All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
About |
Shows the about box.
AbstractAdamsMojo |
Abstract Mojo which collects common infrastructure, required and needed
by all subclass Mojos in the adams maven plugin codebase.
AbstractApplyImageTransformer |
Ancestor for plugins that work on the image rather than the heatmap.
AbstractArraySplitter |
Ancestor for array splitters.
AbstractAudioAnnotationsReader |
Ancestor of annotations readers.
AbstractAudioAnnotationsWriter |
Ancestor for annotations writers.
AbstractAudioContainer<T> |
Ancestor for various audio format containers.
AbstractAudioDataReader<T extends AbstractAudioContainer> |
Ancestor for readers for audio data.
AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator<T extends AbstractAudioContainer> |
Abstract base class for AbstractAudioContainer feature generation.
AbstractAudioInfoReader |
Ancestor for info readers for audio data.
AbstractAudioRecorder<T> |
Ancestor for classes that record audio.
AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker |
Ancestor for BoofCV object trackers.
AbstractBootstrappClassPathAugmenter |
Ancestor for classpath augmenters that make use of bootstrapp to pull
in dependencies.
AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel |
Ancestor for panels that allow managing of dependencies for bootstrapp.
AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold |
Ancestor of threshold algorithms that use a BufferedImage
as basis for their calculation.
AbstractBufferedImageMovieImageSampler |
Ancestor for movie image samples that output BufferedImageContainer .
AbstractBufferedRatInput |
Ancestor for buffering rat inputs.
AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator |
Ancestor for Meka classifier evaluators that make use of a callable classifier.
AbstractCallablePipeline<T> |
Ancestor for pipeline that process data with a callable pipeline template.
AbstractCallableTransformer<T> |
Ancestor for plugins that process the data with a callable transformer.
AbstractCodeGenerator |
Ancestor for LaTeX code generators.
AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator |
Ancestor Apache commons-based random number generators.
AbstractCommunicationProcessor |
Ancestor for classes processing the communication to/fro Pyro proxy models.
AbstractControlPanel<T extends adams.flow.core.Actor & adams.core.Pausable> |
Ancestor for control panels.
AbstractControlState<T extends adams.flow.core.Actor & adams.core.Pausable> |
Ancestor for control states.
AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter |
Ancestor for plugins that filter the current heatmap.
AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE |
Ancestor for heatmap filters that process the current heatmap with a setup
obtained from a GenericObjectEditorDialog .
AbstractCurrentTrailFilter |
Ancestor for plugins that filter the current trail.
AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE |
Ancestor for trail filters that process the current trail with a setup
obtained from a GenericObjectEditorDialog .
AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator |
Ancestor for feature generators that require database access.
AbstractDockerCommand |
Ancestor for docker commands.
AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions |
Ancestor for commands that take options.
AbstractEnqueueGuard |
Ancestor for queue guards.
AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace |
Ancestor for code generators that can suppress the trailing space.
AbstractFeatureGenerator |
Abstract base class for feature generators.
AbstractFFmpegPlugin |
AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions |
Ancestor for FFmpeg plugins that offers the user to specify
additional input/output options.
AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder |
Ancestor for file-based audio recorders.
AbstractFileBaseRecorder |
Ancestor for file-based recorders.
AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator |
Ancestor for code generators that deal with files and need to have control
over the filename being added to the LaTeX document.
AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator.PathType |
Determines how to process the file path.
AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop |
Ancestor for crop algorithms that filter the original heatmap first
before performing the actual crop.
AbstractFlowEditorGitMenuItem |
Ancestor for menuitems in the git sub-menu.
AbstractGPS |
Ancestor for GPS objects.
AbstractHandler |
Ancestor for handlers that return a configured jetty
Handler .
AbstractHeatmapCrop |
Ancestor for algorithsm that crop heatmaps.
AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator |
Abstract base class for Heatmap feature generation.
AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues |
Ancestor for feature generators that can decide whether to skip missing values.
AbstractHeatmapOverlay |
Ancestor for heatmap image overlays.
AbstractHeatmapReader |
Ancestor for readers that read heatmaps.
AbstractHeatmapThreshold |
Ancestor for algorithsm that determine a threshold from a heatmap.
AbstractHeatmapTransformer |
Ancestor for transformers that work on heatmaps and also output
heatmaps again.
AbstractHeatmapViewerPlugin |
Ancestor for plugins for the HeatmapViewer.
AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE |
Ancestor for plugins that require a GOE.
AbstractHeatmapWriter |
Ancestor for writers that output heatmaps.
AbstractInInterceptor |
Interceptor for incoming messages.
AbstractInInterceptor |
Interceptor for incoming messages.
AbstractInInterceptorGenerator<T extends AbstractInInterceptor> |
Ancestor for generators for incoming message interceptors.
AbstractInInterceptorGenerator<T extends AbstractInInterceptor> |
Ancestor for generators for incoming message interceptors.
AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer |
Ancestor for heatmap transformers that allow the processing to
happen in-place, rather than on a copy of the data.
AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo |
Abstract superclass for Mojos generating Java source
AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition |
Ancestor for menu items that require a JDK present.
AbstractJettyHandler |
Handler for displaying the currently running flows.
AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication |
Ancestor for terminal-based applications.
AbstractLogObjectGenerator<T> |
Ancestor for log generators.
AbstractMekaClassifierEvaluator |
Ancestor for transformers that evaluate Meka classifiers.
AbstractMekaMultiPlot |
Ancestor for plots that display multiple plots in a tabbed pane.
AbstractMekaSinglePlot |
Ancestor for plots that display a single plot.
AbstractMekaThresholdCurve |
Ancestor for plots based on threshold curve data.
AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot |
Ancestor for plots using ThresholdVisualizePanel plots.
AbstractMenuItemDefinition |
Ancestor for menu items of terminal applications.
AbstractMetaCodeGenerator |
Ancestor for generators that enhance another base generator.
AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace |
Ancestor for meta code generators that can suppress the trailing space.
AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator |
Ancestor for feature generators that use a base feature generator.
AbstractMetaRatInput |
AbstractMetaRatOutput |
AbstractMOAModelReader |
Ancestor for actors that deserialize models.
AbstractMOAModelWriter |
Ancestor for actors that serialize models.
AbstractMovieImageSampler<T extends> |
Ancestor for classes that sample images from movies.
AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation<O> |
Abstract base class for operations that require multiple heatmaps.
AbstractObjectTracker |
Ancestor for object trackers.
AbstractOutgoingCallback |
Ancestor for callback classes for outgoing messages.
AbstractOutgoingCallback |
Ancestor for callback classes for outgoing messages.
AbstractOutInterceptor |
Interceptor for outgoing messages.
AbstractOutInterceptor |
Interceptor for outgoing messages.
AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator<T extends AbstractOutInterceptor> |
Ancestor for generators for outgoing message interceptors.
AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator<T extends AbstractOutInterceptor> |
Ancestor for generators for outgoing message interceptors.
AbstractParametrizedGroovyRESTPlugin |
Ancestor for parametrized REST plugins written in Groovy.
AbstractPlotScriptlet |
Ancestor for scriptlets that generate plot instructions.
AbstractPollingRatInput |
Ancestor for rat inputs that perform polling.
AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay |
Ancestor for overlays that can be positioned on the heatmap panel.
AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions |
Ancestor for overlays that can be positioned on the heatmap panel and support
AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel<T> |
Ancestor for transformers that user models for processing Instance objects,
e.g., classifiers making predictions.
AbstractRatGenerator |
Ancestor for generators that create Rat setups.
AbstractRatInput |
Ancestor for input receivers.
AbstractRatOutput |
Ancestor for output transmitters.
AbstractRecorder |
Ancestor for Recorder wrappers.
AbstractRecordingSetupUser |
AbstractRedisAction |
Ancestor for Redis sink actions.
AbstractRedisAction |
Ancestor for Redis source actions.
AbstractRedisAction |
Ancestor for Redis sink actions.
AbstractRedisTool<O,I> |
Ancestor for tools that exchange data via Redis.
AbstractRedisTool<O,I> |
Ancestor for tools that exchange data via Redis.
AbstractRegisteredFlowRESTPlugin |
Ancestor for REST plugins that .
AbstractRemoteCommandAction |
Ancestor for remote command actions.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionResponseHandler<T extends AbstractRemoteCommandAction> |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from remote command actions.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI |
Ancestor for actions that display a GUI.
AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction |
Ancestor for actions that work on remote flows.
AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction.FlowListResponseHandler |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from a remote command
operating on remote flows.
AbstractRESTClient |
Ancestor for REST webservice client actors.
AbstractRESTClientSink<I> |
Ancestor for REST webservice clients.
AbstractRESTClientSource<O> |
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractRESTClientTransformer<I,O> |
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractRESTPlugin |
Ancestor for REST plugins.
AbstractRESTPluginWithDatabaseConnection |
Ancestor for REST plugins that require a database connection.
AbstractRESTPluginWithFlowContext |
Ancestor for REST plugins that require a flow context.
AbstractRESTProvider |
Ancestor for servers providing webservices.
AbstractScreenRecorder |
Ancestor for screen recorders.
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for heatmap feature generator scripts.
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for rat generator scripts.
AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator |
Abstract ancestor for flatteners that execute external scripts.
AbstractScriptedRatGenerator |
Abstract ancestor for rat generators that execute external scripts.
AbstractScriptlet |
Ancestor for scriplets that generate Gnuplot scripts (or parts of it).
AbstractScriptletWithDataFile |
Ancestor for scriplets that generate Gnuplot scripts (or parts of it).
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilter |
Ancestor for plugins that filter the selected heatmaps.
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE |
Ancestor for heatmap filters that process the selected heatmaps using
a setup from a GenericObjectEditor .
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin |
Ancestor for plugins that work on selected heatmaps.
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE |
Ancestor of plugins that use the GenericObjectEditor for the setup
that processes the selected heatmaps.
AbstractSelectedTrailsFilter |
Ancestor for plugins that filter the selected trails.
AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE |
Ancestor for trail filters that process the selected trails using
a setup from a GenericObjectEditor .
AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin |
Ancestor for plugins that work on selected trails.
AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE |
Ancestor of plugins that use the GenericObjectEditor for the setup
that processes the selected trails.
AbstractSelectionProcessor |
Ancestor for classes that react to selection in an heatmap.
AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker |
Ancestor for trackers that use fields from the image report to initialize
with an initial position and store the current, tracked position.
AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay |
Ancestor for overlays that just use a single color.
AbstractSoundRecorder |
Ancestor for sound recorders.
AbstractTrailOverlay |
Ancestor for trail overlays.
AbstractTrailPaintlet |
Ancestor for trail paintlets.
AbstractTrailReader |
Ancestor of trail readers.
AbstractTrailViewerPlugin |
Ancestor for plugins for the TrailViewer.
AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE |
Ancestor for plugins that require a GOE.
AbstractTrailWriter |
Ancestor for trail writers.
AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition |
Ancestor for menu item definitions that open a URL in a browser.
AbstractVideoRecorder |
Ancestor for video recorders.
AbstractWaveFeatureGenerator |
Ancestor for Wave feature generators.
AbstractWaveFilter |
Ancestor for filters that operate on Wave containers.
AbstractWebcamRecorder |
Ancestor for webcam recorders.
AbstractWebServiceClientSink<I> |
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer<I> |
Ancestor for sinks that use a callable transformer to further process the
AbstractWebServiceClientSource<O> |
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer<O> |
Ancestor for webservice source clients that post-process the retrieved
data with a subflow.
AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer<I,O> |
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer<I,O> |
Ancestor for transformer webservices, which post-process the received
data before passing it on.
AbstractWebServiceProvider |
Ancestor for servers providing webservices.
AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer<I,O> |
Ancestor for webservice providers that processes the incoming request
data with a data
AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor<T> |
Ancestor for schemes that post-process the response data received from
the server end of the webservice.
AbstractWSClient |
Ancestor for webservice client actors.
ActorExecutionMojo |
Calls the ActorExecutionClassProducer .
Adapter1 |
Adapter2 |
Add |
Adds the values of the heatmaps.
Add |
Performs a "git add".
AddAudioAnnotation |
Adds an annotation the audio annotations passing through.
AddConstant |
Adds the specified constant value to all cells in the heatmaps.
AddTrailBackground |
Adds a step tp the trail passing through.
AddTrailStep |
Adds a step to the trail passing through.
AlternativeUrlSupporter |
Interface for webservice clients that allow the specification of an
alternative URL.
AlternativeUrlSupporter |
Interface for webservice clients that allow the specification of an
alternative URL.
AnimatedGifFileWriter |
Creates an animated GIF from the incoming images, using Elliot Kroo's GifSequenceWriter class.
For more information see:
Elliot Kroo.
AnnotationEvent |
An action that is raised when an annotation is required
AnnotationEvent |
An action that is raised when an annotation is required
AnnotationListener |
an interface that describes a listener for an annotation event
AnnotationListener |
an interface that describes a listener for an annotation event
AnnotationPanel |
An Annotation panel that allows for the manual, i.e.
Annotator |
For annotating videos
AnnotatorPanel |
Panel for viewing and annotating videos
ApplicationMenu |
Generates the menu for the terminal application.
ApplyActorMojo |
Calls the ApplyActorProducer .
ArcInfoASCIIGridReader |
Reads ASCII files in ESRI Grid format.
For more information see:
ArrayFolds |
Generates a subset of the array, using folds similar to cross-validation.
ArrayRandomize |
Randomizes an array using a copy.
ArraySubSample |
Generates a subset of the array, using a random sub-sample.
Use '1.1' if you only want to have an array of length one.
AudioAnnotation |
Represents a single annotation in an audio trail.
AudioAnnotationComparator |
Comparator for annotation objects.
AudioAnnotationPanel |
An Annotation panel that allows for the manual, i.e.
AudioAnnotations |
Encapsulates a series of audio annotations.
AudioAnnotationsFileChooser |
A specialized JFileChooser that lists all available file Readers and Writers
for audio annotations.
AudioAnnotationsFileReader |
Loads a file containing audio annotations from disk with the specified reader and passes it on.
AudioAnnotationsFileWriter |
Saves audio annotations to disk with the specified writer and passes the absolute filename on.
As filename/directory name (depending on the writer) the ID of the trail is used (below the specified output directory).
AudioAnnotationsFilter |
Filters audio annotations using the specified filter.
AudioAnnotationsStatistic |
Statistical information specific to a audio annotations.
AudioAnnotationsWindow |
AudioAnnotator |
For annotating audio.
AudioAnnotatorPanel |
Panel for viewing and annotating videos
AudioData |
Reads audio data using the specified reader.
AudioFileChooser |
A specialized JFileChooser loading/saving audio files.
AudioFileInfoHandler |
Displays information for audio files.
AudioFilePlaybackHandler |
Allows the playback of audio files.
AudioInfo |
Reads audio data using the specified reader.
AudioPlayback |
Plays back an audio file (MP3/WAV).
AudioPlaybackPanel |
Simple audio playback panel.
AudioRecorder |
Records audio using the specified recording scheme.
AudioTrailFilterContainer |
Container for audio trail filters.
BaseLogging |
Interceptor for incoming messages.
BaseLogging |
Interceptor for outgoing messages.
BaseLogging |
Interceptor for incoming messages.
BaseLogging |
Interceptor for outgoing messages.
BaseLoggingGenerator |
BaseLoggingGenerator |
BaseLoggingGenerator |
BaseLoggingGenerator |
BaseMarkdownEditor |
A PropertyEditor for BaseMarkdown objects.
BaseMeasureCollection |
Wrapper for MOA's MeasureCollection classes.
BaseMeasureCollectionEditor |
Beta |
Generates random numbers from a Beta random variable.
BinaryFileWriter |
Writes incoming binary data (byte array or to a binary file.
Binding |
Represents a key binding
Bindings can be toggleable or not and can be inverted or not.
Binding |
Represents a key binding
Bindings can be toggleable or not and can be inverted or not.
BindingParameterPanel |
A Parameter Panel that does the work of taking user input and turning it into a binding
BindingParameterPanel |
A Parameter Panel that does the work of taking user input and turning it into a binding
BindingsEditorPanel |
Panel for editing key bindings
BindingsEditorPanel |
Panel for editing key bindings
Blob |
Java class for Blob complex type.
BlockSize |
Inserts the code from the base generator inside a block with the specified font size.
BlockSize.FontSize |
The available size.
BoofCVCirculant |
Creates the Circulant feature tracker.
BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood |
Very basic and very fast implementation of mean-shift which uses a fixed sized rectangle for its region.
BoofCVSparseFlow |
Uses a pyramidal KLT tracker to track features inside the user selected region.
Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) [1] (a.k.a Predator) object tracker for video sequences.
TLD tracks an object which is specified by a user using a rectangle.
BoofCVTransformer |
Applies BoofCV transformers to the image directly.
BootstrappUtils |
Helper class for Bootstrapp related operations.
Branch |
Forwards the input data to all defined sub-outputs ('sub-branches').
BroadcastAndListen |
Broadcasts the incoming data to the specified out channel and listens for data to come through on the in channel.
BufferedImageToHeatmap |
Turns a class java.awt.image.BufferedImage into a heatmap.
Simply uses the RGB value as heatmap value.
BufferedImageTransformer |
Applies BufferedImage transformers to the image directly.
BufferedRatInput |
Interface for RatInput schemes that buffer incoming data.
BuildImage |
Performs the 'docker image build' command in either blocking or async fashion.
CallableActor |
Forwards the data to the specified callable actor.
CallableJsonPipeline |
Processing pipeline for JSON.
CallableJsonTransformer |
Processing transformer for JSON.
CallableTextPipeline |
Processing pipeline for arbitrary text.
CallableTextTransformer |
Processing transformer for arbitrary text.
CallableTransformerSupport<I,O> |
Interface for webservice clients/servers that use a callable transformer for
further processing the data.
Cauchy |
Generates random numbers from a cauchy random variable with specified mean and standard deviation.
Centroid |
Paints the centroid's location over the heatmap image.
ChangeRatState |
Changes the state of the specified Rat actors when a token passes through.
ChiSquare |
Random generator that generates random doubles (0-1) using Java's java.util.Random class.
Circles |
Paints the step locations as circles.
ClassListerJsonMojo |
Outputs the classes or packages as json files.
ClassListerMojo |
Outputs the classes or packages as props files.
ClearPage |
Adds a '\clearpage' directive.
CodeGenerator |
Interface for LaTeX code generators.
ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap |
Computes the correlation coefficients between the specified range of columns and outputs a heatmap with the calculated values.
ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap |
Computes the covariances between the specified range of columns and outputs a heatmap with the calculated values.
Commit |
Performs a "git commit".
CommonsRandomNumberGenerator<T extends Number> |
Interface for random number generators that return the underlying
Apache commons number generator.
ComponentDialog |
Dialog for displaying a component.
ContainerValuePicker |
Extracts the specified value from the container and passes this on to the base rat output scheme.
ConvertAudio |
Converts audio files.
Coordinate |
GPS coordinate container.
CountValues |
Meta-feature-generator that counts numeric values that satisfy the specified min/max range.
Cron |
Uses a cronjob for defining the execution of the base rat input.
For more information on the scheduler format see:
Cron.CronJob |
Encapsulates a job to run.
Crop |
Crops the heatmap to the current selection and stores crop information in the report (prefix: Crop.).
CropToCentroid |
Generates a cropped heatmap centered around the centroid calculated on the pre-filtered data.
Customer |
Java class for customer complex type.
CustomersByName |
Simple client for querying customer names.
CustomersByNameCallableTransformer |
Simple client for querying customer names and post-processing the names
with a callable transformer.
CustomerService |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.4
Generated source version: 3.6.4
CustomerServiceImpl |
CustomerServiceService |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.4
Generated source version: 3.6.4
CustomerServiceWS |
Simple webservice that returns example customer data.
CustomerType |
Java class for customerType.
CustomScriptlet |
Allows the user to enter a custom Gnuplot script snippet.
CustomStatements |
Simply outputs the specified statements.
Cut |
Cuts out the specified section from the Wave object.
Only works if 'subChunk2Id' is 'data' not 'LIST'.
DataType |
Java class for DataType.
DataType |
Java class for DataType.
DataTypeSetupPostGIS |
Configures some PostGIS specific data types.
DefaultHandler |
Configurable DefaultHandler .
DeQueue |
Polls the specified queue in internal storage for an item, blocks till an item is available.
Uses DEXTR (via docker and redis) to aid human in annotating.
Uses DEXTR (via docker and redis) to aid human in annotating.
DEXTRMarkers |
Annotator plugin that works only in conjunction with the DEXTR tool.
DEXTRMarkers.Shape |
Enum for the marker shape to plot around the marker points.
DirectoryDialog |
Dialog that allows the user to iterate the file system and pick directory.
DirectoryDialogBuilder |
Dialog builder for the DirectoryDialog class, use this to create instances of that class and to customize
DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel |
A panel that is a self contained Direct rendering video player.
DirWatch |
Watches for file changes in a directory and forwards the affected files.
DistributedEnQueue |
Distributes the incoming data in the specified queues in internal storage, iterating through the different queues.
DockerCommand |
Interface for docker commands.
DockerCommandWithProgrammaticArguments |
Interface for docker commands that take additional arguments.
DockerContainer |
Simple container for docker containers.
DockerContainers |
Opens the docker containers management.
DockerContainersPanel |
Management panel for Docker containers.
DockerContainersPanel.TableModel |
DockerDirectoryMapping |
For mapping local dir with container dir.
DockerDirectoryMappingEditor |
A PropertyEditor for DockerDirectoryMapping objects that lets the user select
a directory.
DockerDirectoryMappingParsing |
For parsing DockerDirectoryMappingParsing objects.
DockerImage |
Simple container for docker images.
DockerImages |
Opens the docker images management.
DockerImagesPanel |
Management panel for Docker images.
DockerImagesPanel.TableModel |
Dummy |
Dummy crop algorithm, performs no cropping at all.
Dummy |
Dummy, generates no output.
Dummy |
Generates a dummy Rat setup.
DummyCronInput |
To be used in conjunction with a 'Cron' rat input.
DummyInput |
Dummy input receiver, does nothing.
DummyOutput |
Dummy transmitter, does nothing.
Echo |
Simple echo of the input.
Based on code from here:
EchoClientSink |
Sink client for Echo REST service.
EchoClientSource |
Source client for Echo REST service.
EchoClientTransformer |
Transformer client for Echo REST service.
EchoServer |
Only offers:
REST Method 'ping'
- Path:{input})
- Produces:[text/plain])
- Method(s): GET
EditBindingDialog |
Dialog for editing an individual key binding
EditBindingDialog |
Dialog for editing an individual key binding
EditBindingsDialog |
A dialog for editing key bindings
EditBindingsDialog |
A dialog for editing key bindings
Enqueue |
Enqueues a token in the specified queue whenever an incoming message
is received.
Enqueue |
Enqueues a token in the specified queue whenever an outgoing message
is intercepted.
Enqueue |
Enqueues a token in the specified queue whenever an incoming message
is received.
Enqueue |
Enqueues a token in the specified queue whenever an outgoing message
is intercepted.
EnQueue |
Enqueues the incoming data in the specified queue in internal storage.
EnqueueGenerator |
EnqueueGenerator |
EnqueueGenerator |
EnqueueGenerator |
EnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace |
Interface for code generators that can append a "%" to avoid a trailing space.
ErrorContainer |
Container to send in case of errors.
EscapeLatexCharacters |
Turns the selected characters into their LaTeX representation.
EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters |
The characters to escape.
EventQueue |
A queue that ensures that events are added to the annotations one at a time.
EventQueue |
A queue that ensures that events are added to the trail one at a time.
Exec |
Executes a command and forwards either output from stdout or stderr.
Exec |
Executes the specified command when the rat finishes execution.
Ignores any input.
ExecContainer |
Performs the 'docker container exec' command in either blocking or async fashion.
ExecuteRats |
Executes the specified Rat actors sequentially when a token passes through.
The Rat actors need to be in MANUAL mode.
Exponential |
Generates random numbers from an Exponential random variable (Mean = 1/lambda, variance = 1/lambda^2).
ExtractBackgroundDialog |
Extracts the background from a video and stores it as an image
ExtractTrackedObject |
Extracts the tracked object and forwards it as a new image container.
FFmpeg |
Uses the specified plugin to perform a avconv/ffmpeg operation.
FFmpegConfig |
Figure |
Inserts a figure with the code generated by the base generator.
FileLister |
Polls files in a directory and forwards them.
It can skip files that are currently flagged as 'in use'.
Moving files to the specified target directory will continue, even if errors are occurred with some files (NB: you may end up with a very large error message if all files from a large list of files are failing).
FileMover |
Moves files into the target directory after a specified time period.
FileSystemUtilities |
The ADAMS Maven Plugin needs to fiddle with the filesystem, to create and optionally prune
directories or detect/create various files.
FilteredFeatureGenerator |
This feature generator first pushes the data through the provided data filter before applying the actual feature generator.
Fingerprint |
Generates a fingerprint from the Wave data.
FixedDuration |
Records a WAV file of fixed duration.
FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler |
Generates a specified number of image samples at fixed intervals.
FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj |
Generates a specified number of image samples at fixed intervals.
FloatMatrixHeatmapReader |
Reads heat map files (2-D array of single precision floating point numbers).
FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter |
Writes heat map files (2-D array of single precision floating point numbers).
FlowEditor |
Lets the user select a flow, display it in raw format and save it again.
FlowRunner |
Lets the user select a flow and run it.
FtpUpload |
Sends the incoming files to a FTP server.
FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor |
Turns Instances/Instance into fusion JSON.
GarbageCollector |
Runs the garbage collector.
Generic |
Executes the specified docker command with the provided options.
GenericPlugin |
A generic plugin.
GenericServer |
Generic REST service provider, which allows you to assemble the REST plugins that should make up the service.
Automatically sets the flow context of plugins, if they should implement the adams.flow.core.FlowContextHandler interface.
GenericWithArgs |
Executes the specified docker command with the provided options feeding in the specified parameters.
Get |
Retrieves the object stored under the specified key.
GetCustomersByName |
Java class for getCustomersByName complex type.
GetCustomersByNameResponse |
Java class for getCustomersByNameResponse complex type.
GetKeyFromKeyPair |
Retrieves the specified key from the key pair.
GetRatControlStatus |
Retrieves status of Rat actors managed by RatControl actor from a
running/registered flow using its ID.
GetTrailBackground |
Outputs the background of a trail, if available.
GifSequenceWriter |
GitDefinition |
Definition for the git props file.
GitHelper |
Helper class for git.
GitSession |
Manages the repositories during a session.
GitSettingsHelper |
Helper class for the default git.
GitSettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the git settings.
GitSubMenu |
Sub-menu for git actions.
Gnuplot |
Executes Gnuplot with the specified script file.
NB: Add the absolute path to the binary, if gnuplot is not on the system's path.
GnuplotScript |
Actor for generating Gnuplot script files for plotting data stored in the data file that is received as input.
GnuplotSpreadSheetReader |
Reads data in Gnuplot format.
GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter |
Outputs all numeric columns of a spreadsheet in Gnuplot format.
GPSBoundary |
GPSDecimalDegrees |
GPS coordinates in decimal notation.
GPSDecimalDegrees |
GPSDecimalMinutes |
GPS coordinates with degrees in integer and minutes (incl seconds)
in decimal notation.
GPSDecimalMinutes |
GPSDecimalSeconds |
GPS coordinates with degrees and minutes as integers and seconds
in decimal notation.
GPSDecimalSeconds |
GPSDistance |
Computes the distance in meters between two GPS points.
GPSDistance.DistanceCalculationType |
How to calculate the distance.
GPSEditor |
A PropertyEditor for GPS coordinates.
GPSObjectHandler |
Interface for GPS object handlers.
GPSParsing |
For parsing GPS options.
GroovyPlugin |
Wrapper for a REST plugin written in Groovy.
GroovyServer |
GenericREST service provider, which allows you to assemble the REST plugins that should make up the service from Groovy scripts.
Scripts either need to implement interface or be derived from the superclass.
Automatically sets the flow context of plugins, if they should implement the adams.flow.core.FlowContextHandler interface.
If implementing the adams.core.logging.LoggingLevelHandler interface, they plugin receives the same logging level as this server.
Handler |
Interface for handler wrappers that return a configured
Handler .
Heatmap |
Simple wrapper around a 2-D array representing a heatmap.
HeatmapArrayStatistic |
Generates statistics from a heatmap, interpreting it as an array (row-wise concatenated).
HeatmapCentroid |
Computes the centroid of a heatmap and adds this to the heatmap's report.
It is possible to perform multiple iterations and each time with a shrunken heatmap.
HeatmapContainer |
Container for heatmaps.
HeatmapContainerManager |
Container manager for heatmaps.
HeatmapCrop |
Generates a cropped heatmap by applying the specified crop algorithm.
HeatmapDisplay |
Actor that displays heatmaps.
HeatmapExporter |
Exports Heatmap objects in the simple heatmap format.
HeatmapFeatureGenerator |
A filter that modifies the quantitation reports of chromatograms being passed through.
HeatmapFeatureGenerator |
Applies a heatmap feature generator to the incoming heatmap and outputs the generated features.
HeatmapFileChooser |
A specialized JFileChooser that lists all available file Readers and Writers
for heatmaps.
HeatmapFileReader |
Reads heat map files.
HeatmapFileWriter |
Writes heat map files.
HeatmapFilter |
Filters data using the specified filter.
HeatmapFilterContainer |
Container for spectrum filters.
HeatmapGetValue |
Extracts values from a heatmap.
HeatmapHistogram |
Displays a histogram of a gray image or histograms per channel for color image.
HeatmapImageHandler |
Displays a heatmap as image.
HeatmapInfo |
Outputs statistics of a heatmap object.
HeatmapInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to generate.
HeatmapLocateObjects |
Locates objects in a heatmap and forwards a sub-heatmap per located object, cropped around the object.
It is also possible to simply annotate the heatmap by storing the locations of the located objects in the report.
HeatmapNormalize |
Normalizes the values of a heatmap to have a range of 0 to 1.
HeatmapNormalizeToField |
Divides all the heatmap values by the value of the specified numeric field.
If the report field is not available or not numeric, then an error gets attached to the notes.
HeatmapPanel |
Panel for displaying a single heatmap.
HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent |
Event that gets sent in case of a box selection event in the HeatmapPanel .
HeatmapPanelSelectionListener |
Interface for listening for selection events in the HeatmapPanel .
HeatmapRenderer |
Renders Heatmap objects.
HeatmapRotate |
Rotates a heatmap by a specified number of degrees clockwise.
HeatmapRotate.Rotation |
Defines the type of rotation to perform.
HeatmapSetValue |
Sets the value of the specified positions in a heatmap.
HeatmapSpreadSheetHandler |
Displays a heatmap as a spreadsheet.
HeatmapStandardize |
Standardizes the values of a heatmap to have mean of 1 and stdev 1.
NB: normally, the mean is 0 when standardizing, but heatmaps only allow positive values.
HeatmapStatistic |
Generates some statistics for a heatmap.
HeatmapSubmap |
Creates a submap, specified by the coordinates of the top-left corner (row and column), width and height.
HeatmapSubtractField |
Subtracts the value of the numeric field from all non-zero heatmap values.
Values that fall below zero are automatically set to zero (minimum value for a heatmap).
HeatmapThreshold |
Replaces all intensity values that are either below or above a user-specified threshold, depending on the selected threshold type, using the pre-defined replacement value.
HeatmapThreshold.MissingValuesHandling |
Determines how missing values are treated.
HeatmapThreshold.Type |
The type of threshold.
HeatmapToArray |
Turns a heatmap into a Double array.
HeatmapToBufferedImage |
Turns a heatmap into a BufferedImage.
HeatmapToBufferedImageConversion |
Indicator interface for conversion that convert heatmaps into
BufferedImage objects.
HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression |
Turns a heatmap into a BufferedImage, using the provided expression for generating greyscale values (0-255).
The following grammar is used:
expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;
expr ::= ( expr )
# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date
# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()
# negating numeric value
| -expr
# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)
# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )
| isNaN ( expr )
# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)
# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| cbrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| log10 ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| sinh ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| cosh ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| tanh ( expr )
| atan ( expr )
| atan2 ( exprY , exprX )
| hypot ( exprX , exprY )
| signum ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| min ( expr1 , expr2 )
| max ( expr1 , expr2 )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )
# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] )
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )
- Variables are either all upper case letters (e.g., "ABC") or any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'.
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey |
Turns a heatmap into a BufferedImage, allows the generation of a key in the image.
HeatmapToSpreadSheet |
Turns a heatmap into a spreadsheet object.
HeatmapValue |
Wrapper class for a value in a heatmap.
HeatmapViewer |
For displaying heatmaps.
HeatmapViewerPanel |
Panel for viewing/processing heatmaps.
HeatmapViewerPluginManager |
Manages the plugins of the heatmap viewer tool.
HelpMojo |
Display help information on adams-maven-plugin.
Call mvn adams:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
HighestTemperature |
Overlays the heatmap with the points that have the highest temperature.
Histogram |
Generates a histogram from the audio data.
Histogram |
Generates a histogram.
Histogram |
Displays the histogram for heatmap(s).
HistogramPanel |
Generates and displays histogram from a heatmap.
Homepage |
Outputs the project homepage.
HtmlCode |
Wrapper for HTML code.
HTMLFileReader |
Reads an HTML file and forwards the parsed org.w3c.dom.Document object.
HTMLHandler |
Displays HTML files: html,htm
Valid options are:
Turns an HTML String into a org.w3c.dom.Document DOM object.
HTMLToText |
Extracts the text from an HTML string.
Image |
Inserts the specified image.
ImportContent |
Imports the content of the specified file.
Include |
Includes the specified LaTeX file.
Info |
Outputs information about the docker environment ('docker info').
Initialize |
Initializes the plotting.
Input |
Inputs the specified LaTeX file.
InputPolling |
Turns the base-input into one that performs polling every x msec.
InputWithCallableTransformer |
Meta-receiver that passes the received data through a callable transformer before passing it on.
InputWithExternalTransformer |
Meta-receiver that passes the received data through an external transformer before passing it on.
InterceptorHelper |
Helper class for interceptor related stuff.
InterceptorHelper |
Helper class for interceptor related stuff.
InterceptorWithActor |
Interceptor that has access to an actor.
InterceptorWithActor |
Interceptor that has access to an actor.
ISAACRandom |
ISAAC: a fast cryptographic pseudo-random number generator.
For more information see:
Jep |
Executes the Python script using Jep.
The 'inputs' are items to retrieve from storage and store globally in the interpreter before executing the script.
The 'outputs' are variables to put back into storeage.
The 'forwards' are variables to forward as a map in the flow.
For more information on Jep see:
By default, a global Jep scripting engine is used for executing scripts sequentially.
Jep |
Executes the Python script using Jep.
The 'inputs' are items to retrieve from storage and store globally in the interpreter before executing the script.
The 'outputs' are variables to put back into storeage.
For more information on Jep see:
By default, a global Jep scripting engine is used for executing scripts sequentially.
JepConsole |
Launches the editor for Jep/Python scripts.
JepConsole |
Console for editing and running Jep/Python scripts.
JepEngine |
Provides a local context for executing Jep/Python scripts in parallel.
However, the user needs to take care that the variables of parallel executed scripts do not interfere with each other.
JepOutputStream |
For redirecting output from the Python stdout/stderr to Java.
JepScript |
Wrapper for a Jep scripts to be editable in the GOE.
JepScriptEditor |
Editor for groovy scripts.
JepScriptingEngine |
Engine that executes Jep/Python scripts centrally.
JepScriptingEngineThread |
A thread class for processing Jep scriptlets.
JepScriptlet |
Encapsulates Jep/Python scripts.
JepSyntaxEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with Python syntax highlighting.
JepUtils |
Helper methods around Jep.
JMap |
Runs jmap and displays the result.
JMathArrayInt |
Random generator that generates random integers using JMathArray's randInt method.
JsonToObject |
Maps the JSON string to the specified class using Jackson's Databind functionality (
KeyManager |
Initializes a KeyManagerFactory instance using the specified keystore file and algorithm.
For keystore types, please refer to:
KeyPairElement |
Enum for the elements of a KeyPair.
KeyPairFileReader |
Reads private and public keys in DER format from the specified files and forwards them as pair.
For algorithm types, see:
- generates:
KeyPairFileWriter |
Writes either the private or public key of a key pair to disk using the binary DER format.
KeyPairGenerator |
Generates a private/public key pair.
For algorithm types, see:
For PRNG types, see:
- generates:
KeyPressTextField |
A text field that reads key presses and displays them
KeyPressTextField |
A text field that reads key presses and displays them
Keytool |
Runs keytool whenever a token gets passed through.
KillContainers |
For killing containers.
LabRat |
Replaces itself at runtime with the actual Rat setup(s) created using the generator.
Lanterna |
LatexAppendDocument |
Appends the text generated from the specified LaTeX code generator.
LatexCloseDocument |
Closes a LaTeX document by inserting a '\end{document}' statement.
LatexCompile |
Compiles the incoming LaTeX document (file name).
LatexDefinition |
Definition for the LaTeX props file.
LatexHelper |
Helper class for LaTeX setup.
LatexSetup |
Allows to configure LaTex and override the system-wide settings.
LatexSetupPanel |
Panel for configuring the system-wide LaTeX settings.
LatexSpreadSheetWriter |
Generates LaTeX tables from spreadsheets.
Lines |
Connects the steps with lines.
ListContainers |
For listing container IDs.
ListImages |
For listing image IDs.
ListOfFigures |
Inserts the statement for the list of figures.
ListOfTables |
Inserts the statement for the list of tables.
ListRequiredLatexPackages |
Generates a list of all the packages required by the adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator-derived LaTeX generators.
ListWebcams |
Outputs the names of the available webcams.
LocalPathToContainerPath |
Converts a local path into a container one
Log |
Performs a "git log".
LogEntryGenerator |
Generates simple LogEntry objects.
LogFile |
Interceptor for incoming messages, writing them to a file.
LogFile |
Interceptor for outgoing messages, writing the data to a log file.
LogFile |
Interceptor for incoming messages, writing them to a file.
LogFile |
Interceptor for outgoing messages, writing the data to a log file.
LogFileGenerator |
LogFileGenerator |
LogFileGenerator |
LogFileGenerator |
LogNormal |
Generates random numbers from a log normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation.
LogTextBox |
Simple log text box.
LogTextBoxRequestHandler |
For logging requests.
LogTextBoxResponseHandler |
For logging responses.
LogURL |
Interceptor for outgoing messages that simply logs the outgoing URL.
LogURL |
Interceptor for outgoing messages that simply logs the outgoing URL.
LogURLGenerator |
LogURLGenerator |
LowestTemperature |
Overlays the heatmap with the points that have the lowest temperature.
Main |
Main ADAMS application - terminal-based.
Main.LogHandler |
The log handler for the application.
Manual |
Performs no calculation, simply returns the user-specified threshold.
Map |
Map.MapType |
Markdown |
Turns the markdown annotations into HTML.
MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview |
Text area for handling Markdown with code and preview tabs.
MarkdownTextPane |
Renders Markdown text.
MarkdownToHTML |
Converts Markdown to HTML.
Max |
Outputs the largest intensity value in the heatmap as feature.
Max |
Extracts the highest value.
MaxQueueSize |
Ensures that the queue doesn't exceed the specified size; waits till the queue can accept data again.
Mean |
Outputs the mean of the intensity values in the heatmap as feature.
Mean |
Determines the mean.
Median |
Outputs the median of the intensity values in the heatmap as feature.
Median |
Determines the median.
MekaClassifierModelLoader |
Manages Meka classifier models.
MekaClassifierSetup |
Outputs an instance of the specified MEKA classifier.
MekaClassifying |
Uses a serialized model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MekaClassSelector |
Determines which attributes to use as class attributes using either a regular expression or an attribute index range.
In case the attribute range is a non-empty string, this will take precedence over the regular expression.
Anything that follows a ':' or ' ' (blank) gets removed from the original relation name in order to create a valid MEKA one.
MekaCrossValidationEvaluator |
Cross-validates a Meka classifier on an incoming dataset.
MekaEditorsRegistration |
Registers the MEKA GenericObjectEditor editors.
MekaExperimenter |
Opens the MEKA Experimenter.
MekaExplorer |
Opens the MEKA Explorer.
MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler |
Handler for the MEKA GenericObjectEditor.
MekaGraphVisualizer |
Displays graphs obtained from a model that implements meka.core.MultiLabelDrawable.
MekaMacroCurve |
Displays macro-averaged curve.
MekaMicroCurve |
Displays micro-averaged curve.
MekaPrecisionRecall |
Displays precision-recall plots for each of the labels.
MekaPrepareData |
Prepares the incoming dataset to be compatible with MEKA classifiers.
Uses information stored in the relation name of the dataset.
MekaResultContainer |
A container for Result objects, with optional trained model.
MekaResultSummary |
Turns the Meka meka.core.Result object into a string.
MekaResultValues |
Extracts values from a meka.core.Result object and generates a spreadsheet.
MekaROC |
Displays ROC (receiver operator curve) plots for each of the labels.
MekaTrainClassifier |
Trains a Meka classifier based on the incoming dataset and outputs the built classifier alongside the training header (in a model container).
MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator |
Trains a Meka classifier on an incoming training dataset (from a container) and then evaluates it on the test set (also from a container).
The classifier setup being used in the evaluation is a callable 'Classifier' actor.
Menu |
Represents a lanterna menu.
MenuBar |
A lanterna menubar offering drop-down menus.
MenuItem |
Interface for lanterna menu items.
MenuListDialog |
Dialog containing a multiple item action list box
MenuListDialogBuilder |
Dialog builder for the MenuListDialog class, use this to create instances of that class and to customize
MersenneTwister |
This class implements a powerful pseudo-random number generator developed by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura during 1996-1997.
Min |
Outputs the smallest intensity value in the heatmap as feature.
Min |
Extracts the lowest value.
MiniPage |
Inserts a minipage environment.
MjpegImageSequence |
Streams the individual frames from the MJPEG video file obtained as input.
Images are output as boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32 (FRAME) or java.awt.image.BufferedImage (GUIIMAGE).
In case of output type BOTH, an array of frame (first) and GUI image (second) is output.
MjpegImageSequence.OutputType |
Defines the output.
Displays the MOA GUI.
MOAClassification |
Uses the index of the classification, i.e., the predicted label, as index of the switch
MOAClassifierEvaluation |
Evaluates a MOA classifier using prequential evaluation.
MOAClassifierModelLoader |
Manages classifier models.
MOAClassifierSetup |
Outputs an instance of the specified MOA classifier.
MOAClassifying |
Uses a serialized MOA model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOAClassOptionEditor |
An editor for MOA ClassOption objects.
MOAClassOptionParsing |
For parsing MOAClassOption options.
MOAClustererEvaluation |
Evaluates a MOA clusterer using prequential evaluation.
MOAClustererModelLoader |
Manages classifier models.
MOAClustererSetup |
Outputs an instance of the specified MOA clusterer.
MOAClustering |
Uses a serialized MOA model to cluster data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOAClusteringContainer |
A container for clusterings made by a clusterer.
MOAClusterVisualization |
Visualizes MOA clusters.
MOACommandLineHandler |
Handles objects of classes that implement the weka.core.OptionHandler
MOAFilter |
Applies a MOA stream filter to the incoming MOA instances.
MOAHelper |
Helper class for MOA related stuff.
MOAInstanceDumper |
Dumps MOA Instance objects into an ARFF file.
MOAInstanceDumper.OutputFormat |
The format to output the data in.
MOAInstancesToWEKAInstances |
Converts MOA instances into WEKA instances.
MOALearningEvaluation |
Generates a string representation from the measurements obtained from a MOA classifier or clusterer.
MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator |
Generates plot containers from the measurements.
MOAMeasurementsFilter |
Filters the measures based on the measurement name.
MOAModelContainer |
A container for models (e.g., classifier or clusterer) and an optional
header of a dataset.
MOAModelReader |
Actor for loading a model (classifier or clusterer).
MOAModelWriter |
Actor for saving a MOA model (classifier or clusterer) alongside an optional header (i.e., weka.core.Instances object) as file.
MOAObjectHelpGenerator |
Help generator for MOA objects.
MOAPredictionContainer |
A container for predictions made by a classifier.
MOAPropertyValueConverter |
Handler for MOA classes.
MOARegressing<T extends moa.classifiers.Classifier & moa.classifiers.Regressor> |
Uses a serialized MOA model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOARegressorEvaluation |
Evaluates a MOA regressor using prequential evaluation.
MOARegressorModelLoader |
Manages classifier models.
MOARegressorSetup |
MOAStream |
Generates artificial data using a MOA stream generator.
MOATrainClassifier |
Trains a MOA classifier based on the incoming data.
MOATrainClusterer |
Trains a MOA clusterer based on the incoming data.
MOATrainRegressor |
Trains a MOA regressor based on the incoming data.
Modules |
Lists the modules.
MovieFromImages |
Creates a movie out of a range of images.
MovieImageSampler |
Outputs sample images from a movie file generated by the specified sampler algorithm.
MovieImageSequence |
Streams the individual frames from a video file obtained as input.
Images are output as java.awt.image.BufferedImage.
MovieInfo |
Outputs basic information about a video and its audio/video streams.
MovieInfo.InfoType |
The type of information to extract.
MP3 |
Outputs information on the incoming Wave data.
MP3ToWave |
Converts the incoming MP3 file into a Wave file (the output file).
MultiCol |
Inserts a 'multicol' environment, providing multiple columns and an optional preface across the columns.
MultiFeatureGenerator |
Applies multiple generators to the same heatmap and merges the generate a feature vectors side-by-side.
MultiFilter |
MultiGenerator |
A meta-generator that applies multiple feature generators to the data.
MultiGenerator |
Appends the output of the specified generators to the document.
MultiHeatmapOperation |
Applies the specified operation the incoming heatmap array.
MultiObjectTracker |
Applies all the specified trackers to the image container.
MultiRecorder |
MultiScriptlet |
Allows the user to chain multiple scriplets together.
NewAudioAnnotations |
Generates empty annotations with the specified dimensions.
NewHeatmap |
Creates a new heatmap of the specified size and fills it with the initial value.
NewLatexDocument |
Creates a new LaTeX document.
NewPage |
Adds a '\newpage' directive.
NewSection |
Adds a new section to the document with an optional label for cross-referencing.
NewSection.PageAction |
The page action.
NewSection.SectionType |
The types of sections.
NewTrail |
Generates an empty trail with the specified dimensions.
Normal |
Generates random numbers from a normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation.
NoSuchCustomer |
Java class for NoSuchCustomer complex type.
NoSuchCustomerException |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.4
Generated source version: 3.6.4
Notes |
Displays the statistics about heatmaps.
Null |
Dummy, does nothing.
Null |
Dummy, generates nothing.
Null |
Dummy overlay, does nothing.
Null |
Dummy overlay, does nothing.
NullCommunicationProcessor |
Dummy, does nothing.
NullGenerator |
Does not generate an interceptor.
NullGenerator |
Does not generate an interceptor.
NullGenerator |
Does not generate an interceptor.
NullGenerator |
Does not generate an interceptor.
NullPostProcessor |
Dummy, does nothing with the response.
NullProcessor |
Dummy processor, does nothing.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the com.example.customerservice package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ObjectToJson |
Turns the object into a JSON string using Jackson's ObjectMapper (
ObjectTracker |
Interface for object trackers.
OnDemand |
Records a WAV file from when the user starts recording to when the user ends it.
Sends the image to Redis and expects object predictions in OPEX back.
OptionDialog |
Dialog for displaying a combobox with options.
OptionListerMojo |
Outputs the classes or packages as props files.
Otsu |
Computes the variance based threshold using Otsu's method from an input image (gray scale; boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8).
For more information see:
OutgoingFileBasedCallback |
Callback class for outgoing logging.
OutgoingFileBasedCallback |
Callback class for outgoing logging.
OutgoingLoggingCallback |
Callback class for outgoing logging.
OutgoingLoggingCallback |
Callback class for outgoing logging.
OutputWithCallableTransformer |
Meta-transmitter that passes the data through the callable transformer before forwarding it to the base-transmitter.
OutputWithExternalTransformer |
Meta-transmitter that passes the data through the external transformer before forwarding it to the base-transmitter.
OwnedByRatsBlobServiceWS |
OwnedByRatsTextServiceWS |
PassThrough |
A dummy generator that just passes the data through.
PassThrough |
Dummy, does nothing.
PassThrough |
Just enqueues the data.
PassThrough |
Dummy, just passes through the data.
PassThrough |
Just passes through the object, no Redis interaction.
Pause |
Inserts a pause statement to keep the plot open; the use needs to press the enter key in the terminal to close the plot.
PauseContainers |
For pausing containers.
PollingRatInput |
Interface for RatInput schemes that perform polling.
ProgramExit |
Exits the application.
Properties |
Java class for Properties complex type.
Properties |
Java class for Properties complex type.
Property |
Java class for Property complex type.
Property |
Java class for Property complex type.
PruneContainers |
For pruning stopped containers.
PruneImages |
For pruning images.
Publish |
Publishes the incoming message to the specified channel.
Publish |
Publishes the incoming data using the specified publish/subscribe handler in storage.
Pull |
Pulls the specified image.
Pull |
Performs a "git pull".
PullType |
How to handle pulling of images.
Push |
Pushes the specified image.
Push |
Performs a "git push".
PyroProxy |
Proxy for a python model using Pyro4 for communication.
PyroProxyObject |
Interface for classes that make use of Pyro4.
QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport |
Displays the quadrilateral locations of tracked objects in the image, using data from the attached report.
QueueDistribute |
Enqueues the incoming data in the queues in internal storage, performing load-balancing by iterating through them.
Random |
Based on JMathArray's org.math.array.util.Random class.
Random.Function |
Based on JMathArray's org.math.array.util.Function.
RandomElement |
RandomElement is an abstract class that encapsulates random number
RandomizeArray |
Randomizes the order of the elements in the array.
The random number generator gets initialized every time with the given seed.
RandomizeCollection |
Randomizes the order of the elements in the collection.
The random number generator gets initialized every time with the given seed.
RandomNumberExpression |
Evaluates to 'true' if the expression evaluates to 'true'.
The 'X' in the expression is the number generated by the random number generator.
The following grammar is used for evaluating the boolean expressions:
expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;
expr ::= ( expr )
# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date
# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()
# negating numeric value
| -expr
# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)
# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )
# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)
# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )
# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] )
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )
- Variables are either all upper case letters (e.g., "ABC") or any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
RandomNumberGenerator |
Replaces the incoming token with a random number
- accepts:
- generates:
RandomSeedable |
RandomSeedable is an abstract class that extends the
RandomElement class to include the ability to
automatically generate a valid long seed from the clock.
Ranmar |
RANMAR is a lagged Fibonacci generator proposed by Marsaglia and
Zaman and is a good research grade generator.
Rat |
Defines a single reception/transmission setup.
RatControl |
Controls Rat actors in flows with RatControl actors.
RatControl |
Control actor for Rats/Rat actors.
RatControlPanel |
Control panel for Rat actor.
RatControlState |
Control state for Rat actor.
RatHelper |
Helper class for Rat actors.
RatInput |
Interface for input receivers for the RATS framework.
RatInputUser |
Interface for classes that make use of RatInput classes.
RatMode |
Determines how a Rat actor is run.
RatOutput |
Interface for output transmitters for the RATS framework.
RatPlague |
Replaces itself at runtime with a copy of itself, as many times as there are input queues.
RatReference |
Wrapper around the name of a Rat (= string).
RatReferenceEditor |
A PropertyEditor for RatReference objects.
RatReferenceParsing |
For parsing RatReference options.
RatRunnable |
Runnable class for Rat used in a thread.
Rats |
Encapsulates all Rat setups.
Rats |
For managing Rats.
Rats.RatStatusPanel |
Panel for a single Rat.
Rats.RatStatusResponseHandler |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from the ListFlows
remote command.
RatsBlobHelper |
Helper class for converting blobs.
RatsBlobService |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.4
Generated source version: 3.6.4
RatsBlobServiceService |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.4
Generated source version: 3.6.4
RatsBlobServiceWS |
Webservice for RATS Blob.
RatsControlPanel |
Control panel for Rats actor.
RatsControlState |
Control state for Rats actor.
RatsServer |
Generic REST service provider for the RATS framework, which allows you to assemble the REST plugins that should make up the service.
Automatically sets the flow context of plugins, if they should implement the adams.flow.core.FlowContextHandler interface, and for rat input context, if they should implement the adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInputUser interface.
RatsTab |
Tab for managing rats.
RatsTab.RatStatusPanel |
Panel for a single Rat.
RatsTab.RatStatusResponseHandler |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from the ListFlows
remote command.
RatState |
The possible states for a Rat.
RatStateEvent |
Gets sent if a rat state changes.
RatStateListener |
Interface for classes that listen to Rat state changes.
RatsTextHelper |
Helper class for converting text.
RatsTextService |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.4
Generated source version: 3.6.4
RatsTextServiceService |
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.4
Generated source version: 3.6.4
RatsTextServiceWS |
Webservice for RATS Text.
RatsTextUpload |
Simple plugin for submitting text in plain-text format to RATS input.
RatsTree |
Displays classes in a tree structure.
RawAudioDataSupporter |
Interface for classes that give access to the raw audio data.
RDataHelper |
Helper class for R-related stuff.
RDataType |
Datatype containing the types of data that R flows can return.
RecordingSetup |
Defines a recording setup for sound and video.
Rectangle |
Crops the map to the specified rectangle x and y (both 1-based), width and height.
RedisAction |
Executes the specified Redis action.
RedisAction |
Executes the specified Redis action.
RedisConnection |
Defines a connection to a Redis server.
RedisDataType |
Enumeration of support data types.
RedisPublish |
Publishes the incoming message to the specified channel.
RedisSink |
Applies the specified action to the incoming object.
RedisSource |
Executes the specified action to generate output.
RedisSubscribe |
Executes the specified Redis channel.
RedisTransformer |
Executes the specified action to generate output.
RemoteCommands |
Remote commands.
RemoteFlowCommands |
For executing actions on remote flows.
RemoteLogging |
Allows remote logging.
RemoteLogging.LoggingResponseHandler |
Updates the buttons accordingly and displays error messages.
RemoteLogging.RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog |
Runnable that outputs the log records to a log.
RemoveContainers |
For removing containers.
RemoveImages |
For removing images.
RenderHTMLAsText |
Renders an HTML string as text.
RenjinAddContext |
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context.
RenjinClassPathAugmenter |
Classpath augmenter for Renjin (uses bootstrapp to pull in dependencies).
RenjinContext |
Provides the Renjin context.
RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet |
Turns a double array vector matrix into a spreadsheet.
RenjinFileReader |
Reads .rdata files.
RenjinFileWriter |
Writes R data to disk.
RenjinGetObject |
Forwards the R object identified by the path.
RenjinListVectorToArray |
Converts an R list into an array.
RenjinObjectInfo |
Outputs information on an R object.
RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType |
the information type.
RenjinSettingsPanel |
Settings panel for Renjin.
RenjinSink |
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context and executes the script.
RenjinSource |
Executes the specified script and forwards the result.
RenjinStandalone |
Executes the specified script.
RenjinTransformer |
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context and executes the script.
Resample |
Adjusts the data to use the target sample rate.
ResetSession |
Resets passwords etc.
ResourceHandler |
Configurable ResourceHandler .
RESTClient |
Interface for classes that use REST webservices.
RESTClientConsumer<T> |
Interface for classes that use REST, sending data to them.
RESTClientProducer<T> |
Interface for classes that use webRESTservices.
RESTClientProducerResponseDataEvent |
RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener |
Interface for classes that listen to events of webservices receiving
response data.
RESTPlugin |
Interface for classes that provide REST functionality.
RESTProvider |
Interface for REST webservice providers, i.e., the server side.
RESTServer |
Runs a REST webservice.
RESTSink |
Sends data to a REST webservice.
RESTSource |
Obtains data from a REST webservice and forwards it.
RESTTextReception |
Uses a REST webservice for receiving text.
RESTTransformer |
Sends data to a REST webservice and forwards the response.
RESTUtils |
Utility class around REST webservices.
RObjectHelper |
Helper class for common R object operations.
RObjectInspector |
Helper class for inspection R objects (SEXP).
RObjectPath |
Breaks up a string denoting a full name of an object within an R SEXP data
structure into the individual path elements.
RObjectPathEditor |
A PropertyEditor for RObjectPath objects.
RObjectPathParsing |
For parsing RObjectPath options.
Rollback |
Performs a "git commit".
RProjectDefinition |
Definition for the R project props file.
RProjectHelper |
Helper class for the R project setup.
RProjectSettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the R-Project settings.
RScript |
Wrapper for a R scripts to be editable in the GOE.
Rserve |
Establishes a connection to the Rserve server.
RSink |
Carries out an r command on the token passed in.
RSource |
Carries out an R function on the input script and returns data of a particular type.
RStandalone |
Carries out an R function on the input script.
RSyntaxEditorPanel |
Loads the syntax highlighting properties file for RScript.
RTransformer |
Carries out an r command on the token passed in.
Run |
Performs the 'docker run' command in either blocking or async fashion.
RunningFlowsHandler |
Handler for displaying the currently running flows.
RunningFlowsHandler.CustomHandler |
Handler for displaying the currently running flows.
RunWithArgs |
TODO: What this class does.
Uses SAN (via docker and redis) to aid human in annotating.
Uses SAM (via docker and redis) to aid human in annotating.
SAMMarkers |
Annotator plugin that works only in conjunction with the SAM tool.
SAMMarkers.Shape |
Enum for the marker shape to plot around the marker points.
SampledSoundRecorder |
Configures the com.github.fracpete.screencast4j.record.sound.SampledSoundRecorder sound recorder.
SarxosWebcamRecorder |
Configures the webcam recorder.
Screencast |
Allows recording of screencasts.
Screencast.ScreencastPanel |
Derived ScreencastPanel, exposes the menubar to ADAMS.
Scripted |
A feature generator that uses any scripting handler for processing the data with a script located in the specified file.
Scripted |
A rat generator that uses any scripting handler for generating the rat actor(s) with a script located in the specified file.
SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack |
Allows the user to select multiple regions (ie objects) to track.
Uses 1-based index as suffix for enumerating locations.
When also holding the CTRL key down, this will delete any encompassed region.
SelectObjectToTrack |
Allows the user to select a region (ie object) to track.
When also holding the CTRL key down, this will delete any selected region.
SendEmail |
Transmitter for sending emails.
SendRatControlCommand |
Sends a control command for a Rat to a remote flow.
SendRatControlCommand.Command |
Enumeration of available commands.
Serialize |
Saves the objects that it receives using serialization under the filename created by the filename generator.
Set |
Sets the incoming data under the specified key.
SimpleAudioAnnotationsReader |
Reads audio annotations in simple CSV-like format.
See for more details on format.
SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter |
Writes audio annotations in simple CSV-like format.
SimpleAudioConversion |
Performs rudimentary audio format conversion.
SimpleContainerContent |
Extracts the content from the 'simple' container (containers derived from and passes this on to the base rat output scheme.
SimpleDockerCommand |
Executes the specified docker command and forwards the output it generates.
SimpleDockerCommand |
Supplies the specified docker command with the incoming additional arguments and forwards the output it generates on execution.
SimpleDockerConnection |
Wraps around the local docker binary and can (optionally) log in to the registry (and log out once the flow finishes).
SimpleDockerHelper |
Helper class for issuing docker commands.
SimpleHeatmapReader |
Reads heatmaps in the internal heatmap CSV format.
SimpleHeatmapWriter |
Writer that stores heatmaps in a simple CSV-like format.
SimpleImageHeatmapReader |
Reads an image with the specified reader and turns the grayscale version of the image into a heatmap.
SimpleImageHeatmapWriter |
Turns the heatmap into an image and uses the specified image writer for saving it to a file.
SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor |
Turns Instances/Instance into simple JSON.
SimplePlot |
For simple plots, like line plots.
SimplePlot.PlotType |
Enumeration of available plot types.
SimpleRatsBlobService |
Class that implements the RATS spectrum web service.
SimpleRatsTextService |
Class that implements the RATS spectrum web service.
SimpleStringGenerator |
Generates a simple string from actor path, type and message.
SimpleTrailReader |
Reads trails in simple CSV-like format.
See for more details on format.
SimpleTrailWriter |
Writes trails in the simple CSV-like format.
The report and trail image come before the actual trail data.
The report data is prefixed with '# ' and the background is prefixed with '% '.
The background data are the gzipped RGBA bytes of the image (obtained row-by-row from image).
SingleTimestampMovieSampler |
TODO: what class does.
Socket |
Listens on the specified port for incoming data.
Can either output raw byte arrays or strings (using the specified encoding).
Socket |
Just outputs the data to the specified socket.
Any incoming data that isn't a byte array gets converted to a string and its bytes (using the specified encoding) are then transmitted.
Spectrogram |
Generates a spectrogram from the audio data.
SpectrogramToBufferedImage |
Generates an image from the incoming spectrogram.
SpeechPlaybackHandler |
Allows the playback of speech audio files and also displays the associated text file.
SpreadSheetHeatmapReader |
Turns spreadsheets into heatmaps.
SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter |
Writes heat map files using a spreadsheet format.
SpreadSheetToHeatmap |
Turns an all-numeric spreadsheet into a heatmap.
Missing values/cells are tolerated and replaced with the specified value for missing values.
SpreadSheetToHTML |
Turns a spreadsheet into an HTML table.
SpreadSheetToKML |
Turns a spreadsheet into a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) XML data structure.
For more information see:
SpreadSheetView |
Displays the heatmap as spreadsheet.
SSLContext |
Initializes an SSL context using the specified context.
For protocols, see:
Requires adams.flow.core.KeyManagerFactoryProvider and adams.flow.core.TrustManagerFactoryProvider standalones to be present.
You don't have to use these actors if you enable the 'useDefaultContext' option.
StandardDeviation |
Determines the standard deviation.
StartContainers |
For starting containers.
StartListening |
Starts a remote engine.
StartRecording |
Starts the recording defined in the adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup instance.
Statistics |
Displays the statistics about heatmaps.
Statistics |
Displays the statistics about trails.
Step |
Represents a single step in a trail.
StepComparator |
Comparator for Step objects.
StopContainers |
For stopping containers.
StopFlow |
Allows to stop a (registered) flow via its ID.
StopListening |
Stops the remote engine.
StopRecording |
Stops the recording defined in the adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup instance.
Storage |
Outputs the specified storage item, if possible
StringToken |
Simply outputs the provided string.
Submap |
Creates the submap using the specified row and column (both 0-based), width and height.
Subscribe |
Subscribes to the specified publish/subscribe handler and forwards data that is being published.
Subtract |
Subtracts the values of the other heatmaps from the first one.
Switch |
Forwards the input data to the sub-branch of the condition that evaluates to 'true'.
SystemInfo |
Shows information about the system.
Table |
Inserts the spreadsheet obtained from storage as table.
TableOfContents |
Inserts the statement for the table of contents.
Text |
Java class for Text complex type.
TextOverlay |
Displays text as overlay, either the fixed text, or if empty, a report value.
TextWriter |
Writes incoming textual data to a text file.
Ticker |
Provides tick events to listeners at various times
Ticker |
Provides tick events to listeners at various times
TickEvent |
A Tick event to alert listeners and pass the timestamp through to them.
TickEvent |
A Tick event to alert listeners and pass the timestamp through to them.
TickListener |
Listener interface for tick events.
TickListener |
Listener interface for tick events.
TimestampMovieSampler |
Takes a list of timestamps in BaseTimeMSec format and returns an array containing the frames closest
to those timestamps
TLSUtils |
Helper class for TLS related operations.
TrackObjects |
Tracks objects in images using the provided tracker algorithm.
Trail |
Encapsulates a series of steps, i.e., a trail.
TrailContainer |
Container for trails.
TrailContainerManager |
Container manager for trails.
TrailDisplay |
Actor that displays trails.
TrailExporter |
Exports Trail objects in the simple trail format.
TrailFileChooser |
A specialized JFileChooser that lists all available file Readers and Writers
for trails.
TrailFileReader |
Loads a file containing a trail from disk with the specified reader and passes it on.
TrailFileWriter |
Saves a trail to disk with the specified writer and passes the absolute filename on.
As filename/directory name (depending on the writer) the ID of the trail is used (below the specified output directory).
TrailFilter |
Filters data using the specified filter.
TrailFilterContainer |
Container for spectrum filters.
TrailPaintlet |
Interface for trail paintlets.
TrailPanel |
Panel for displaying a single trail.
TrailRenderer |
Renders Trail objects.
TrailStatistic |
Statistical information specific to a trail.
TrailToSpreadSheet |
Turns a object into a spreadsheet.
TrailViewer |
For displaying trails.
TrailViewerPanel |
Panel for viewing/processing trails.
TrailViewerPluginManager |
Manages the plugins of the trail viewer tool.
TrailWindow |
TransformTrackedObject |
Transforms the tracked object, as specified in the report, using the specified callable transformer.
Triangular |
Generates random numbers from a symetric triangular random variable.
Trim |
Trims the Wave object left and/or right, using either sample number of time in seconds.
Only works if 'subChunk2Id' is 'data' not 'LIST'.
TrustManager |
Initializes a TrustManagerFactory instance using the specified keystore file and algorithm.
TrustStoreDefinition |
Definition for the trust store props file.
TrustStoreHelper |
Helper class for the global trust store.
TrustStoreHelper |
Initializes the global trust store settings.
TrustStoreSettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the global trust store settings.
Uniform |
Generates random numbers from a uniform random variable.
UpdateCustomer |
Simple client for querying customer names.
UpdateCustomer |
Java class for updateCustomer complex type.
Upload |
Uploads a BlobContainer.
Upload |
Uploads a TextContainer.
UploadRequest |
Java class for uploadRequest complex type.
UploadRequest |
Java class for uploadRequest complex type.
UploadResponse |
Java class for uploadResponse complex type.
UploadResponse |
Java class for uploadResponse complex type.
Validate |
Simple argument validator, inspired by the commons-lang.
Values |
Gets all the values of the heatmap.
Variable |
Outputs the specified variable, if possible
Verbatim |
Outputs the specified statements in a verbatim block.
VideoUtilities |
A utility class that contains helpful methods for working with videos
VLCjDirectRenderPanel |
A basic video player.
VLCjPlayer |
For playing videos using VLCj.
VlcjVideoHandler |
Displays the following video files using VLCj: 3gp,avi,mov,mp4,mpeg,mpg,m2ts,mkv,mts,ogv,ts,vob,webm,wmv
Wave |
Reads data from WAV files or URLs.
Wave |
Outputs information on the incoming Wave data.
WaveContainer |
Container for WAV data.
WaveFeatureGenerator |
Applies an Wave feature generator to the incoming image and outputs the generated features.
WaveFilter |
WaveIndexingType |
How to index the Wave object.
WaveToAmplitudes |
Extracts the amplitudes from a Wave object.
WaveToSpectrogram |
Generates a spectrogram from the incoming Wave container.
WaveToWaveContainer |
Puts a Wave into a WaveContainer.
WebcamImage |
Grabs a frame from the specified webcam.
WebcamInfo |
Outputs info on webcams.
WebcamInfo.InfoType |
WebServer |
Provides a simple web server using an embedded jetty server.
Depending on the used handlers, it can do more than just serve static files.
WebServiceClient |
Interface for classes that use webservices.
WebServiceClientConsumer<T> |
Interface for classes that use webservices, sending data to them.
WebServiceClientProducer<T> |
Interface for classes that use webservices.
WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataEvent |
WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener |
Interface for classes that listen to events of webservices receiving
response data.
WebserviceInput |
Uses a webservice for retrieving data from a webservice.
WebserviceOutput |
Allows to send data to webservices using the supplied client.
If the webservice client implements adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer then the supplied post-processor can be used to inspect the response from the webservice, e.g., for inspecting any error messages.
WebServiceProvider |
Interface for webservice providers, i.e., the server side.
WebserviceUtils |
Utility class around webservices.
WebsocketOutput |
Allows to send data to webservices using the supplied client.
Weibull |
Generates random numbers from a Weibull random variable with specified mean and standard deviation.
WEKAInstancesToMOAInstances |
Converts WEKA instances into MOA instances.
Well1024a |
This class implements the WELL1024a pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto
Well19937a |
This class implements the Well19937a pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto
Well19937c |
This class implements the Well19937c pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto
Well44497a |
This class implements the Well44497a pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto
Well44497b |
This class implements the Well44497b pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto
Well512a |
This class implements the Well512a pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto
WSBlobReception |
Uses a webservice for retrieving blobs.
WsdlUrlProvider |
Interface for classes that provide a URL to a webservice's WSDL.
WSServer |
Runs a webservice.
WSSink |
Sends data to a webservice.
WSSource |
Obtains data from a webservice and forwards it.
WSTextReception |
Uses a webservice for retrieving text.
WSTransformer |
Sends data to a webservice and forwards the response.
XMLGregorianCalendarImplPublic |
Apache class is package protected, this derived class makes it public.
XMLLoggingGenerator |
XMLLoggingGenerator |
XMLLoggingInInterceptor |
Default XML Logging interceptor.
XMLLoggingOutInterceptor |
Default XML Logging interceptor.
XuggleScreenRecorder |
Configures the com.github.fracpete.screencast4j.record.screen.XuggleScreenRecorder screen recorder.