Uses of Package
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.flow.execution.debug Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor.GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.flow.source Class Description GenericArrayEditorDialog Displays a GenericArrayEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.application Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.chooser Class Description GenericObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for objects. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.dialog Class Description GenericArrayEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the array and a button for bringing up the GenericArrayEditor.GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.flow Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor.GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.flow.tree Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.goe Class Description AbstractAdvancedScriptEditor A PropertyEditor for AbstractAdvancedScript-derived objects.AbstractAdvancedScriptEditorWithTemplates Ancestor for script editors that support text templates.AbstractBaseDateTypeEditor Ancestor property editors that handle base date types.AbstractBaseDateTypeEditor.Placeholder The supported placeholders.AbstractBasicTypePropertyEditor A superclass for custom editor for basic Java types.AbstractEditorRegistration Ancestor for classes that register GenericObjectEditor editors.AbstractFloatingPointNumberEditor An abstract ancestor for custom editors for floating point numbers, like floats and doubles.AbstractGenericObjectEditorHandler Ancestor for classes that handle commandline options for various frameworks.AbstractIntegralNumberEditor An abstract ancestor for custom editors for integral numbers, like bytes, shorts, integers and longs.AbstractNumberEditor An abstract ancestor for custom editors for numbers.AbstractPropertyEditorSupport A superclass for editors with custom editors.AbstractSimpleScriptEditor A PropertyEditor for AbstractScript-derived objects.BaseObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for BaseObject-derived objects.CustomPanelSupplier An interface for objects that are capable of supplying their own custom GUI components.CustomStringRepresentationHandler For property editors that support a custom string representation of their objects.EventReferenceEditor A PropertyEditor for EventReference objects.Favorites A helper class for managing the GOE favorites.Favorites.Favorite Container class for a favorite setup.Favorites.FavoriteSelectionEvent Event that gets sent when a favorite gets selected.Favorites.FavoriteSelectionListener Interface for classes that listen to selections of favorites.FieldEditor A PropertyEditor for Field objects that lets the user select a field.GenericArrayEditor A PropertyEditor for arrays of objects that themselves have property editors.GenericArrayEditorDialog Displays a GenericArrayEditor.GenericObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for objects.GenericObjectEditor.GOEPanel Handles the GUI side of editing values.GenericObjectEditor.PostProcessObjectHandler Interface for post-processing the object after selecting it, but before setting it.GenericObjectEditorClassTreePanel Creates a panel with a class tree.GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor.GlobalInfoCache For caching the global info of classes.IndexEditor A PropertyEditor for Index objects.InlineEditorSupport Interface for GOE editors that allow inline editing.InlineEditorSupportWithFavorites Interface for editors that support inline editing with support for favorites.MultiSelectionEditor Interface for GOE editors that allow the selection of multiple objects.PersistentObjectHistory A helper class for maintaining a history of objects selected in the GOE.PropertyPanel Support for drawing a property value in a component.PropertyPanel.PopupMenuCustomizer Interface for editors that can customize the popup menu.PropertySheetPanel Displays a property sheet where (supported) properties of the target object may be edited.RangeEditor A PropertyEditor for Range objects.UnorderedRangeEditor A PropertyEditor for Range objects.WekaGenericArrayEditorDialog Displays a GenericArrayEditor.WekaGenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.goe.popupmenu Class Description GenericObjectEditorPopupMenu Generic GOE popup menu, for copy/paste, etc. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.print Class Description GenericObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for objects. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description Favorites A helper class for managing the GOE favorites.GenericArrayEditorDialog Displays a GenericArrayEditor.GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor.GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for objects.GenericObjectEditor.PostProcessObjectHandler Interface for post-processing the object after selecting it, but before setting it.GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for objects. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.container Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.image Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.image.plugins Class Description GenericObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for objects. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.instance Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.sequence Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.spreadsheet Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.statistics Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.stats.probabilityplot Class Description GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.stats.scatterplot Class Description GenericArrayEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the array and a button for bringing up the GenericArrayEditor.GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.stats.zscore Class Description GenericArrayEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the array and a button for bringing up the GenericArrayEditor.GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.visualization.timeseries Class Description GenericObjectEditorDialog Displays a GenericObjectEditor.GenericObjectEditorPanel A panel that contains text field with the current setup of the object and a button for bringing up the GenericObjectEditor. -
Classes in adams.gui.goe used by adams.gui.wizard Class Description GenericObjectEditor A PropertyEditor for objects.PropertySheetPanel Displays a property sheet where (supported) properties of the target object may be edited.