Uses of Package
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description FeatureConverterContainer A container for a feature converter's raw output (header/row data). -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description ImageSegmentationContainer Container for storing image segmentation annotations. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description ImageSegmentationContainer Container for storing image segmentation annotations. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description ImageSegmentationContainer Container for storing image segmentation annotations. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description ImageSegmentationContainer Container for storing image segmentation annotations. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description ImageSegmentationContainer Container for storing image segmentation annotations. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.container Class Description AbstractContainer Ancestor of all containers.AbstractFilterContainer A container for filters and the filtered data.Container Interface for containers.ContainerWithReport Interface for containers that support storing of Report objects.ImageSegmentationContainer Container for storing image segmentation annotations.SequencePlotterContainer.ContentType The type of content in the container.WekaModelContainer A container for models (e.g., classifier or clusterer) and an optional header of a dataset. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.control Class Description AbstractContainer Ancestor of all containers.SequencePlotterContainer.ContentType The type of content in the container. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.control.plotprocessor Class Description SequencePlotterContainer A container for a single plot item.SequencePlotterContainer.ContentType The type of content in the container. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.core Class Description AbstractContainer Ancestor of all containers.EncapsulatedActorsContainer Container for encapsulating actors alongside variables and storage items. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.sink Class Description SequencePlotterContainer.ContentType The type of content in the container. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter Class Description SequencePlotterContainer A container for a single plot item. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.source Class Description AbstractContainer Ancestor of all containers. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.transformer Class Description AbstractContainer Ancestor of all containers.OptionalContainerOutput Interface for actors that have optional container output.SequencePlotterContainer A container for a single plot item.SequencePlotterContainer.ContentType The type of content in the container.WekaModelContainer A container for models (e.g., classifier or clusterer) and an optional header of a dataset. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.transformer.generatefilebaseddataset Class Description FileBasedDatasetContainer Container for storing file names for file-based dataset generation. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.transformer.indexedsplitsrunsevaluation Class Description WekaEvaluationContainer A container forEvaluation
objects, with optional trained model. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.transformer.plotgenerator Class Description SequencePlotterContainer A container for a single plot item. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.transformer.preparefilebaseddataset Class Description FileBasedDatasetContainer Container for storing file names for file-based dataset generation. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.transformer.wekaclusterer Class Description WekaModelContainer A container for models (e.g., classifier or clusterer) and an optional header of a dataset. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.transformer.wekaevaluationpostprocessor Class Description WekaEvaluationContainer A container forEvaluation
objects, with optional trained model. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.flow.transformer.wekarepeatedcrossvalidationoutput Class Description SequencePlotterContainer A container for a single plot item.WekaEvaluationContainer A container forEvaluation
objects, with optional trained model. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description WekaEvaluationContainer A container forEvaluation
objects, with optional trained model. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description WekaExperimentContainer Container for Weka experiment results. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer Class Description AbstractContainer Ancestor of all containers. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by adams.gui.visualization.segmentation Class Description ImageSegmentationContainer Container for storing image segmentation annotations. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by Class Description TrainTestSetContainer A container for storing train and test set. -
Classes in adams.flow.container used by weka.classifiers Class Description WekaTrainTestSetContainer A container for storing train and test set.