Updates 2019/08/02

For once, there were mainly changes and additions and no fixes. In terms of changes, these were mainly to improve usability, but MOA has finally been updated to the latest release. As for additions, the ability to generate word clouds is noteworthy.


  • The help dialog in the GenericObjectEditor now shows the help for the current object configuration, rather than from the object with default options.

  • The SimplePlot and SequencePlotter sinks accept arrays of SequencePlotContainer objects now as well (for more efficient plotting).

  • The Flow editor now allows the following operations on all selected flows to be executed at once: validate/run/stop/clear graphical output. When applying actor processors to a flow that generate graphical output (eg finding actors, listing variable occurrences), then these no longer show up in a separate dialog but as a tab on the right hand side.

  • The ExecuteJobs transformer has now the ability to override the number of threads used by the incoming JobRunner instance (but only if that one implements ThreadLimiter, of course).

  • The SpreadSheetTable (eg used by the Spreadsheet file viewer) now allows the plotting of multiple rows.

  • Added the envVarOptional flag to the SetVariable standalone: if false it will generate an error if the env var is not present. An empty env var will now generate an error if overrideWithEnvVar is set to true.

  • Reworked the database connection dialog (from the main menu) to allow connecting to multiple databases without having to disconnect active one first. Also added buttons for creating a new connection and removing an existing one.

  • Plots (like Weka's error plots, sequence plots, etc) now allow the user to copy/paste the ranges between windows to align them easily.

  • adams-moa: MOA was upgraded to 2019.05.0 (thanks to Corey)

  • adams-compress: The following transformer can handle byte arrays now as well: Bzip2/UnBzip2, GZIP/GUNZIP, Lzf/UnLzf, Lzma/UnLzma, Xz/UnXz, Zstd/UnZstd.

  • adams-rabbitmq: BasicAuthConnectionFactory and GuestConnectionFactory now have an option for specifying the virtualhost on the RabbitMQ server.

  • adams-spectral-2dim-core: upgraded jcamp-dx dependency to 0.9.6.

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • The SpreadSheetPlotGenerator transformer can output arrays of plot containers now as well (for more efficient plotting).

    • The row statistics now offer an option to specify the range of columns to operate on.

    • The popup plugins for table rows now allow the user to specify the subset of columns to operate on (eg including only subset of columns in SimplePlot/JFreeChart/Histogram).

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • if the WekaFileWriter sink is configured to use the relation name as file name and the provided filename points to dir, then relation name is simply appended to that directory.

    • The InstancesTable (eg used by the Weka Investigator) now allows plotting of multiple rows.

    • The popup plugins for table rows now allow the user to specify the subset of attributes to operate on (eg including only subset of columns in SimplePlot/JFreeChart/Histogram).


  • The ArrayNormalizeRange array statistic scales the values to the specified lower/upper bound.

  • The ArrayStandardize array statistic transforms the values to have a mean of 0 and a stddev of 1.

  • The conversion StringToByteArray turns as string into a byte array using the specified encoding and the ByteArrayToString turns it back into a string, also using the specified encoding.

  • adams-applications: added the .-exec* script to the Debian packages, which allows the execution of any class or flow from the command-line.

  • adams-ml: added a handler in the Preview browser that can generate actual vs predicted plots from CSV files.

  • adams-net: The HttpPostFile transformer allows you to upload a file to a specified URL using HTTP POST as "multipart/form-data".

  • adams-nlp: added basic support for generating word clouds using the kumo library https://github.com/kennycason/kumo.

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • added the SpreadSheetSupporterToSpreadSheet conversion which turns any object implementing SpreadSheetSupporter into a spreadsheet.

    • The ArrayStatistic plugin for the InstancesTable allows you to compute statistics for the selected rows.

  • adams-spectral-2dim-core: added optional cross-hair tracker, can be enabled/disabled through the plot's popup menu.

  • adams-spectral-3way-core: added rudimentary FitsLibsReader for reading LIBS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser-induced_breakdown_spectroscopy) spectra in FITS format (https://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/).

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • The split generators BinnedNumericClassRandomSplitGenerator and BinnedNumericClassCrossValidationFoldGenerator take the class distribution into account by using a binning algorithm to generate similar distributed train/test splits. Grouped versions are available as well.

    • Added the ResidualsVsPredictor and ResidualsVsFitted output generators for classification to the Weka Investigator.

    • The ArrayStatistic plugin for the InstancesTable allows you to compute statistics for the selected rows.