preview browser and the object renderer when debugging a flow now display spectrum and sample data via a tabbed pane, rather than just the spectrum.

  • adams-compress: upgraded unrar dependency to 3.0.0

  • adams-net:

    • removed obsolete org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient dependency

    • upgraded tika-core dependency to 1.19.1


  • Added the PullUpActor tree editor popup menu and keyboard action, which moves all sub-actors of a mutable actor handler (like Tee or Trigger) up one level and removes the enclosing actor handler.

  • Added little test dialog for date formatting/parsing in Developer user mode in the Maintenance menu.

  • adams-ml: added basic filter framework for spreadsheet-based datasets, SavitzkyGolay, PLS, MultiStream, MultiBatch.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: added OuterProductAnalysis filter (Fabricio S.Terra, Raphael A.Viscarra Rossel, Jose A.M.Dematte (2019). Spectral fusion by Outer Product Analysis (OPA) to improve predictions of soil organic C. Geoderma. 335:35-46. URL https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.08.005.).

  • adams-spectral-2dim-core:

    • Added new AbstractMultiSpectrumFilter schemes: Add and Subtract.

    • Source for listing sample IDs of sample data with no associated spectra: OrphanedSampleDataIdSupplier

    • Added handlers in the Preview browser for spectrum formats: ASCIIXY, CML, DPT, JCampDX, JCampDX2, Json, MPS, Opus, OpusExt, Relab, SPA, SPC, SpecLib.