class |
AbstractArrayProvider |
Ancestor for transformer actors that can output items one by one or as a single
class |
AbstractCallableWekaClassifierEvaluator |
Ancestor for classifier evaluators that make use of a callable classifier.
class |
AbstractCallableWekaClustererEvaluator |
Ancestor for clusterer evaluators that make use of a callable clusterer.
class |
AbstractContainerValueExtractor |
Ancestor for transformers that extract values from a container.
class |
AbstractDataContainerAdd<T extends DataContainer> |
Ancestor for transformers that superimpose the incoming data container on
one available from storage (or if not available, put the current one in
storage) and forward the combined data container.
class |
AbstractDataContainerAppend<T extends DataContainer> |
Ancestor for transformers that append the incoming data container to
one available from storage (or if not available, put the current one in
storage) and forward the combined data container.
class |
AbstractDataContainerDbReader<T extends DataContainer> |
Ancestor for transformers that read containers from the database.
class |
AbstractDataContainerDbWriter<T extends DataContainer & DatabaseIDHandler> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that import data containers into the database.
class |
AbstractDataContainerFileImport<T extends DataContainer> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that import data containers.
class |
AbstractDataContainerFileReader<T extends DataContainer> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that read data containers from disk.
class |
AbstractDataContainerFileWriter<T extends DataContainer> |
Abstract ancestor for transformer actors that write data containers
to disk.
class |
AbstractDataContainerTransformer |
Ancestor for actors that transform data containers.
class |
AbstractDataProcessor |
Abstract ancestor for classes that process data on disk.
class |
AbstractDbArrayProvider |
Ancestor for array providers that use the database.
class |
AbstractDbDataProcessor |
Abstract ancestor for data processors that use a database.
class |
AbstractDbTransformer |
Abstract ancestor for transformers that query a database.
class |
AbstractDeleteDataContainer<T extends DataContainer> |
Ancestor for transformers that delete containers from the database.
class |
AbstractDeleteDbReportValue<T extends Report> |
Ancestor for transformers that delete values from a report in the database
whenever a token passes through.
class |
AbstractDeleteReportValue |
Ancestor for transformers that delete values from a report.
class |
AbstractDeleteReportValueByExpression |
Ancestor for transformers that delete field/value from a report if the
boolean expression evaluates to true.
class |
AbstractFilter |
Ancestor for domain-specific filter transformers.
class |
AbstractGetReportValue |
Ancestor for transformers that retrieve a value from a report.
class |
AbstractInPlaceSpreadSheetTransformer |
Ancestor for spreadsheet transformers that allow the processing to
happen in-place, rather than on a copy of the data.
class |
AbstractInstanceGenerator<T extends DataContainer> |
Ancestor for transformers that turn data containers into WEKA Instance
class |
AbstractInteractiveTransformer |
Ancestor for transformers that interact with the user.
class |
AbstractInteractiveTransformerDialog |
Ancestor for graphical actors that are interactive.
class |
AbstractMultiCompress |
Abstract ancestor for compression algorithms that allow the compression
of multiple files (incl directory structure).
class |
AbstractMultiDecompress |
Ancestor for compression schemes that manage archives with multiple files
(incl directory structure) like zip archives.
class |
AbstractProcessWekaInstanceWithModel<T> |
Ancestor for transformers that user models for processing Instance objects,
e.g., classifiers making predictions.
class |
AbstractReportDbReader<T extends Report,I> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that load reports from the database.
class |
AbstractReportDbUpdater |
class |
AbstractReportDbWriter<T extends Report,I> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that write reports to the database.
class |
AbstractReportDbWriterByDBID<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that write reports to the database.
class |
AbstractReportDbWriterByID<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that write reports to the database.
class |
AbstractReportFileImport<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for report import actors.
class |
AbstractReportFileReader<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for report file reader transformers.
class |
AbstractReportFileWriter<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that write reports to disk.
class |
AbstractReportValueDbWriter<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for actors that write report values to the database.
class |
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for transformer script actors.
class |
AbstractSetReportValue |
Ancestor for transformers that update the value of field in a report.
class |
AbstractSingleCompress |
Ancestor for compression algorithms that only take a single file, like
class |
AbstractSingleDecompress |
Ancestor for decompression algorithms that only work with archives
that consists of a single file, like gunzip.
class |
AbstractSpreadSheetTransformer |
Ancestor for transformers that work on spreadsheets and also output
spreadsheets again.
class |
AbstractStringOperation |
Ancestor for transformers that perform operations on strings.
class |
AbstractTransformer |
Ancestor for all flow items that process an input token and generate an
output token.
class |
AbstractTransformerWithPropertiesUpdating |
Ancestor for transformers that allow changing the object's properties
using variables.
class |
AbstractWekaClassifierEvaluator |
Ancestor for transformers that evaluate classifiers.
class |
AbstractWekaModelReader |
Ancestor for actors that deserialize models.
class |
AbstractWekaPredictionsTransformer |
Ancestor for transformers that convert the predictions stored in an
Evaluation object into a different format.
class |
AccessDatabaseInfo |
Outputs information on a MS Access database.
class |
AddDOMAttribute |
Adds a new attribute to the incoming org.w3c.dom.Node and forwards the new updated node.
class |
AddDOMNode |
Adds a new node below the incoming org.w3c.dom.Node and forwards the new node.
In case of an incoming org.w3c.dom.Document, the node gets added below the root node.
class |
AddNote |
Adds a note to the notes handler passing through.
Pre-defined note types:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
AppendName |
Appends the suffix to the file/directory being passed through.
By default, the appropriate separator (forward slash or backslash) gets inserted between the file/directory and suffix.
class |
ArrayCombinations |
Turns an array of any type into a sequence of array combinations of given size.
class |
ArrayHistogramRanges |
Outputs the ranges generated by using the incoming double array or matrix.
In case of an array, the data-type and location are ignored.
class |
ArrayLength |
Determines the length of an array.
class |
ArrayReverse |
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
class |
ArrayStatistic |
Generates statistics from a double array or matrix.
class |
ArraySubset |
Generates a subset of the array, using the specified array elements.
class |
ArraySubsetGeneration |
class |
ArrayToChunks |
Splits an array into chunks of a specified size.
class |
ArrayToCollection |
Turns an array into a collection.
class |
ArrayToSequence |
Turns an array of any type into a sequence of tokens.
class |
ArrayToVariables |
class |
AutogeneratedTransformer |
Encapsulates a sequence of auto-generated actors.
class |
BaseName |
Extracts the name of the file/directory passing through, i.e., any preceding directory gets stripped.
class |
BinaryFileReader |
Reads a binary file and forwards the content byte by byte or as byte array.
class |
BoofCVDetectLines |
Detects lines in images (Hough line detector based on polar parametrization).
class |
BoofCVDetectLineSegments |
Detects line segments in images (line RANSAC).
class |
BoofCVFeatureGenerator |
Applies a BoofCV feature generator to the incoming image and outputs the generated features.
class |
BoofCVMultiImageOperation |
Applies a BoofCV multi-image operation to the incoming image(s) and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
BoofCVTransformer |
Applies a BoofCV transformation to the incoming image and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
BufferedImageFeatureGenerator |
Applies an JAI flattener to the incoming image and outputs the generated features.
class |
BufferedImageMultiImageOperation |
Applies a BufferedImage multi-image operation to the incoming image(s) and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
BufferedImageTransformer |
Applies a BufferedImage transformation to the incoming image and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
Bzip2 |
Creates a bzip2 archive from a single file.
class |
CallableTransformer |
Feeds tokens into a callable transformer and broadcasts the generated output tokens.
class |
ChangeImageObjectPrefix |
Uses the specified object finder to locate objects and then applies the object filter to the located objects.
class |
ChangeReportFieldPrefixes |
Replaces the specified old prefixes with the new one.
class |
ClassSelector |
Sets (or unsets) the class index/indices.
class |
CollectionAppend |
Appends the elements of the incoming collection to the one in storage.
If there is none in storage yet, a copy of the incoming collection will simply get stored in storage.
The combined collection is then forwarded.
class |
CollectionInsert |
Inserts an object in the collection using the specified position.
The object can be retrieved from a callable actor or from storage.
If the collection does not implement the java.util.List interface and the insertion is not at the end, the insertion will fail.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
CollectionSize |
class |
CollectionSubset |
Generates a subset of the collection, using the specified elements.
class |
CollectionToArray |
Turns a collection of any type into an array.
class |
CollectionToSequence |
Turns a collection of any type into a sequence of tokens.
class |
ColorProvider |
Outputs a color for each token passing through.
If the color provider implements adams.gui.visualization.core.ColorProviderWithNameSupport then the color associated with the incoming string token is forwarded.
The color provider can be reset using the specified variable.
class |
CompareObjectLocations |
Visualizes object locations (annotations and predicted) for the incoming image side-by-side.
Only forwards the image container when accepted.
class |
CompareObjects |
Compares two objects using the specified compare algorithm and forwards the output of the comparison.
class |
CompareObjectTypes |
Compares the object types between objects from the two reports.
The first report is considered 'ground truth'.
class |
ConfirmationDialog |
Pops up a confirmation dialog, prompting the user to select 'yes', 'no' or 'cancel'.
If no custom tokens are used, the current token is only forwarded when the user selects 'yes'.
class |
ConfusionMatrix |
Generates a confusion matrix from the specified actual and predicted columns containing class labels.
Can take a probability column (of prediction) into account for generating weighted counts.
class |
ContainerToStorage |
Extracts the specified values from the container passing through and makes them available as storage items.
class |
ContainerToVariables |
Extracts the specified values from the container passing through and makes them available as variables.
class |
ControlChart |
Applies a control chart algorithm to the data.
class |
Convert |
Converts data from one format into another.
class |
ConvertFeatures |
Turns the raw features generated by a feature converter (stored in a adams.flow.container.FeatureConverterContainer) into a specific format using the user-defined feature converter.
If an array of containers is received, the get merged first, i.e., placed side-by-side.
class |
Copy |
Creates copies of the tokens being passed through.
class |
CopyCallableTransformer |
Feeds tokens into the copy of a callable transformer and broadcasts the generated output tokens.
class |
CopyFile |
Copies the file received on its input port to the target directory if it matches the provided regular expression.
In case of a directory, the directory gets copied recursively.
If required, you can also provide a new filename (just the name, no path).
The generated target file/directory gets forwarded in the flow.
class |
CopyToClipboard |
Copies the data in this token to the system's clipboard using the specified clipboard manager.
class |
CounterAdd |
Passes a value through the specified counter.
class |
CounterInit |
Creates a counter from a column in a spreadsheet or an array.
class |
CountObjectsInPolygon |
Counts the objects in the report passing through that fall into the defined region.
Partial hits can be counted as well, using their percentage in overlap as count.
class |
CountObjectsInRegion |
Counts the objects in the report passing through that fall into the defined region.
Partial hits can be counted as well, using their percentage in overlap as count.
class |
CreateEmail |
Actor for creating emails to be sent.
class |
DatasetFilter |
Applies the batch filter to the dataset.
class |
DatasetRowFilter |
Applies the stream filter to the rows.
class |
DateTimeTypeDifference |
Computes the difference between the two date/time types of the incoming array (of length 2) by subtracting the second element from the first one.
class |
DecodeBarcode |
Decodes the data in a barcode using the specified decoder.
class |
DeleteFile |
Deletes the file/directory (or files/directories) received on its input port if it matches the provided regular expression.
In case of directories, deletion is performed recursively (if a directory matches, then the content gets deleted regardless whether it matches the regular expression or not).
class |
DeleteJsonValue |
class |
DeleteMapValue |
Deletes the specified key/value pair from the map passing through.
class |
DeleteOverlappingImageObjects |
Cleans up overlapping objects, e.g., multiple predicted bounding boxes per object.
class |
DeletePropertyValue |
Deletes the specified property from the Properties object passing through.
class |
DeleteReportValue |
Deletes values from a report.
class |
DeleteReportValueByExpression |
class |
DeleteStorageValue |
Removes the specified value (or the ones that match the regular expression) from temporary storage whenever a token passes through.
By supplying a cache name, the value can be removed from a LRU cache instead of the regular storage.
class |
DeleteVariable |
Removes a variable by name or the variables that match the regular expression.
class |
Deserialize |
Deserializes a previously serialized Java object from a file.
class |
DetermineOverlappingAreas |
class |
DetermineOverlappingObjects |
Computes the overlap of objects with the specified report from storage (or itself) using the specified algorithm.
class |
Diff |
Compares two files or two string arrays and generates a diff representation.
In case of BRIEF, the output is whether the two files/arrays are different.
class |
DirName |
Extracts the directory part of the file/directory passing through, i.e., any trailing name part gets stripped.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
DownloadContent |
Downloads the raw, textual content from a URL and forwards it.Also handles basic authentication when using URLs like this:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
Draw |
Performs a draw operation on an image.
class |
EmailFileReader |
Reads email(s) from a file.
class |
EncodeBarcode |
class |
ExecuteActor |
Executes the actor passing through and forwards it once finished.
If the actor is an instance of adams.flow.execution.FlowExecutionListeningSupporter and flow execution listening enabled, then the specified flow execution listener gets attached.
class |
ExecuteJobs |
Executes the incoming jobs.
class |
ExecuteRemoteCommand |
Executes the incoming commands.
class |
ExifTagOperation |
Performs the specified EXIF operation on the incoming data.
class |
ExpandStorage |
Expands all the storage items (using their string representation) and variables in the string(s) passing through.
A string can consist of arbitrary strings and the following special placeholders:
- variables: @{...}
- storage placeholders: %{...}
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
ExpandVariables |
Expands all the variables in the string(s) passing through.A string can consist of arbitrary strings and the following special placeholder for variables:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
ExternalTransformer |
Transformer that executes an external transformer actor stored on disk.
class |
FileChanged |
Checks whether the input file has changed using the specified monitor.
Must be initialized once with the same file.
class |
FileExtension |
Extracts the file extension from the file (the part after the '.').
If no dot is in the file name, then an empty string gets forwarded.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
FileInfo |
Outputs information for a path (file/directory).
class |
FilenameGenerator |
Passes the incoming token through the generator to generate and forward a filename.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
FileTailer |
Monitors a text file for data being appended, e.g., log files.
class |
FilterMap |
Applies the specified filter to the map object passing through.
class |
FindInFile |
Searches the incoming (text) file for the specified search string, output the boolean search result.
class |
FlowFileReader |
Reads the flow file and outputs the actor(s).
A custom reader can be specified in case of reading from files, but must be specified when reading from or objects.
class |
FTPDelete |
Deletes a remote file and forwards the file name.
class |
FTPDisconnect |
Closes the currently open FTP session.
Simply passes through any tokens.
class |
FTPGet |
Downloads a remote file and forwards the local file name.
class |
Sends a NOOP command to the FTP server whenever a token passes through.
class |
FTPSend |
Uploads a file to a remote directory.
The file name of a successful upload gets forwarded.
class |
GenerateFileBasedDataset |
Applies the specified generator to the incoming dataset container.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.FileBasedDatasetContainer: Train, Test, Validation, Negative
class |
GetArrayElement |
Picks an element from an array and forwards only this element.
class |
GetDatabaseID |
Returns the database ID of the database ID handler passing through.
class |
GetID |
Returns the ID of the ID handler passing through.
class |
GetImageObjectIndices |
Uses the specified object finder to locate objects and forwards the indices.
class |
GetImageObjectMetaData |
Retrieves the meta-data of the incoming adams.flow.transformer.locateobjects.LocatedObject object.
class |
GetImageObjects |
Uses the specified object finder to locate objects and forwards the objects.
class |
GetJsonKeys |
Outputs all the keys of the JSON Object passing through.
class |
GetJsonValue |
Obtains the value associated with the specified key from the JSON object passing through.
Null values are only forwarded if requested.
class |
GetListElement |
Picks an element from a list and forwards only this element.
class |
GetMapKeys |
Forwards all the sorted (string) keys of the map.
class |
GetMapKeyValuePairs |
class |
GetMapValue |
Obtains the value associated with the specified key from Map object received as input and forwards it.
class |
GetNotes |
Returns the notes of the notes handler passing through.
class |
GetObjectProperty |
Retrieves a value from an object's property using a bean property path.
A bean property consists usually of a get and set method, e.g.:
- setDebug(boolean)
- boolean getDebug()
The property name for this pair is:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
GetProperties |
Outputs the names of all Java Bean properties of the incoming object.
class |
GetProperty |
Obtains the current property value of the object passing through.
class |
GetPropertyNames |
Outputs all the keys of the properties object passing through.
class |
GetPropertyValue |
Obtains the value(s) associated with the keys that match the specified regular expression from the Properties object passing through.
Null values are only forwarded if requested.
class |
GetRemoteCommandPayload |
Returns the underlying payload objects (if any) from the incoming remote command.
Depending on request/response flag, it outputs the corresponding payload objects.
Does not forward anything if the array is empty.
class |
GetReport |
Returns the report of the report handler passing through.
class |
GetReportValue |
Retrieves a value from a report.
class |
GetStorageValue |
Retrieves a value from internal storage using the incoming string token as name.
class |
Groovy |
A transformer that uses a Groovy script for processing the token(s).
class |
GroupByRegExp |
Groups the incoming strings into sub-groups.
class |
Decompresses an archive that was compressed with gzip.
class |
Creates a GZIP archive from a single file.
class |
HashSetAdd |
Adds a value to the specified hashset.
class |
HashSetInit |
Creates a hashset from a column in a spreadsheet or an array.
class |
HashSetRemove |
Removes a value from the specified hashset.
class |
HexReplace |
Allows to find and replace characters in hex notation.
class |
HttpPostFile |
Uploads the incoming file via HTTP POST to the specified URL as 'multipart/form-data'.
Additional form fields can be supplied as well.
class |
HttpRequest |
Sends the incoming text/bytes payload to the specified URL (with optional HTTP headers) and forwards the retrieved HTML as text.
class |
IDGenerator |
Generates IDs from the objects it receives on its input and forwards the generated IDs.
class |
ImageAnnotator |
Allows the user to label objects located on the image and pass on this enriched meta-data.
class |
ImageFileReader |
Reads any file format that the specified image reader supports.
If meta-data is associated with the image, then this can be loaded as well.
class |
ImageInfo |
Obtains information from the picture passing through.
class |
ImageLabeler |
Allows the user to label images, setting a report field in the meta-data.
Any logged interaction will get added as JSON under interaction-log in the report.
class |
ImageMetaData |
Returns any EXIF or IPTC and basic image information as a spreadsheet.
class |
ImageObjectAnnotator |
User interface for annotating objects in images.
class |
ImageObjectFilter |
Uses the specified object finder to locate objects and then applies the object filter to the located objects.
class |
ImageObjectIndexOffset |
Offsets the object index.
class |
ImageObjectInfo |
Outputs the requested type of information for either the incoming adams.flow.transformer.locateobjects.LocatedObject or the specified image object in the report.
class |
ImageObjectOverlap |
Computes the overlap of objects with the specified report from storage.
It stores the overlap percentage of the highest overlap found (overlap_highest) and the total number of overlaps greater than the specified minimum (overlap_count).
If a label key (located object meta-data) has been supplied, then the label of the object with the highest overlap gets stored as well (overlap_label_highest) and whether the labels match (overlap_label_highest_match)
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
ImageObjectOverlapMatrix |
Generates a matrix of overlapping image objects (annotations vs predictions) and their labels.
When outputting not just overlaps, a separate column 'Overlap' is output as well, indicating whether this row represents an overlap ('yes') or not ('no')
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
ImageObjectToVariables |
Converts the parameters of an image object into variables.
Meta-data can be turned into variables as well.
class |
ImagePreparation |
Preprocesses an image.
class |
ImageSegmentationAnnotator |
User interface for annotating images for image segmentation.
class |
ImageSegmentationContainerFilter |
Applies a Image Segmentation container filter to the incoming container(s) and outputs the generated data.
class |
ImageSegmentationContainerOperation |
Applies a Image Segmentation container operation to the incoming container(s) and outputs the generated data.
class |
ImageSegmentationFileReader |
Reads image segmentation file formats using the specified reader and forwards a container with the data.
class |
ImageSharpness |
Determines whether images are in focus ('sharp') using the specified algorithm.
class |
InactiveTransformer |
Encapsulates a sequence of inactive actors.
class |
IncludeExternalTransformer |
Includes an external transformer.
class |
IncStorageValue |
Increments the value of a storage value by either an integer or double increment.
If the storage value has not been set yet, it will get set to 0.
If the storage value contains a non-numerical value, no increment will be performed.
It is also possible to directly output the updated storage value (while discarding the input token).
class |
IncVariable |
Increments the value of a variable by either an integer or double increment.
If the variable has not been set yet, it will get set to 0.
If the variable contains a non-numerical value, no increment will be performed.
It is also possible to directly output the updated variable (while discarding the input token).
class |
IndexedSplitsRunsEvaluation |
Uses the specified evaluation for evaluating the incoming data.
class |
IndexedSplitsRunsGenerator |
Uses the specified generator for generating indexed splits from the incoming data.
class |
IndexedSplitsRunsPredictions |
Uses the specified generator for generating predictions from indexed splits for the incoming data.
class |
IndexedSplitsRunsReader |
Reads indexed splits runs from disk using the specified reader.
class |
IntersectOverUnion |
Computes the Intersect Over Union (IOU) of objects with the specified report from storage.
It stores the highest IOU found (iou_highest) and the total number of iou greater than the specified minimum (iou_count).
If a label key (located object meta-data) has been supplied, then the label of the object with the highest iou gets stored as well (iou_label_highest) and whether the labels match (iou_label_highest_match)
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
JsonFileReader |
Reads a JSON file and forwards the parsed JSON object.
If it is know beforehand, whether the JSON file contains an object or an array, the output type can be specified.
class |
LocateObjects |
Locates objects in an image and forwards an image per located object, cropped around the object.
class |
LookUp |
Forwards the value associated with the key that the actor gets as input, using the specified lookup table from internal storage.
class |
LookUpAdd |
Adds key-value pairs to the specified lookup table.
The input can either an array or a spreadsheet.
If the input is an array, it must have length 2, with the first element the key and the second one the value.
class |
LookUpInit |
Creates a lookup table from a spreadsheet, using one column as key and another one as value.
class |
LookUpRemove |
Removes a key/value pair from the specified lookup table.
class |
LookUpUpdate |
Updates the lookup table (in form of a spreadsheet) that passes through using the specified rules.
The rules can contain variables.
The rules use the following grammar:
expr_list ::= expr_list expr_part | expr_part
expr_part ::= conditional | assignment
conditional ::= if expr then assignments end
| if expr then assignments else assignments end
assignments ::= assignments assignment | assignment
assignment ::=
VARIABLE := expr;
| all ( "regexp" ) := expr;
expr ::= ( expr )
| true
| false
| -expr
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr
| not expr
| expr and expr
| expr or expr
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr % expr
| expr ^ expr
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| cbrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| log10 ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| sinh ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| cosh ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| tanh ( expr )
| atan ( expr )
| atan2 ( exprY , exprX )
| hypot ( exprX , exprY )
| signum ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| min ( expr1 , expr2 )
| max ( expr1 , expr2 )
- Variables are either all alphanumeric and -/_ (e.g., "ABc_1-2") or any character
apart from "'" enclosed by "'" and "'" (e.g., "'Hello World'").
- The 'all' method applies the value to all the values in the lookup table
that match the regular expression.
- Variables starting with '_' are considered local and don't get transferred back out.
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
Lzf |
Creates a LZF archive from a single file.
class |
Lzma |
Creates a LZMA (7zip) archive from a single file.
class |
MakeDir |
Creates the directory accepted on the input port if not already existing.
class |
MakeForecastPlotContainer |
Creates a named containers for the SequencePlotter actor using the incoming forecasts.
class |
MakeJFreeChartDataset |
Generates a JFreeChart dataset from the incoming spreadsheet.
class |
MakeLogEntry |
Creates a log entry from the incoming token.
class |
MakePlotContainer |
Creates a named container for the SequencePlotter actor.
In case of Double arrays arriving at the input, they must have length 2 for X and Y, 4 for X/Y/Y-Error (low/high) or 6 X/Y/X-Error (low-high)/Y-Error (low-high).
Integer arrays can only have the length 2.
It is also possible, depending on the plotter sink setup, to use strings for x and/or y.
In order to force an update of the plot, overriding the current plot-updater setup, you can create a special plot container of type UPDATE and send that to the plot (can be triggered with a null-token, e.g., from a adams.flow.source.Start source).
class |
MapToStorageValues |
Stores the map content in internal storage.
Only the map keys that match the regular expression are turned into storage values.
class |
MapToVariables |
Turns the map content into variables.
Only the map keys that match the regular expression are turned into variables.
class |
MapVariableIterator |
Iterates over the keys of the incoming map and sets variables for current key and variable.
class |
Mat5ArrayInfo |
Provides information on a Matlab5 array.
class |
Mat5ArraySubset |
Outputs either a single value (all dimensions in index specified) from an array or a subset (if one or more dimensions left empty).
Only arrays of type us.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Matrix are currently supported.
class |
Mat5FileAddArray |
Adds an array to the matlab file object using the specified name.
The array can be retrieved from a callable actor or from storage.
class |
Mat5FileAddMap |
Adds the elements of a map to the matlab file object using the names from the map.
The map can be retrieved from a callable actor or from storage.
class |
Mat5FileGetArray |
Retrieves the specified array from the mat file object.
class |
Mat5FileInfo |
Provides information from a .mat file.
class |
Mat5FileReader |
Loads a Matlab file in mat5 format.
class |
Mat5GetMatrixElement |
Retrieves the specified matrix element.
class |
Mat5GetStructField |
Retrieves the specified struct field.
class |
Mat5SetMatrixElement |
Sets the specified element in the matrix passing through.
The value gets parsed automatically according to the element type.
class |
Mat5SetStructField |
Sets obtained array under the specified field name.
class |
Mat5StructInfo |
Provides information from a Matlab struct object.
class |
MatchReportFields |
Outputs all fields that match the regular expression.
class |
MathExpression |
Evaluates a mathematical expression.
The input value (double or integer) can be accessed via 'X'.
Variables are supported as well, e.g.: pow(X,@{exp}) with '@{exp}' being a variable available at execution time.
The following grammar is used for the expressions:
expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;
expr ::= ( expr )
# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date
# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()
# negating numeric value
| -expr
# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)
# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )
| isNaN ( expr )
# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)
# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| cbrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| log10 ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| sinh ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| cosh ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| tanh ( expr )
| atan ( expr )
| atan2 ( exprY , exprX )
| hypot ( exprX , exprY )
| signum ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| min ( expr1 , expr2 )
| max ( expr1 , expr2 )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )
# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] )
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )
- Variables are either all upper case letters (e.g., "ABC") or any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'.
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
class |
Max |
Returns the maximum value from a double/int array or the index of the maximum value.
class |
MergeObjectLocations |
Merges the object locations in the report of the container passing through with the one obtained from storage.
The 'overlap action' determines what to do if objects overlap.
With the 'check type' you can still trigger a 'skip' if the type values of the two overlapping objects differ.
For simply merging all objects, choose a minOverlapRatio of 0.0 and the OverlapAction of KEEP.
class |
MergeReport |
Allows the report (or the report of a report handler) passing through to to be merged with another one.
class |
MergeReportFromMap |
Merges the passing through report handler/report objects with the referenced map of report objects in storage.
class |
MessageDigest |
Generates a message digest and forwards that.
class |
MimeType |
Determines the mime type of a file.
class |
Min |
Returns the minimum value from a double/int array or the index of the minimum value.
class |
MoveFile |
Moves a file to a different location (or just renames it).
Source and target can be swapped as well.
Simply forwards the input token if moving was successful.
class |
MultiMapOperation |
Applies the specified operation the incoming map array.
class |
MultiMat5MatrixOperation |
Applies a multi-matrix operation to the incoming matrix(s) and outputs the generated matrix(s).
class |
MultiSpreadSheetOperation |
Applies the specified operation the incoming spreadsheet array.
class |
NegativeRegions |
Uses the specified generator for generating negative regions for the image passing through.
class |
ObjectArrayToPrimitiveArray |
Turns an object array into an primitive one.
class |
OpenCVFeatureGenerator |
Applies a OpenCV feature generator to the incoming image and outputs the generated features.
class |
OpenCVMultiImageOperation |
Applies a BoofCV multi-image operation to the incoming image(s) and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
OpenCVTransformer |
Applies a OpenCV transformation to the incoming image and outputs the generated image(s).
class |
OptionProducer |
Generates string output from the object passing through using the specified option producer.
class |
OutlierDetector |
Applies the outlier detector and either outputs the updated data container or a flow container with the data and the detection results.
class |
PassThrough |
Dummy transformer that passes tokens through.
class |
PDFAppendDocument |
Modifies the incoming PDF document generated by adams.flow.source.PDFNewDocument using the PDF processors on either the specified input file or storage item.
Needs to be finalized with adams.flow.sink.PDFCloseDocument.
If a file name is received as input, it is assumed that this is an existing PDF file and gets appended.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
PDFCreate |
Actor for generating PDF files.
class |
PDFExtract |
Actor for extracting a range of pages from a PDF file.
class |
PDFExtractImages |
Actor for extracting the images from a PDF file.
class |
PDFExtractText |
Actor for extracting the text of a range of pages from a PDF file.
class |
PDFGenerate |
class |
PDFInfo |
Outputs information on a PDF file.
class |
PDFMerge |
Actor for merging multiple PDF files.
Forwards the name of the generated file.
class |
PDFMetaData |
Actor for extracting the meta-data from a PDF.
class |
PDFPageCount |
Actor for extracting the page count from a PDF file.
class |
PDFRenderPages |
Actor for rendering pages of a PDF file as images.
class |
PDFStamp |
Actor for stamping pages in a PDF with a custom overlay.
class |
PixelSelector |
Allows the user to select pixels.
class |
PredictionEccentricity |
Treats the predictions from a regressor as an image and computes the 'eccentricity' of the actual vs predicted plot.
class |
PrepareFileBasedDataset |
Processes the incoming files and generates a dataset container.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.FileBasedDatasetContainer: Train, Test, Validation, Negative
class |
PrependDir |
Prepends the prefix to the file/directory being passed through.
By default, the appropriate separator (forward slash or backslash) gets inserted between the file/directory and prefix.
class |
PrimitiveArrayToObjectArray |
Turns a primitive array into an object one.
class |
ProcessActor |
Applies the specified processor to the incoming actor and forwards the result.
For processors implementing adams.flow.processor.ModifyingProcessor the modified actor is forwarded (or, if not modified, the original one), all others just forward the incoming actor.
If the processor should implement adams.flow.processor.ListingProcessor then any generated list gets stored as string array in the outgoing container as well.
Processors implementing adams.flow.processor.GraphicalOutputProducingProcessor can optionall display the graphical output as well (off by default).
class |
ProgrammaticTokenListener |
Transformer that allows other, non-flow code to 'listen on the wire' of the data being processed.
Typically used for flows that are executed as background jobs in the user interface.
Listeners get removed once the flow finishes (wrapUp method).
class |
PropertiesFileReader |
Reads a Java Properties file.
class |
PropertiesToVariables |
Turns the properties into variables.
Only the property keys that match the regular expression are turned into variables.
class |
PyroTransformer |
Transforms data using a Pyro4 call
For more information see:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
PythonExpandScript |
Loads the Python script received as input, expands any variables and placeholders, saves it to the specified output file and forwards the output file name.
class |
RelativeDir |
Removes the prefix from the file/directory being passed through to turn them into relative ones.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
RemoteCommandReader |
Loads the remote command from the incoming file.
class |
RemoveImageObject |
Removes the specified image object.
class |
RemoveOverlappingImageObjects |
Cleans up overlapping objects, e.g., multiple predicted bounding boxes per object.
class |
ReportDbUpdater |
Adds all the data to the report (or reporthandler's report) passing through that the SQL statement returns.
The {ID} placeholder can be used in the SQL statement to represent the current handler's ID.
The following types of SQL statements are supported:
- multiple rows of key-value pairs.
- single row, with the key being the column name.
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
ReportField |
Returns all the fields in a report or the report from a report handling object that match the provided regular expression.
class |
ReportFileReader |
Loads a file containing a report from disk with a specified reader and passes it on.
class |
ReportFileWriter |
Saves a report to disk with the specified writer and passes the absolute filename on.
As filename/directory name (depending on the writer) the database ID of the report is used (below the specified output directory).
class |
ReportMathExpression |
Evaluates a mathematical expression based on report values.
Either outputs the updated report or the report handler if that allows updating the report.
class |
ReportToStorage |
Stores all report fields that match the provided regular expression in internal storage.
class |
ReportToVariables |
Turns all report fields that match the provided regular expression into variables.
class |
Round |
Performs 'round', 'ceiling' or 'floor' on double tokens and generates integers.
class |
ScaleReportObjects |
Scales the objects in the report using the provided scale factors.
Processes the following suffixes of all the report fields that match the provided prefix:
- .x
- .y
- .width
- .height
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
ScpFrom |
Downloads a remote file and forwards the local file name using secure copy (SCP).
For more information see:
class |
ScpTo |
Uploads a file to a remote directory using secure copy (SCP).
The file name of a successful upload gets forwarded.
For more information see:
class |
Scripted |
A transformer that uses an external script for processing the token(s).
class |
SelectArraySubset |
Allows the user to select a subset of the incoming array to be forwarded in the flow.
class |
SequenceToArray |
Turns a sequence of tokens into arrays with a specified length.
In case of unspecified length (ie -1), an array containing all elements collected so far is output each time a token arrives, i.e., the internal buffer never gets reset.
class |
SequenceToCollection |
Turns a sequence of tokens into a collection.
In case of unspecified length (ie -1), a collection containing all elements collected so far is output each time a token arrives, i.e., the internal buffer never gets reset.
class |
SetArrayElement |
Sets an element of an array and forwards the updated array.
class |
SetDatabaseID |
Updates the database ID of the database ID handler passing through with the provided 'ID' value.
class |
SetID |
Updates the ID of the ID handler passing through with the provided 'ID' value.
class |
SetImageObjectMetaData |
Sets meta-data in the incoming adams.flow.transformer.locateobjects.LocatedObject object.
class |
SetJsonValue |
Sets a value in a JSON object, using the specified path.
The value can be either supplied as string using the 'value' property, obtained from a callable actor (property 'source') or from a storage item (property 'storage').
class |
SetManyVariables |
Sets the values of the variables whenever a token passes through, but does not use the token's value.
Optionally, the specified values can be expanded, in case it is made up of variables itself.
Grammar for mathematical expressions (value type 'MATH_EXPRESSION, MATH_EXPRESSION_ROUND'):
expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;
expr ::= ( expr )
# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date
# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()
# negating numeric value
| -expr
# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)
# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )
| has ( variable )
| isNaN ( expr )
# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)
# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| cbrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| log10 ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| sinh ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| cosh ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| tanh ( expr )
| atan ( expr )
| atan2 ( exprY , exprX )
| hypot ( exprX , exprY )
| signum ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| min ( expr1 , expr2 )
| max ( expr1 , expr2 )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )
# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] ) (find 'search' in 'expr', return 1-based position)
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )
| str ( expr )
| str ( expr , numdecimals )
| str ( expr , decimalformat )
| ext ( file_str ) (extracts extension from file)
| replaceext ( file_str, ext_str ) (replaces the extension of the file with the new one)
- Variables are either all alphanumeric and _, starting with uppercase letter (e.g., "ABc_12"),
any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]") or
enclosed by single quotes (e.g., "'Hello World'").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'.
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
class |
SetMapValue |
Sets a value in a java.util.Map object.
The value can be either supplied as string using the 'value' property, obtained from a callable actor (property 'source') or from a storage item (property 'storage').
class |
SetPlotContainerValue |
Updates a value of a plot container before it is being displayed in the SequencePlotter sink.
class |
SetProperty |
Sets the property of a callable actor whenever a token passes through.
Note: this actor just sets the value, but performs no re-initialization or similar of the modified object.
The transformer just forwards tokens that it receives after the property has been set.
class |
SetPropertyValue |
Sets a property in a properties object.
class |
SetReportFromFile |
Loads a report from disk and replaces the current one in the token passing through.
class |
SetReportFromSource |
Obtains a report from a callable source and replaces the current one in the token passing through.
class |
SetReportValue |
Sets a value in a report.
class |
SetStorageFlag |
Stores the flag value in storage using the specified name whenever a token passes through.
class |
SetStorageValue |
Stores the payload of the token passing through under the specified name in temporary storage.
class |
SetSystemProperty |
Sets a Java system property when it is executed.
class |
SetVariable |
Sets the value of a variable.
class |
SFTPDelete |
Deletes a remote file via secure FTP (SFTP) and forwards the deleted file name.
For more information see:
class |
Downloads a remote file and forwards the local file name via secure FTP (SFTP).
For more information see:
class |
SFTPSend |
Uploads a file to a remote directory using secure FTP (SFTP).
The file name of a successful upload gets forwarded.
For more information see:
class |
SimpleStringReplace |
Performs a string replacement, using String.replace(.., ...).
If the 'replace' string contains both, variables and placeholders, then first all variables are expanded and then the placeholders.
class |
SMBGet |
Downloads a remote file and forwards the local file name (SMB, Windows share).
Host and remote directory can be left empty if the incoming filename consists of a fully qualified URL, e.g.: smb://host/share/dir/file.txt
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
SMBSend |
Uploads a file to a remote directory (SMB, Windows share).
The file name of a successful upload gets forwarded.
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
Sort |
Actor for sorting arrays.
class |
SplitFile |
Splits the file into several smaller files using the specified splitter algorithm.
class |
SpreadSheetAggregate |
Aggregates rows (min, max, avg, etc) in a spreadsheet using key columns.
All numeric columns in the specified aggregrate range (excluding the key columns) get aggregated.
class |
SpreadSheetAnonymize |
Anonymizes a range of columns in a spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetAppend |
Appends the incoming spreadsheet to one in storage.
If there is none in storage yet, the incoming spreadsheet will simply get stored in storage.
The spreadsheets need not have the same structure, but it is assumed that column names are unique within a spreadsheet.
The combined spreadsheet is then forwarded.
class |
SpreadSheetAppendComments |
Appends the comments of the spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetCellFinder |
Outputs the cell locations that the cell finder located.
class |
SpreadSheetCellSelector |
Lets the user highlight cells in a spreadsheet which get output:
- spreadsheet with coordinates (1-based row and column) and the associated value of the selected cell
- spreadsheet with all un-selected cells set to missing
You select cells by left-clicking on them and/or holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse over the cells that you want to select.
You can unselect cells in the same fashion, by holding the shift key in addition.
class |
SpreadSheetCollapse |
Uses the specified key columns to identify groups of rows.
class |
SpreadSheetColumnFilter |
Filters spreadsheets using the specified column finder.
The output contains all the columns that the specified finder selected.
class |
SpreadSheetColumnIterator |
Iterates through all columns of a spreadsheet and outputs the names.
The columns can be limited with the range parameter and furthermore with the regular expression applied to the names.
Instead of outputting the names, it is also possible to output the 1-based indices.
class |
SpreadSheetColumnsByName |
Creates a new spreadsheet with the columns that matched the regular expression.
class |
SpreadSheetColumnStatistic |
Generates statistics for a chosen colunm.
class |
SpreadSheetCommonIDs |
Extracts the common IDs from two or more spreadsheets.
Matching sense can be inverted, i.e., the IDs not in common are output.
class |
SpreadSheetConvertCells |
Finds cells in a spreadsheet and converts them with a conversion scheme.
If the conversion scheme generates a object itself, this will get merged with the enclosing one: any additional columns get added and the content of the first row gets added to the row the converted cell belongs to.
class |
SpreadSheetConvertHeaderCells |
Converts the header cells of a spreadsheet with a conversion scheme.
class |
SpreadSheetCopyColumns |
Copies a range of columns to a specific position in the spreadsheets coming through.
class |
SpreadSheetCopyRows |
Copies a range of columnrows to a specific position in the spreadsheets coming through.
class |
SpreadSheetDifference |
Computes the difference of the numeric cells between two spreadsheets.
The values of the second spreadsheet are subtracted from the first one.
If no 'key' columns are defined, the current order of rows is used for comparison.
class |
SpreadSheetExtractArray |
Extracts a column or row of data from a SpreadSheet object.
class |
SpreadSheetFileReader |
Reads a spreadsheet file and forwards the content.
class |
SpreadSheetFilter |
Applies the specified spreadsheet filter to the data.
class |
SpreadSheetGetCell |
Extracts one or more values from a spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetGetColumnIndex |
Obtain the 1-based indices of columns that match a user-specified regular expression.
class |
SpreadSheetGetHeaderCell |
Extracts a single value from a spreadsheet's header.
class |
SpreadSheetHistogramRanges |
Outputs the ranges generated by using the incoming object.
If cells aren't numeric or missing, a default value of zero is used.
class |
SpreadSheetInfo |
Outputs statistics of a SpreadSheet object.
class |
SpreadSheetInsertColumn |
Inserts a column at a specific position into spreadsheets coming through.
The cells are initialized with a pre-defined value.
class |
SpreadSheetInsertRow |
Inserts a row at a specific position into spreadsheets coming through.
The cells are initialized with a pre-defined value.
class |
SpreadSheetInsertRowScore |
Inserts a score column at a specific position into spreadsheets coming through.
class |
SpreadSheetMatrixStatistic |
Generates statistics for the spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetMerge |
Merges two or more spreadsheets.
class |
SpreadSheetMethodMerge |
Merges 2 or more spreadsheets into a single spreadsheet, using a selectable merge method.
class |
SpreadSheetPlotGenerator |
Outputs plot containers generated from a spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetQuery |
Applies a query (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE) on a spreadsheet.
Variables are supported as well, e.g., : SELECT * WHERE Blah = @{val} with 'val' being a variable available at execution time.
The following grammar is used for the query:
expr_list ::= expr_list expr_part | expr_part;
expr_part ::= select | update | delete;
select ::= SELECT col_list [limit]
| SELECT col_list WHERE cond_list [limit]
| SELECT col_list ORDER BY order_list [limit]
| SELECT col_list WHERE cond_list ORDER BY order_list [limit]
| SELECT agg_list
| SELECT agg_list GROUP BY col_list
| SELECT agg_list HAVING cond_list
| SELECT agg_list GROUP BY col_list HAVING cond_list
update ::= UPDATE SET upd_list
| UPDATE SET upd_list WHERE cond_list
delete ::= DELETE WHERE cond_list
col_list ::= col_list COMMA col
| col
| SELECT NUMBER [subsample: <1 = percent; >= 1 number of rows]
col ::= *
upd_list ::= upd_list COMMA upd | upd;
upd ::= COLUMN = value
order_list::= order_list COMMA order | order;
order ::= COLUMN
cond_list ::= cond_list cond
| cond
cond ::= COLUMN < value
| COLUMN <= value
| COLUMN = value
| COLUMN <> value
| COLUMN >= value
| COLUMN > value
| CELLTYPE ( COLUMN ) = "numeric|long|double|boolean|string|time|date|datetime|timestamp|object|missing"
| ( cond )
| cond:c1 AND cond:c2
| cond:c1 OR cond:c2
| NOT cond
value ::= NUMBER
| PARSE ( "number" , STRING )
| PARSE ( "date" , STRING )
| PARSE ( "time" , STRING )
| PARSE ( "timestamp" , STRING )
limit ::= LIMIT NUMBER:max
| LIMIT NUMBER:offset , NUMBER:max
agg_list ::= agg_list COMMA agg
| agg
agg ::= COUNT [(*)] [AS COLUMN]
- time format: 'HH:mm'
- date format: 'yyyy-MM-dd'
- timestamp format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'
- STRING is referring to characters enclosed by double quotes
- COLUMN is either a string with no blanks (consisting of letters, numbers, hyphen or underscore; eg 'MyCol-1') or a bracket enclosed string when containing blanks (eg '[Some other col]')
- columns used in the ORDER BY clause must be present in the SELECT part; also, any alias given to them in SELECT must be used instead of original column name
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
SpreadSheetRandomSystematicSample |
Performs random systematic sampling on the rows of the incoming spreadsheet.
Divides the rows into N blocks with N being the sample size.
class |
SpreadSheetRemoveColumn |
Removes the column(s) at the specific position from spreadsheets coming through.
class |
SpreadSheetRemoveRow |
Removes one or more rows at the specific position from spreadsheets coming through.
class |
SpreadSheetReorderColumns |
Reorders the columns in a spreadsheet according to a user-supplied order.
class |
SpreadSheetReorderRows |
Reorders the rows in a spreadsheet according to a user-supplied order.
class |
SpreadSheetReplaceCellValue |
Replaces cell values that match a regular expression with a predefined value.
class |
SpreadSheetRowBinning |
Applies a binning algorithm to the values from the specified binning column to filter the rows into specific bins.
A new column is then added containing the corresponding bin index.
class |
SpreadSheetRowBuffer |
Can act in two different ways:
class |
SpreadSheetRowFilter |
Filters spreadsheets using the specified row finder.
The output contains all the rows that the specified finder selected.
class |
SpreadSheetRowStatistic |
Generates statistics for a chosen row.
class |
SpreadSheetRowToTimeseries |
Turns a spreadsheet row into a timeseries.
Columns for timestamps and values are extracted using the regular expressions, the timestamp columns are optional.
class |
SpreadSheetSelectSubset |
Allows the user to select a subset of the incoming spreadsheet to be forwarded in the flow.
class |
SpreadSheetSetCell |
Sets the value of the specified cells in a spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetSetHeaderCell |
Sets a single header cell value in a spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetSort |
Sorts the rows of the spreadsheet according to the selected column indices and sort order (ascending/descending).
class |
SpreadSheetSortColumns |
Reorders a user-defined subset of columns by name using the specified comparator.
class |
SpreadSheetStatistic |
Generates statistics from a SpreadSheet object.
If cells aren't numeric or missing, a default value of zero is used.
class |
SpreadSheetStorageRowIterator |
Iterates through a defined range of rows.
class |
SpreadSheetSubset |
Extracts a subset of rows/columns from a spreadsheet.
class |
SpreadSheetSubsetByValue |
Generates subsets from a spreadsheet, grouped by the same string value in the specified column.
For instance, if a spreadsheet has 3 unique values (A, B, C) in column 2, then 3 subsheets will generated, each containing the rows that have the value A, B or C.
class |
SpreadSheetSubsetFromGroup |
Splits the spreadsheet into subsets using the supplied column and then returns the specified range of rows from each generated subset.
The spreadsheet is expected to be sorted on the grouping column.
class |
SpreadSheetToTimeseries |
Extracts one or more timeseries from a spreadsheet.
It uses one column ('ID') to identify all the rows that belong to a single timeseries.
class |
SpreadSheetTransformCells |
Finds cells in a spreadsheet and transforms them with a callable transformer.
In case of transformers having Object or Unknown in their types of classes that they accept, no proper type can be inferred automatically.
class |
SpreadSheetTransformHeaderCells |
Transforms header cells with a callable transformer.
In case of transformers having Object or Unknown in their types of classes that they accept, no proper type can be inferred automatically.
class |
SpreadSheetVariableRowIterator |
Iterates through a defined range of rows.
class |
StorageCollectionInsert |
Inserts the object passing through to the collection in storage at the specified position.
After inserting the object successfully, just forwards the object.
If the collection does not implement the java.util.List interface and the insertion is not at the end, the insertion will fail.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
StorageJFreeChartAddSeries |
Generates a series from the incoming spreadsheet and adds it to the specified JFreeChart dataset in storage.
After inserting the object successfully, just forwards the object.
class |
StringArraySplit |
Uses a regular expression to identify the string that triggers one or more splits in a string array, resulting in smaller arrays being output.
What is done with the string triggering the split, is defined in the split handling option, e.g., discard it.
Useful actor for splitting a log file into individual entry chunks.
class |
StringCut |
Cuts out a part of a string.
class |
StringExpression |
Evaluates a string expression.
The input string can be accessed via 'X'.
Variables are supported as well, e.g.: pow(X,@{exp}) with '@{exp}' being a variable available at execution time.
The following grammar is used for the expressions:
expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;
expr ::= ( expr )
# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date
# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()
# negating numeric value
| -expr
# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)
# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )
| isNaN ( expr )
# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)
# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| cbrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| log10 ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| sinh ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| cosh ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| tanh ( expr )
| atan ( expr )
| atan2 ( exprY , exprX )
| hypot ( exprX , exprY )
| signum ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| min ( expr1 , expr2 )
| max ( expr1 , expr2 )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )
# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] )
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )
# array functions
| len[gth] ( array )
| get ( array , index )
- Variables are either all upper case letters (e.g., "ABC") or any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- 'index' for function 'get' starts at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
class |
StringIndent |
Indents the string with the specified character.
Splits multi-line strings first and processes each line separately.
class |
StringIndexOf |
Determines the position of a substring in the string passing through.
The generated index is 1-based, with 0 indicating that the substring could not be located.
class |
StringInsert |
Inserts a user-specified string at a specific position into tokens coming through.
The actor is most useful when attaching a variable to the 'value' option, which allows the value to change dynamically then.
class |
StringJoin |
Creates a single string out of an array of strings.
class |
StringLength |
Determines the length of a string.
class |
StringMatcher |
Lets string tokens only pass if they match the regular expression.
class |
StringRangeCut |
Cuts out a parts of a string.
class |
StringReplace |
Performs a string replacement, using either String.replaceFirst(...) or String.replaceAll(...).
class |
StringSanitizer |
Removes all characters that haven't been specified as 'acceptable' characters.
class |
StringSplit |
Splits a string using a regular expression.
class |
StringTrim |
Trims strings, i.e., removes leading/trailing whitespaces.
class |
SubStringCount |
Determines the position of a substring in the string passing through.
The generated index is 1-based, with 0 indicating that the substring could not be located.
class |
SummaryStatistics |
Calculates the selected summary statistics and outputs a spreadsheet.
class |
SwapVariables |
Swaps the values of the two variables around, whenever a token passes through.
class |
Tar |
Creates a Tar file containing one or more files.
class |
TemplateTransformer |
Feeds tokens into an actor generated from a template and broadcasts the generated output tokens.
class |
TesseractOCR |
Applies OCR to the incoming image file using Tesseract.
In case of successful OCR, either the file names of the generated files are broadcast or the combined text of the files.
NB: The actor deletes all files that have the same prefix as the specified output base.
class |
TextFileReader |
Reads a text file and forwards the content.
This actor takes the file to read as input.
class |
TextRenderer |
Turns incoming objects into their textual representation, either automatic detection based on their data type or by explicitly specifying a renderer.
class |
TimeseriesAdd |
Appends the incoming timeseries to the one available from storage.
If none yet available from storage, then the current one simply put into storage.
If the timeseries already contains elements with the same timestamp, then these will get replaced by the current ones.
class |
TimeseriesAppend |
Appends the incoming timeseries to the one available from storage.
If none yet available from storage, then the current one simply put into storage.
If the timeseries already contains elements with the same timestamp, then these will get replaced by the current ones.
class |
TimeseriesDbReader |
Outputs timeseries containers generated from an SQL SELECT statement.
A new container is started, whenever the value of the ID column changes (hence you need to ensure that the data is ordered on this column).
class |
TimeseriesFeatureGenerator |
Applies a timeseries feature generator to the incoming timeseries and outputs the generated features.
class |
TimeseriesFileReader |
Loads a file/directory containing spectrums from disk with a specified reader and passes them on.
class |
TimeseriesFileWriter |
Saves a spectrum to disk with the specified writer and passes the absolute filename on.
As filename/directory name (depending on the writer) the database ID of the spectrum is used (below the specified output directory).
class |
TimeseriesFilter |
Filters data using the specified filter.
class |
TimeseriesInfo |
Outputs information for a timeseries.
class |
TimeseriesReportDbUpdater |
Adds all the data to the report of the timeseries passing through that the SQL statement returns.
The {ID} placeholder can be used in the SQL statement to represent the current timeseries' ID.
The following types of SQL statements are supported:
- multiple rows of key-value pairs.
- single row, with the key being the column name.
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
TimeseriesSplit |
Splits the incoming timeseries into sub-series using the specified splitter algorithm.
class |
Timestamp |
Creates a timestamp string whenever it receives an input token.
class |
Tool |
Runs a tool.
class |
Touch |
Like the Unix 'touch' command, updates the 'last modified' timestamp of the file coming through.
By default, it creates the file if it doesn't exist.
class |
UnBzip2 |
Decompresses an archive that was compressed with bzip2.
class |
UniqueID |
Ensures that all passing through tokens that implement have a unique ID.
All other tokens are just forwarded as is.
class |
UnLzf |
Decompresses an archive that was compressed with LZF.
class |
UnLzma |
Decompresses an archive that was compressed with LZMA (7zip).
class |
Unrars a RAR archive and broadcasts the full file names of the extracted files.
class |
UnTar |
Decompresses a Tar archive and broadcasts the full file names of the extracted files.
class |
UnXz |
Decompresses an archive that was compressed with XZ.
class |
Unzips a ZIP archive and broadcasts the full file names of the extracted files.
class |
UnZstd |
Decompresses an archive that was compressed with Zstd.
class |
UpdateProperty |
Updates the property of the object passing through with the specified value.
class |
ViaAnnotationsToReports |
Converts the JSON object passing through to Reports.
class |
WaitForFile |
Waits for the file passing through to become available, i.e., not in use by another process.
class |
WekaAccumulatedError |
Generates plot containers from an evaluation object's predictions.
class |
WekaAggregateEvaluations |
Aggregates incoming weka.classifiers.Evaluation objects and forwards the current aggregated state.
class |
WekaAttributeIterator |
Iterates through all attributes of a dataset and outputs the names.
The attributes can be limited with the range parameter and furthermore with the regular expression applied to the names.
Instead of outputting the names, it is also possible to output the 1-based indices.
class |
WekaAttributeSelection |
Performs attribute selection on the incoming data.
In case of input in form of a class adams.flow.container.WekaTrainTestSetContainer object, the train and test sets stored in the container are being used.
NB: In case of cross-validation no reduced or transformed data can get generated!
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.WekaTrainTestSetContainer: Train, Test, Seed, FoldNumber, FoldCount, Train original indices, Test original indices
- adams.flow.container.WekaAttributeSelectionContainer: Train, Reduced, Transformed, Test, Test reduced, Test transformed, Evaluation, Statistics, Selected attributes, Seed, FoldCount
class |
WekaAttributeSelectionSummary |
Outputs a summary string of the attribute selection.
class |
WekaBootstrapping |
Performs bootstrapping on the incoming evaluation and outputs a spreadsheet where each row represents the results from bootstrapping sub-sample.
class |
WekaChooseAttributes |
Lets the user select attributes interactively to use down the track.
Internally, a weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove WEKA filter is constructed from the selection, to remove the attributes that the user didn't select.
class |
WekaClassifierInfo |
Outputs information of a trained weka.classifiers.Classifier object.
class |
WekaClassifierOptimizer |
Evaluates a classifier optimizer on an incoming dataset.
class |
WekaClassifierRanker |
Performs a quick evaluation using cross-validation on a single dataset (or evaluation on a separate test set if the number of folds is less than 2) to rank the classifiers received on the input and forwarding the x best ones.
class |
WekaClassifierSetupProcessor |
Applies the specified processor to the incoming array of classifiers, e.g., for generating new or filtered setups.
class |
WekaClassifying |
Uses a serialized model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
class |
WekaClassSelector |
Sets the class index.
class |
WekaClusterAssignments |
Outputs the cluster assignments from the evaluation.
class |
WekaClustererInfo |
Outputs information of a trained weka.clusterers.Clusterer object.
class |
WekaClustererPostProcessor |
Applies the specified post-processor to the cluster container (adams.flow.container.WekaModelContainer)
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.WekaModelContainer: Model, Header, Dataset
class |
WekaClusterEvaluationSummary |
Generates a summary string of the weka.clusterers.ClusterEvaluation objects that it receives.
class |
WekaClustering |
Uses a serialized model to cluster data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
class |
WekaCrossValidationClustererEvaluator |
Cross-validates a clusterer on an incoming dataset.
class |
WekaCrossValidationEvaluator |
Cross-validates a classifier on an incoming dataset.
class |
WekaCrossValidationSplit |
Generates train/test pairs like during a cross-validation run.
class |
WekaDatasetsMerge |
Merges 2 or more datasets into a single dataset, under a selectable merge method.
class |
WekaDatasetSplit |
Splits the incoming dataset into sub-sets using the specified splitter.
class |
WekaEnsembleGenerator |
Uses the specified generator to create ensembles from the incoming data.
class |
WekaEvaluationInfo |
Outputs information about a Weka weka.classifiers.Evaluation object.
class |
WekaEvaluationPostProcessor |
Applies the specified post-processor to the incoming Evaluation data.
class |
WekaEvaluationSummary |
Generates a summary string of the weka.classifiers.Evaluation objects that it receives.
class |
WekaEvaluationValuePicker |
Picks a specific value from an evaluation object.
class |
WekaEvaluationValues |
Generates a spreadsheet from statistics of an Evaluation object.
class |
WekaExperiment |
Represents a Weka experiment, stored in a file.
class |
WekaExperimentEvaluation |
Generates evaluation output of an experiment that was run previously.
class |
WekaExperimentExecution |
Executes an experiment.
class |
WekaExperimentFileReader |
Loads an experiment file.
class |
WekaExtractArray |
Extracts a column or row of data from a weka.core.Instances or SpreadSheet object.
Only numeric columns can be returned.
class |
WekaExtractPLSMatrix |
Transformer that allows the extraction of internal PLS filter/classifier matrices, forwarding them as spreadsheets.
class |
WekaFileReader |
Reads any file format that Weka's converters can handle and returns the full dataset or single weka.core.Instance objects.
class |
WekaFilter |
Filters Instances/Instance objects using the specified filter.
When re-using a trained filter, ensure that 'initializeOnce' is checked.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
class |
WekaGenericPLSMatrixAccess |
Transformer that allows the extraction of internal PLS filter/classifier matrices, forwarding them as spreadsheets.
See the respective PLS implementation for details on available matrix names (derived from: weka.filters.supervised.attribute.pls.AbstractPLS)
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.WekaModelContainer: Model, Header, Dataset
class |
WekaGeneticAlgorithm |
Applies the genetic algorithm to the incoming dataset.
Forwards the best setup(s) after the algorithm finishes.
A callable sink can be specified for receiving intermediate performance results.
class |
WekaGeneticAlgorithmInitializer |
Populates a adams.flow.container.WekaGeneticAlgorithmInitializationContainer container from the data obtained from the incoming setup (in properties format, can be gzip compressed).
class |
WekaGetCapabilities |
Retrieves the capabilities of a weka.core.CapabilitiesHandler (eg filter or classifier) and forwards them.
class |
WekaGetInstancesValue |
Retrieves a value from a WEKA Instances object.
- date and relational values are forwarded as strings
- missing values are output as '?' (without the single quotes)
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
WekaGetInstanceValue |
Retrieves a value from a WEKA Instance object.
- date and relational values are forwarded as strings
- missing values are output as '?' (without the single quotes)
- the 'attribute name' option overrides the 'index' option
- accepts:
- generates:
Valid options are:
class |
WekaInstanceBuffer |
Can act in two different ways:
class |
WekaInstanceDumper |
Dumps weka.core.Instance objects into an ARFF file.
class |
WekaInstanceEvaluator |
Adds a new attribute to the data being passed through (normally 'evaluation') and sets the value to the evaluation value returned by the chosen evaluator scheme.
class |
WekaInstanceFileReader |
Loads a WEKA dataset from disk with a specified reader and passes on the adams.core.instance.Instance objects.
class |
WekaInstancesAppend |
Creates one large dataset by appending all one after the other.
class |
WekaInstancesHistogramRanges |
Outputs the ranges generated by using the incoming weka.core.Instances object.
The actor just uses the internal format (double array) and does not check whether the attributes are actually numeric.
class |
WekaInstancesInfo |
Outputs statistics of a weka.core.Instances object.
FULL_ATTRIBUTE and FULL_CLASS output a spreadsheet with detailed attribute statistics.
class |
WekaInstancesMerge |
Merges multiple datasets, either from file or using Instances/Instance objects.
If no 'ID' attribute is named, then all datasets must contain the same number of rows.
Attributes can be excluded from ending up in the final dataset via a regular expression.
class |
WekaInstancesStatistic |
Generates statistics from a weka.core.Instances object.
The actor just uses the internal format (double array) and does not check whether the attributes are actually numeric.
class |
WekaInstanceStreamPlotGenerator |
Generates plot containers from a range of attributes of the weka.core.Instance objects being passed through.
The generator merely uses the internal data representation for generating the Y value of the plot container.
class |
WekaModelReader |
Actor for loading a model (classifier or clusterer).
class |
WekaMultiLabelSplitter |
Splits a dataset containing multiple class attributes ('multi-label') into separate datasets with only a single class attribute.
class |
WekaNearestNeighborSearch |
Outputs the specified number of nearest neighbors for the incoming Weka Instance.
The data used for the nearest neighbor search is either obtained from storage.
class |
WekaNewInstance |
Creates a new weka.core.Instance-derived object, with all values marked as missing.
The class implementing the weka.core.Instance interface needs to have a constructor that takes the number of attributes as sole parameter.
class |
WekaPackageManagerAction |
Applies the selected Weka Package Manager action to the incoming data and forwards the generated output.
class |
WekaPredictionsToInstances |
Generates weka.core.Instances from the predictions of an Evaluation object.
class |
WekaPredictionsToSpreadSheet |
Generates a SpreadSheet object from the predictions of an Evaluation object.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.WekaEvaluationContainer: Evaluation, Model, Prediction output, Original indices
class |
WekaPrimeForecaster |
Primes a forecaster with the incoming data and outputs the updated forecaster alongside the training header (in a model container).
class |
WekaPrincipalComponents |
Performs principal components analysis on the incoming data and outputs the loadings and the transformed data as spreadsheet array.
Automatically filters out attributes that cannot be handled by PCA.
class |
WekaRandomSplit |
Splits a dataset into a training and test set according to a specified split percentage.
class |
WekaRegexToRange |
Produces a range string from a regular expression describing attributes.
class |
WekaRelationName |
class |
WekaRenameRelation |
Modifies relation names.
class |
WekaReorderAttributesToReference |
Reorders the attributes of the Instance/Instances passing through according to the provided reference dataset (callable actor or reference file).
This ensures that the generated data always has the same structure as the reference dataset.
class |
WekaRepeatedCrossValidationEvaluator |
Performs repeated cross-validation a classifier on an incoming dataset.
class |
WekaRepeatedCrossValidationOutput |
Generates output from the incoming repeated cross-validation data.
class |
WekaSetInstancesValue |
Sets a value in a WEKA Instances object.
- relational values cannot be set
- '?' (without single quotes) is interpreted as missing value
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
WekaSetInstanceValue |
Sets a value in a WEKA Instance.
- relational values cannot be set
- '?' (without single quotes) is interpreted as missing value
- accepts:
- generates:
Valid options are:
class |
WekaSplitGenerator |
class |
WekaSpreadSheetToPredictions |
Turns the predictions stored in the incoming spreadsheet (actual and predicted) into a Weka weka.classifiers.Evaluation object.
For recreating the predictions of a nominal class, the class distributions must be present in the spreadsheet as well.
See also:
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
WekaStoreInstance |
Appends the incoming weka.core.Instance to the dataset in storage.
class |
WekaStreamEvaluator |
Evaluates an incremental classifier on a data stream using prequential evaluation (first evaluate, then train).
class |
WekaStreamFilter |
Filters Instance objects using the specified filter.
class |
WekaSubsets |
Splits the dataset based on the unique values of the specified attribute: all rows with the same unique value form a subset.
class |
WekaTestSetClustererEvaluator |
Evaluates a trained clusterer (obtained from input) on the dataset obtained from the callable actor.
If a class attribute is set, a classes-to-clusters evaluation is performed automatically
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.WekaModelContainer: Model, Header, Dataset
- adams.flow.container.WekaClusterEvaluationContainer: Evaluation, Model, Log-likelohood
class |
WekaTestSetEvaluator |
Evaluates a trained classifier (obtained from input) on the dataset obtained from the callable actor.
class |
WekaTextDirectoryReader |
Loads all text files in a directory and uses the subdirectory names as class labels.
class |
WekaTrainAssociator |
Trains an associator based on the incoming dataset and outputs the built associator alongside the training header and rules (in a model container)..
class |
WekaTrainClassifier |
Trains a classifier based on the incoming dataset and outputs the built classifier alongside the training header (in a model container).
Incremental training is performed, if the input are weka.core.Instance objects and the classifier implements weka.classifiers.UpdateableClassifier.
class |
WekaTrainClusterer |
Trains a clusterer based on the incoming dataset and output the built clusterer alongside the training header (in a model container).
Incremental training is performed, if the input are weka.core.Instance objects and the clusterer implements weka.clusterers.UpdateableClusterer.
class |
WekaTrainForecaster |
Trains a forecaster based on the incoming dataset and outputs the built model alongside the training header (in a model container).
class |
WekaTrainTestSetClustererEvaluator |
Trains a clusterer on an incoming training dataset (from a container) and then evaluates it on the test set (also from a container).
The clusterer setup being used in the evaluation is a callable 'Clusterer' actor.
If a class attribute is set, a classes-to-clusters evaluation is performed automatically
- accepts:
- generates:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.WekaTrainTestSetContainer: Train, Test, Seed, FoldNumber, FoldCount
- adams.flow.container.WekaClusterEvaluationContainer: Evaluation, Model, Log-likelohood
class |
WekaTrainTestSetEvaluator |
Trains a classifier on an incoming training dataset (from a container) and then evaluates it on the test set (also from a container).
The classifier setup being used in the evaluation is a callable 'Classifier' actor.
class |
XMLFileReader |
Reads an XML file and forwards the parsed org.w3c.dom.Document object.
class |
XPath |
Applies XPath to the DOM document object.
class |
Applies an XSLT stylesheet to the DOM document object.
class |
Xz |
Creates a XZ archive from a single file.
class |
YamlFileReader |
Reads a YAML file and forwards the generated Map object.
- accepts:
- generates:
class |
Creates a ZIP file containing one or more files.
class |
Zstd |
Creates a Zstd archive from a single file.