Updates 2019/04/30

Well, I didn't quite manage to get this post out the door before going on holiday over Easter. Collection handling is much improved in the flow, a new tool for handling spreadsheets, the Spreadsheet processor, has been added, a new merge transformer for spreadsheets added (SpreadSheetMethodMerge), and lots of little fixes and improvements.


  • Added the -close-connection option to the DatabaseConnection standalone, which closes the connection one the flow wraps up. This is required for SQLite to release the database file properly. Otherwise ADAMS has to be restarted.

  • Errors and warnings that occur when processing the first line in the compact flow format are now being propagated properly, i.e., displayed in the user interface. External actors cano now report these errors again.

  • Pasting actors in the Flow editor now updates the display again to show the modified state.

  • The Debug execution listener in the flow now ensures that it is visible when a breakpoint is triggered.

  • The Find usages action from the Flow editor's popup menu now also finds nested variables and storage names. It also allows jumping to actors now that are in external flows, which don't have a root Flow actor and therefore miss a UI parent component context.

  • adams-imaging: The additionalObject option of the ImageObjectOverlap transformer now works when no label key was provided.

  • adams-spreadsheet: charts used by the Spreadsheet file viewer now plot all the data points with differing X/Y pairs, not just with differing X.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • The Multi-Experimenter now handles the split generators correctly in the user interface, the train/test split experiment now works again, some minor user interface bugs fixed.

    • Hermione now stops the run if there are no optimization handlers defined, e.g., when loading invalid classnames.

    • In the Preprocess tab of the Weka Investigator, you can now filter the attribute names using the provided filter text field.


  • added flow_start_timestamp programmatic variable

  • upgraded RSyntaxTextArea dependency to 2.6.1

  • upgraded matrix-algorithms dependency to 0.0.15

  • removed the Quick edit tab in the Flow editor, due to strange lockups in the GenericObjectEditor.

  • The ReportHandler in the Preview browser now allows the report file reader to be configured, to display a wider range of report file formats.

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • The DefaultXY JFreeChart dataset now allows X to be empty, uses row index for X in this case.

    • The SpreadSheetDisplay now accepts objects implementing the SpreadSheetSupporter interface as well.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • The Instance tab in the Weka Investigator now allows the selection of an attribute to use for coloring instances (each unique value represents a color).

    • On the Preprocess tab in the Weka Investigator, you can now select the menu item Use selected as class from the split button of the attribute selection panel. Batch-filtering now only works if the datasets are actually compatible. The table listing the attribute names now also lists their types in a separate column.

    • Any GOE panel handling Weka classifiers now has an additional popup menu item called Enclose, which allows you to enclose the current classifier within a SingleClassifierEnhancer scheme (eg FilteredClassifier).

  • adams-heatmap:

    • The Heatmap class now implements SpreadSheetSupporter;

    • The HeatmapToSpreadSheet conversion now simply calls the toSpreadSheet() method.


  • Added the ProgrammaticTokenListener transformer for hooking into flow with non-flow code, allowing the listening to the data flowing through, e.g., for updating Swing user interface components.

  • Added the ArrayCovariance array statistic.

  • Added jshell-scripting dependency and JShell menu item (you need to switch to Developer mode). In order to execute a script it needs to be saved first.

  • Added ArrayToCollection transformer for turning an array into a collection.

  • Added CollectionAppend transformer to append a collection in storage with the one passing through.

  • Added CollectionProcess control actor for processing collections similar to ArrayProcess.

  • adams-imaging:

    • added the ColorProvider transformer which outputs a Color object whenever a token passes through.

    • added PngIsComplete file in use check scheme (looks for IEND end of file marker).

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • The SpreadSheetMethodMerge transformer allows merging of spreadsheets via a class hierarchy of merge algorithms, similar to the SpreadSheetMerge transformer.

    • The Spreadsheet processor tool allows you to easily load spreadsheet data (file, database, clipboard), process it (query, flow) and output it (file, chart, clipboard). It also allows you to save configurations to easily re-use processing in certain scenarios.

  • adams-pdf: The PDFGenerate transformer allows PDF generation using specified generator scheme. Similar to PDFCreate, but depending on the generator, is not limited to processing files.

  • adams-heatmap: added conversions for computing correlation and covariance between columns of a spreadsheet: ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap and ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • The Classify tab of the Weka Investigator now has tree visualization output and GraphML output using the JGraphT library.

    • Added MSLE (mean squared logarithmic error) evaluation metric.

    • Added MSLE to Hermione as measure to be used for evaluation.

    • Added evaluation post-processors to remove worst predictions: RemoveWorst (using percentage), RemoveWorstStdDev (based on mean and stdev of actual class values).

  • adams-spectral-2dim-core:

    • added the DeleteDbSampleDataValue transformer for removing specific fields from the database for a sample ID.

    • added the SampleDataValueDbWriter transformer for writing specific sample data fields to the database.